イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

2 時間 / 日
Wtf happened

I was doing so good before now I got another bad grade
I mean not objectively bad I didn't fail but still... I don't like it, gotta do better next time


  • > Terrabachi I basically still have 2 months so yes I think I can solve that,, hopefully :,)

  • Doing all the work and that 1 thing drops your grade is really annoying but I'm sure you can bounce back as long as it's not that late into the school year. I have no idea how Italian schools works though so...

  • It's gen irritating tho

Heads-up weird account

CartoonAnime told me about this weird message she found whole looking through the community server thing..
When I checked the account I noticed there's absolutely 0 activity, I can't tell if it's a bot or just a random weirdo but either way beware in case it starts commenting under people's submissions like the other bots on this site 😭
I'd advise you to report them but it'll be just fine blocking them



  • > Katyarobot8 Ofc !!!

  • > MrFlagada Great !! Glad I could help :)

  • > 🌹🦄Snowyshady🦄🌹 I hope this helped :,D

  • yeah im blocking this weirdo- thanks for letting me know!


I just filled in my eyebrows with an eyebrow pencil
It's weirddd my face looks different... I look more masculine..?


  • > Terrabachi I've seen different types of makeup tht make u look more masc but I never tried it on myself until now 😭😭😭 it's so cool tho 🤭 I might try it out again

  • Bushier and thicker eyebrows that are defined and lowered are seen as masculine. Men's eyebrows typically are straight and don't curve like women's eyebrows. Thinner and raised eyebrows are seen as feminine. It's really funny how eyebrows play a big part in whether people perceive in different ways. If you wanna go more masculine, you could always put on something that broadens your shoulders.

I'm so bored



  • > 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙞🍥 So luvly!! XD

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Ohhh Yass we finger paint all together both teens and adults !!! 🥰🥰 Isn't that lovely ??

  • > 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙞🍥 Wait.. So do the teens AND adults club at the same time??- That's SO WEIRDD TO MEEEE- Fingerpainting is just painting with your fingers on paper instead of with a brush, kids usually do that (or not, *COughCouGH* IpAD KIDs *COUgh* mODErN AgE *CouGHCOUAh*) I was just joking with that tho XD-

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Alcohol uhm.. theoretically the guy serving you drinks should check your age before you order... They don't always do that tho 😬 What's fingerpaint btw :D??

Uhm uhmmm

I hanged out w a friend today and he told me I'd look good w a guy from his fg which I happen to have met already some time ago

I lowkey want to get to know this guy better cuz he gave me a good impression + he's kinda my type but bro I'm so out of patience these days
I swear if he starts flirting in a way that makes me uncomfy I'll give him the biggest most cruel turn down of his life

Anyways !!! Can't wait to see him 🤭 my friend said he's gonna organize smth for me and his fg I hope it'll be soon enough 😻😻
Then if he acts like a dumbass I'll give him due di picche 🤗 I did it before and I can do it again


  • > wheatfield 🏷 Thank u sm 😭😭🙏

  • im cheering u on !!!! :o

Uhnmm rant

This is just about my sexuality but if anyone is / was in my same situation I'd like to hear about it because I've been thinking about this for a while now 😭

I'm really confused about my sexuality at the moment,,
Ever since middle school I thought I was into girls only. I had crushes on girls, I kissed girls before... But in the past year I've had crushes on guys too. I noticed a sort of difference between how guys and girls made me feel emotionally, and an even bigger gap between how I bond / interact with girls and with guys... So I started thinking that maybe I've never really been into girls, maybe I'd like a boyfriend over a girlfriend.
Recently I've been clubbing more often and I had to deal with guys flirting with me. Last time it happened I tried to figure out if that would've made me feel any sort of attraction, but when I let a guy flirt with me it just made me uncomfortable... I'm not sure if I didn't like it because he was a stranger, because of the way he was acting or because the fact that he was a dude turned me off...
Either way, after that last experience I suddenly feel uninterested in guys.. I should probably try with girls at this point but I still need to figure out if I'm done with men completely or if I just need certain conditions to be attracted by them.
There's also a chance that I might not like girls either, so that'd make me asexual; or that flirting makes me uncomfortable when the person doing it is not close enough to me, in that case I'd be demisexual I think ?
I really don't know... I'll try again with someone different than those ugly brutes 😭😭

Thanks for reading 😽


  • > Terrabachi Mhmm sounds fair 😭😭 I'll surely try something different than getting hit on by random guys Thanks for talking abt ur experience tho !! 🫶

  • > 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙞🍥 Of course!

  • > Austara Lynn Ohh I think I got it, yeah those guys probably were just not my type that's why I didn't find them attractive 😭 could be I should still try figuring out if a female stranger gives me a different effect,, tho it's way less likely for a situation like that to happen 😭 Thanks for sharing !! :D

  • > DEXIMUS It's alright !! We still have all the time of our lives to figure things out 😭 Thanks for sharing !!!

Getting sht off my chest

Js who the fck do u think u r? Sht talking abt me building lies over lies and even expecting ppl to believe u?? we can all see ur doing this out of spite.
Seeing u crawling back while Im minding my business makes me sick. im surprised that u still havent moved on from me when its been almost 2 months, even more surprised tht ur acting like ur in the fucking right. u think saying even more lies will make u more credible? We both know all I ever saw of u was ur face, if tht even is urs. What makes you think tht ur the victim after all the bursts of rage, the lies, the insults, the fucking CATFISHING
DUDE IF THERES A GROOMER HERE UR ONE. ALL U EVER SAID WERE LIES. I stopped trusting u the moment u told me the guy I thought was u was actually ur bsf. I dont believe u moved ur ass from Arizona, I dont believe u had a job, I dont believe all the sht u said u went through, I dont believe Felix exists, Idek who the guy I was talking to on magma is but that was not ur brother, same for the "girl". I had to bite my tongue EVEN ON THE LAST FCKING INTERACTION WE HAD. And u act like I care abt ur opinion the way u care abt mine. Its so sad that u expect me to feel hurt because of ur comments, u think Ill start whining if u throw a bunch of insults under random posts? srsly I couldnt care less, I didnt even read ur comments when I first saw the notifs I was thinking abt ash. Now I look at them and I feel like Im staring at a wall. Whatever u say itll always mean nothing to me, just like u mean nothing. What makes me so uncontrollably mad is how fcking cocky u r, thinking Ill never be able to retaliate or tht I still care abt ur sensitive little ass while ur being so ungrateful to me, and for fcking what? For having moved on ??
This is the last time I waste my time on u. Move on already.


  • Man this whole thing feels like a court qwq Well glad I watch how to do things in court when I feel like doing it qwq

  • Offering my support, dude. Hope you come out triumphant from this

  • Holy shit, this is insane, dude. Why would she do all of this over a breakup? She sounds like a pathological liar. That must've been an insane "relationship" to go through. All of these fake identities is so weird for anyone to do???

  • > 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙞🍥 If you're willing to share everything, let me know. I won't do/post anything that'll make you uncomfortable.