Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good


i’m making this for my bsf’s birthday so can you tell me if there’s anything that looks wrong or off?? like anatomy or sizing or just anything that looks bad??
this is just the lineart so i still need to colour it in ^~^

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  • > Cringe yeah 😔

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ Yeah- Happened to me the other day-

  • > Cringe yeah but you ever look at something for too long and then it looks like trash??

  • > ☆°•cee•°☆ But why😭 it was Soo good😩 it just needed some adjustments then you were all good

☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!

D.I.D. systtems :D

howdy itts void, and ima ttake u on a ttrip tthrough my d.i.d. systtem and how u can ttel who is who uwu

none of us can read long messages otther tthan gabby and dabi

void- double "t" [t=tt] uwu & o-o NO "owo" ":skull:"
keigo [hawks]- "qvq", ":>", "*squawk*", nicknames always have suum tto do witth birds or animals.. he cocky fuka, offers chicken if ur sad, will forget abtt a fightt if u offer chicken
poppy- "owo" "qwq" "sowy" ttalks in tthird person, misspells, she will need u tto explain tthings alott -regressed all tthe ttime-
oliver- "AAA hello" -sttar wars refrences- will randomly break intto song/will ttry tto make a joke when doesntt know whatt tto say
gabby- "fuk u" she spicy af lol -kinda a bittch- she hattes everyone lol.. she WILL insaltt u butt she has a softt spott for dezzy senpai [ikd why :skull:]
dabi- a fucking asshole 3:< vry cocky and flirtty butt in a scary way -will prolly murder u- itt calls everyone "baby" -getts mad easy- "oooh~ baby is getting cocky~" "now hold sttill" "SHUTT UP UR PISSING ME OFF"

~ive prolly leftt outt so much and so many ppl lol sorry :skull:~
hopefully tthis will help a bitt?

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☆°•chloe•°☆ left a comment!

Serious topic

This is not like a joke, so you may know that I'm working on a horror/thriller webtoon and I'm looking for help for someone to design/draw like the gore and creature scenes since I suck at it, this could really help the webtoon, youll get complete credit of all those scenes and your basically be one of the creators of the webtoon, if your seriously interested and are good and drawing gore/dark creatures/horror then DM me and I'll give you more information on what you have to do, it will be a real fun experience so plssssss somebody

Thank you,

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