イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Is this weird?

I really want to post but then I get kinda insecure about my art and stuff, and end up talking myself out of it. I typically keep my art hidden away is boxes or in between books cuz I don't want people to see it. I guess I feel like its not good enough? Am I just being dramatic? I really hate feeling like this. :(


  • > Queen V Thanks, Queen. (:

  • But the urge to store them away is real… believe that…. Tis the lot of the artists. 🥹

  • Sis, your feelings are absolutely valid. I think a way to help with that is to become proud of your works. You should make some art you are happy to make, and/or was made to share & share that. And you can have some that are just for you & fam & friends & stuff.

  • It do be like that for me sometimes