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It is a person introduction in Chapter 2.
Is my English correct? I'm not sure if this is correct.
I hope that my words will convey well to you.
✳️New Chapter
This is a Japanese version. If you would like to, please take a look.
Thank you:)

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Dandalion T. left a comment!


It is a person introduction in Chapter 2.
Is my English correct? I'm not sure if this is correct.
I hope that my words will convey well to you.
✳️New Chapter
This is a Japanese version. If you would like to, please take a look.
Thank you:)

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Dandalion T. left a comment!


It is a person introduction in Chapter 2.
Is my English correct? I'm not sure if this is correct.
I hope that my words will convey well to you.
✳️New Chapter
This is a Japanese version. If you would like to, please take a look.
Thank you:)

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Im sorry i was so inactive. Theres just so much going on around me between school and getting ready for chuseok holiday (i know its not close to it yet, but my family get ready to soon, aparently its "better if we just prepare for it"). And my leg is getting better, its a bit sore and hard to walk on and im getting used to the crutches, but 3 days ago in school i was trying to run but it was more fast limping cos of my crutches, and my friend was running, we ran into eachother and i slammed my hand into his chest and his hands kinda hit my shoulder, so i couldnt use my hand and it really hurts when i moved it so we went to the doctor and he said ive sprained my middle finger, so know i look like ive been in a fucking car crash cos of all these injuries KD. I mustve hit him pretty hard cos when he showed me the bruise it looked quite sore. So ive been inactive for soooo long, and i think i will be again, but ill stay on for a bit. What happened shen i was gone did i miss anything?

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A terrible life update

So whats so terrible about it?
Well u see. We where staying in a relatives house for 3 days, they live in incheon. So it was around 2am when this happened. I usually wake up at night from my sleep paralysis (im so used to it now i dont care anymore lol) or when i get awoken from thirst. I went down stairs from the room we where in to go get some water, my relatives have spiral stairs, but at my house we just have straight up atairs, not spiral stairs. It was all dark so i forgot i wasnt at home. So used to my stairs i kept walking in a straight FUCKING line on fucking SPIRAL stairs. Walked into the banester and fell off the dumb stairs, woke up everybody by falling off the highest point of the staircase. I broke my leg and i need to use crutches. I would show pictures but its to dark so i cant. It hurts!
Im used to getting hurt. I broke my leg as a kid from jumping off big rocks at the beach and severly broke my left shoulder when i was fourteen from falling off the back of a very high highstool. So im not new to breaking bones. But as a kid, that was my left leg (i almost spelt foot with ph oml XD) im right handed and right legged, so this time i broke my good leg!
Great yeseul! You hurt yourself again for like the ten billionth time, why am i so clumsy?

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A terrible life update

So whats so terrible about it?
Well u see. We where staying in a relatives house for 3 days, they live in incheon. So it was around 2am when this happened. I usually wake up at night from my sleep paralysis (im so used to it now i dont care anymore lol) or when i get awoken from thirst. I went down stairs from the room we where in to go get some water, my relatives have spiral stairs, but at my house we just have straight up atairs, not spiral stairs. It was all dark so i forgot i wasnt at home. So used to my stairs i kept walking in a straight FUCKING line on fucking SPIRAL stairs. Walked into the banester and fell off the dumb stairs, woke up everybody by falling off the highest point of the staircase. I broke my leg and i need to use crutches. I would show pictures but its to dark so i cant. It hurts!
Im used to getting hurt. I broke my leg as a kid from jumping off big rocks at the beach and severly broke my left shoulder when i was fourteen from falling off the back of a very high highstool. So im not new to breaking bones. But as a kid, that was my left leg (i almost spelt foot with ph oml XD) im right handed and right legged, so this time i broke my good leg!
Great yeseul! You hurt yourself again for like the ten billionth time, why am i so clumsy?

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Dandalion T. left a comment!

A terrible life update

So whats so terrible about it?
Well u see. We where staying in a relatives house for 3 days, they live in incheon. So it was around 2am when this happened. I usually wake up at night from my sleep paralysis (im so used to it now i dont care anymore lol) or when i get awoken from thirst. I went down stairs from the room we where in to go get some water, my relatives have spiral stairs, but at my house we just have straight up atairs, not spiral stairs. It was all dark so i forgot i wasnt at home. So used to my stairs i kept walking in a straight FUCKING line on fucking SPIRAL stairs. Walked into the banester and fell off the dumb stairs, woke up everybody by falling off the highest point of the staircase. I broke my leg and i need to use crutches. I would show pictures but its to dark so i cant. It hurts!
Im used to getting hurt. I broke my leg as a kid from jumping off big rocks at the beach and severly broke my left shoulder when i was fourteen from falling off the back of a very high highstool. So im not new to breaking bones. But as a kid, that was my left leg (i almost spelt foot with ph oml XD) im right handed and right legged, so this time i broke my good leg!
Great yeseul! You hurt yourself again for like the ten billionth time, why am i so clumsy?

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BTS dropped IDOL!! Finaly!!! Ive waited!!! Damit they make me proud to be born in the generation and race i was, theyve used traditional korean stuff in the mv and the music and its freaking amazing!!
Go listen to it, its so colourfull and beautifull!
And their going to release a single featuring nicki minaj, the audio is already recorded and its so good like oml. And their visuals are on fire 🔥 they look so good im peacefully dying 🎉.
Its only released on august 24, and as of now it already has 38m! Go watch it

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i actually fineshed this lol, its one thing off stuff i have to do, but i get distracted really easily. Id be like "time to finish this", then i see something outside the window and continue to look out the window for the majority of the day, then i get super lazy and end up sleeping, but other times im at school so its another reason why everything i need to do takes so long, i have to take the subway to school and one day these foreigners where making so much noise, talking and laughing and all of these old people where shushing them, its not really funny tbh but i was sorta laughing, i just covered my mouth and started coughing so they couldnt see i was laughing lol
Mu list:
- finish the designs and info card for new oc's im working on
-finish my miyeon picture (i might post it in english this time, idk)
-draw bts in chibi style for wild pinku (dongsaeng im sorry that its taking so long)
-finish something (secret, im not saying what >:) )

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