Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Open for business
Does anyone remember :}?

Does anyone remember a user on medi called :}??
I've looked for their art everywhere possible but haven't been able to find them. They got taken off medi a long time ago and it was really sad to see, they had such an active following and made such pretty art. I'm not sure if they go by something else now or even how to find them, I didn't get to save any of their art for reference, sadly.
If they don't want to be found, please don't out them here, I just thought I'd throw the net out just in case I could find them.

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Please read

Hey guys, I have some news. Unfortunately, Medibang is not letting me submit anything on any of my accounts and on either of my devices. I believe it's a glitch, but I'm not sure. I've been debating about this for a while, but now, I suppose, the decision has been made for me. I can't use Medi as my art homepage any longer and, so, will be moving to Tumblr instead. Personally, I think it suits me better there and it's much more professional for what I need it for. I will no longer be making any new posts on any of my accounts on Medi as a result. I've enjoyed my time with you guys so much and it's been a wild rollercoaster that I'd never take back. Thank you for the memories and friendships.

To my collab time friends: I will still pop in the chat and talk to you guys for sure.

Here are my socials if you guys want to stay in touch or still see my art:
Tumblr (my new homepage):
Discord server:
Instagram: @mer.ingue.whip

I wish you guys the best!

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  • > ✨Razzle Yep! We'll still get to chat, don't worry! Bye!

  • Sadness- But hopefully I'll talk to ya on gc! Bye bye ~

  • > Leieryx Thank you! I'll miss you guys TwT

  • awh, goodbye! :') good luck moving accounts and stuff i hope it goes well for you

Medi what are you doing

I can’t post for some reason. Doesn’t seem to be a bar, it just won’t let me add tags or press the submit button. Got any ideas of what’s going on? I think it may be a glitch. :/

  • > BlueJay I think medi’s just broken for the moment, unfortunately. It doesn’t work on any of my accounts TwT

  • > BlueJay It’s not on the app, it’s on the website- ^^”

  • > CrossOut Yeah, I’ve tried that, but unfortunately nada. I’ll wait, thank you for the advice!

  • Hmmm Sometimes logging out of your account and then back in helps fix those bugs but if not, I suggest giving it a while-day-ish to organize the glitches? Hope it helps!

I don't know how I'm supposed to feel...

I just needed a little vent... most of you don't know about my previous account or anything about my personal life, so I spare the fine details. Basically, on my previous account, I made friends and got into a relationship with someone on Medi. To do that... I had to let go of someone very, very special to me... I was in such grief over my stupid decision that my chest actually began to pound and hurt like someone was trying to crush my lungs and heart. After a short run, I broke off the relationship and have found myself in a much more positive situation. Today, though... I caught myself thinking about my ex... he basically disappeared after the breakup and made no response to me... I feel awful about this, despite it happening back in October... I don't know what happened to him or if he's okay. I do worry. I don't dislike him after the experience and I had hoped to be friends again, but he just... left. Gone. No trace. His account hasn't been touched since October, which does worry me. If you know him personally; username Yawnii, name Oliver; can you please tell him that Kipper sends her concern and care. I doubt anyone who knows him will see this, but I guess it's worth a shot...

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  • It makes my chest hurt and tears well in my eyes to think about it.