Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

im open for collabs, requests, drawing ideas, and other things!
Agatha clay heterodyne from girl genius

This comic series is amazing I adore the sci-fi steampunk themes the strong headed female characters and the down to earth word plays. The story follows Agatha clay a female engineer who's projects seem to always flunk as she learns about the truth and mysteries of her real family and abilities joined by various people from the son of a man ruling a large empire to a small traveling circus. This is not recommended for ages under 10 and ages under 13 will most likely need permission. It doesn't curse but it does have some inappropriate scenes with multiple situations where Agatha is seen in her lingerie, a scene were she's showering but the door covers her body, and many scenes with characters or even Agatha in extremely showy clothes.

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Christmas gift to the RP place!

I am not fully proud of this but I feel I did a good job otherwise. Half of the characters were drawn while I was hungry and I draw hyperspeed and really well when I'm hungry for some reason... So you can Tell passed Anna clockwise the characters looked like I lost motivation because that's what happened. Maybe I just should have waited to eat until after I finished (jk) hope you enjoy otherwise :3

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  • > clearlyclueless Awwwwww, tysm

  • > Lemon ty :3


continued="contest entry for gethsemane"

the two characters in the drawing are drake the big Ignea Bruta (Latin for fiery brute)(he/him) and the smaller parsley who is a Terra Bestia (Latin for land beast)(she/her). there are two others whom I didn't show are the androgynous Caelum Avis(sky bird, but since Latin doesn't have a word for 'sky', it really means heaven bird :3) by the name starlight and the Oceanicus Spiritus (oceanic spirit) with an undecided name (she/her).
I will be posting a character base for all four subspecies (they are of the entire species called Elementrum Monstra or element monsters kinda like an ape and a lemur are both subspecies of monkeys) so that you may create your own and maybe I will cameo yours in the story of these four creatures. of course, I will ask permission before I do so that way there is no argument of 'you copied my character' or 'you stole my design' and if I do by accident I am very sorry I don't intend to use designs unless I have permission from the OG creator or I did it by accident not knowing it was already taken. I will post all bases separately so they may have descriptions of that specific one including some history on them, most personality traits (not to restrict just to clarify that's what they are mostly seen as), what certain symbols on them will mean, and why, and finally what deadly sin they have. yes, these creatures do have specific deadly sins attached to most of them such as the Terra Bestia are peaceful beings and only have the deadly sin envy/jealousy which is put towards the Caelum Avis due to them having wings that can save so much time when it comes to trading food. (they are all vegetarians or get food from things other than meat and the only fruit and vegies grown are kept nice by the Terra)
there is my big update on what's happening/ going to happen and I most likely won't post the bases today but I might so IDK.

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want to learn about animal abuse?

this channel has a series where they voice over a comic made by jenny jinya that shows the many ways animals can be abused, abandoned, or taken care of wrong with heart-wrenching stories of common scenarios like dogfighting, leaving a dog, or neglecting a parrot/ hamster because they didn't do the proper research and/or care. in most of them, we see when the animal dies that death (portrayed as a skeleton in a black hooded cloak) is kind to these poor animals when he brings them to the afterlife. here's the link if you are interested just thought id share the recognition of these things that happen so often to poor animals who can't care for thereselves

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  • it's sad I've seen the videos it has made me cry

human de-evolution

we went from physically fighting for our freedom and rights in this world to having BS Karens protesting over something so simple, homophobes who claim the bible is against gays but it only mentions how a lot of men were just extremely horny back then(some still are -w-) and it wasn't true love, and having transphobic people who think changing gender is wrong when there are stories where changing gender has saved lives such as "mulan" and (damn it I can't find the name of the movie but it has an Indian girl who pretends to be a boy to help her family)

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please rate my character design

the second character is 6 years old and her necklace is supposed to be like those necklaces you would make with a string and big wooden beads :3 (just thought id mention that)

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  • > 🎃𝑎𝑠𝘩🎃 damn thanks then :3 now would you change your rating if I added their personalities?

  • > clearlyclueless Late ass reply but yes 1,000 being honest here, I may be a sarcastic bitch but when it comes to this, I'm always honest

  • > 🎃𝑎𝑠𝘩🎃 are yah being honest with me -w-

  • 100/10 👌🏻

i need to tell yall somethin

so my mom caught covid last Thursday and I got the same symptoms on Sunday as of yesterday I have also tested positive... it's not bad in my case, a small headache that'll spike if I turn my head too quickly, a small cough here, and there, and the fact that I have to stick to my room except when using the restroom because my brother and my dad don't need covid either. but I thought id share this with you because I'm lonely and have been quarantined for 6 days and will be quarantined for another 14 days -w- ill miss Halloween and I was looking forward to dressing up as pearl from steven universe and I might get behind on some school work that wasn't posted on google classroom. but other than that I'm fine :3

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  • > clearlyclueless yw

  • > Caty thanks :3

  • > kityowle ty nwn

  • Hope you get better soon :c

self story time/gay song timeline 4 me

so back when I was 10 and maybe early 11 I didn't understand what the lgbtq+ community was really about and for that, I kinda was a homophobic brat who would out someone roleplaying as a gay online because I didn't understand what it really meant(for this I was leaning towards more transphobic since I thought gay meant miss gendering yourself) a year later I met my friend named Natsumi who is a short Asian girl who has the personality of a rainbow painted 6 year old (even though she was 15 currently 16) and basically introduced herself as a bisexual and introduced me to a whole new understanding of what the lgbtq+ comun was. she and I grew closer and closer every day and I started to realized I too was of that community coming out as bi alongside Natsu and for Natsu. and now here I am 2 years later from homophobe to homosexual. now onto the song part, I told u, when I was on that homophobic stage I ignored songs like "I kissed a girl"(katy perry) and "girls like girls"(can't remember singer) because they were ya know lesbian songs. but now they're my fave! I also like the songs "barbie and ken"(I also can't remember) and "she"(by dodie) and there you go some fun backstory and facts about me :3 do with this information as you please except discrimination against me

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toy story theory

I think Jessie(the cowgirl) is bisexual(or maybe even les). there is an entire song for her that explains how much she loved her owner who in fact was a girl and got really confused and upset when they grew apart but she was overjoyed to meet woody and was his best friend for the next two movies (besides buzz) there was also that end credit scene where you see buzz and Jessie dancing in toy story 3 but in the same movie was very supportive of barbie when she was going through being tossed and being 'betrayed' by ken. now these might seem like small things but seriously they could have just had Jessie tell a story of how she got dumped but the wrote a SONG for it an almost three-minute long SONG about how much she loved her FEMALE owner and the fact that she went along with buzz's dancing(romantic dancing if I'm correct) aswell!

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  • p.s. I also still cry whenever I hear the song (it "when somebody loved me") it just a sad song to me qwq

I have something i want to share

TLDR: I really like steven universe future because it shows how steven when he was older became more vulnerable to simple things because of his traumatizing past and poor parenting from the gems.

animated shows/movies that are meant for ages 7+ have the main character that goes through a lot and struggles but comes out victorious but doesn't touch on how that affects the rest of their life such as depression, self-hate, memories of things that happened or they did, deep regret or guilt. and that's not ok with me. even though steven universe fans kinda lost interest in steven universe future because it wasn't as action-packed as it was when steven was 13-14 but it shows more than just a day to day life. it shows that even after the battle is won and everything is better the fact that those things that had to happen weren't ok. he was raised by "alien first-time moms" who knew nothing about human needs and feelings except they needed food, water, and attention which ultimately effects how steven grew up in which he never went to human school, the doctor(until steven universe future), or other social events except for ones in town. and then you have to consider the fact that pearl, amethyst, and garnet kept a lot of the truth from steven about "homeworld" and his mom. even his mom kept things from them making it even more complicated. the other thing is he grew up in so many fight or flight situations he couldn't control himself in simple non-fight or flight situations later on. this is why the steven universe as a whole is even more awesome than the steven universe without steven universe future.

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guess what fellow idiots

I fell. onto concrete. and scraped my dang self before I got on the bus to go home qwq. there's only one good thing to this. I saw someone who looked exactly like amity blight minus the colored hair on the bus. i wanted to take a pic but my damn scraped hand was screaming HI IM IN PAIN HOLD UR PHONE? NOT AN OPTION. qwq send help plz

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  • > clearlyclueless Is Oki me is good

  • > MoonfoxAnimation it hurts for sure anyway.. hru :3(totally trying to avoid being pitied)

  • Oh nao D: