Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

im open for collabs, requests, drawing ideas, and other things!

Two things hehe. This weekend my parents and brother are going to a close state to get my baby sister some assistance she needs so I'll be home to take care of my dogs. Theys paying me to be home alone >:3

Two I had a little writing idea and I'm sharing it with yall. Small background context the characters involved are set to be hostages and kidnappers. So TW or brutal violence btw.

They had us in a line on our knees. Our legs and arms were tied we couldn't move. I knew my sisters were terrified but I felt nothing. I hadn't in forever. I could hear the kidnappers talking on speaker phone with whoever they were trying to get money from. I could see a camera set up as well, but I had no clue if it was showing live to the recipient. The person on the line continued to refuse to give the money or whatever it was they wanted. After the fifth denial someone roughly grabbed my shoulder and dragged me to the center. I knew it was over, I knew I was the first collateral in the situation. They took out a whip and lashes my back, making me fall forward but I made no noise. I had accepted my fate. They continued to lash out with the whip and I started to twitch from the agonizing pain. Once my back was covered in blood and wounds they stopped and I almost felt relief. I could hear my sisters crying out for them to stop when I felt a hard blow to my head. They had grabbed a bat and decided this was quicker. My sisters screams grew louder as they begged for them to let me live but they struck again. Then everything was silent. Everything was cold. Then I opened my eyes and I saw I was no longer tied up, I was standing at a golden gate resting on a fluffy cloud. The angel took one look at me and had a hint of sympathy in their many eyes before I was moved by an unseen force away from the gates and down into a hole. I fell for what felt like ages and landed roughly in a frightening place. That's when the reality finally hit and for once I started to cry. I was in hell. It was my fault. I realized I had left my sister's alone with no support. I didn't even fight to stay alive for them.

(Sorry if that was depressing- I promise I'm alright :3)

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Wtf school

So I'm on spring break and I had missing work so I was going through my email to make sure there wasn't anything I needed to read. There was a dress code announcement and the first rule says the clothes you can wear. Apparently TIGHT FITTING CLOTHES are against the code!? Hell naw I don't care I'll wear what I want. Flip flops are also against code, foot fetish much? Combs aren't allowed since they are apparently classified as a "weapon" the picture bellow is also a "demonstration" of the code kinda. Bro I swear codes like these are just to apply modesty shis or think that everyone has every fetish

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Class subs

I've got this sub I've seen multiple times but it's so weird because it's a hit or miss if she's a nice lady, like one day she just doesn't care and the next she has the attitude of her age like she's from the south minus an accent(she's an older woman)

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  • > 🌹🦄Snowyshady🦄🌹 I'm sorry? Can you explain what's going on because I'm kinda just thinking your a bot I should block

  • > 🌹🦄Snowyshady🦄🌹 What do you mean your happy for me? Sorry just a bit confused in context of the topic


No tw as far as I'm aware beyond unwanted thoughts

So my thoughts are being mean to me. Not in the sense of it hurts me directly but if I said them out loud it definitely would hurt others. Like I was imagining a fake argument as one does (about my mom) and I thought of a statement that made my heart sink as in I would never say that to my mom even in a heated situation, it would also apply to me somewhat (if already friended you can ask for me to dm you what it was because I don't feel like saying it out loud here either). I question if sometimes my thoughts are a separate entity with more sinister objectives or like isn't afraid of being mean. Because I will have full on conversations with myself and only myself in my head that actually gets somewhere. No I don't have voices in my head it's just my internal monologue but I wonder if my monologue isn't me or isn't *fully* me. I've seen some things on OCD and that's a possibility from what I have related to heavily Im just afraid to put another undiagnosed label on myself. Autism and ADHD are already big labels that are for certain but still undiagnosed. Both of which I took a long time to come to terms with when people mentioned it to me(other autistic friends, autistic family, and even a therapist recommended it. ADHD was more of a self discovery with many many videos from ADHD people that I all too well related too) so the possibility of me having yet another mental disorder makes me feel uneasy or guilty for even considering it. Anywho point is I hate my mind sometimes because it decides to share with me unwanted info/ statement/image that won't go away. Sorry this is long.

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  • > 🏳️‍🌈💕clearlyclueless🏳️‍🌈💕 no problem! imglad you got it out :)

  • > Katyarobot8 Thanks, I honestly just needed to get it out so you don't have to feel like you can't help me :3

  • oh man this must suck ): im not sure how to help you....but i still hope you feel better.

Sketch done! @ein

I should probably do this more and post the sketches lol but here's the start! Should I shade? Probably light shading if I do

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  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Yeah sure! Probably work on it later today because I sketched something on Sunday I forgot about and want to finish lol

  • > 🏳️‍🌈💕clearlyclueless🏳️‍🌈💕 Could u draw my silly guy?

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ Yeah! What's up?

  • Heyy i love ur art Are you open for requests?

Yo! I'm bored

Anyone wanna gimme something to draw? Anything really (again I'm always open for requests or adopts)

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  • > 💚{Wilbur}💚(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ ohhhh ok

  • > 🏳️‍🌈💕clearlyclueless🏳️‍🌈💕 They ain't innocent well Carla isn't Jake is pure

  • > 💚{Wilbur}💚(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ Idk what you mean with the quotes lolll

  • Whenever you get a chance could you do my "innocent" Jack and Carla

I'm being passive aggressive hehe

That's my preferred name that my parents are refusing to change to. For context they're renovating the basement for me to have my room down there due to my baby sister gonna have mine when she can. I moved the majority of my stuff into boxes and made sure to label them since those boxes match those of other stuff they were organizing.

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  • > 💚{Wilbur}💚(⁠ノ⁠≧⁠∇⁠≦⁠)⁠ノ Yikes- my parents wouldn't do something like that, that's why I did it but that really sucks

  • I did something like this-. everything in my room was gone through by my father-.

Random "advice"

Don't live your life like there's no tomorrow or think there's nothing to live for. Sometimes you can't live your life to the fullest and that's ok. Take a deep breath and just let yourself have bad days sometimes. If your always riding a high or looking to do so your low will hurt worse. Don't be the peacemaker if you just fear that it will cause a problem if you don't, those people aren't worth your time, let them know that. If you think all your days are bad then just know that maybe your in a hole, but you'll climb out eventually there's still an opening at the top but if you give up you'll never reach it. Grab one stone at a time, if that means just eating something today, or cuddling someone or something you like them do it. If you need to cry just do it, don't worry about others for a bit and just let you be yourself. 💙

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