Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

✨Thank you for 14 followers!✨

Thank you so much for 14 followers!! I am sorry I don't post much Its mostly because of school and that I don't have much skill on art but that doesn't mean I want to stop posting I just can't think of anything that I can draw that I have a skill of and I really just get caught up in different things I think the main reason I came here was to make friends and look at other peoples art like all of the people I'm following I like to look at there art and sometimes I get inspired but then I go out to do some art and I do something else like roblox, I'm mostly always playing that because of my role play family and they are very nice but I'm not saying you guys aren't nice you guys are nicer than nice! And if you'd ever like to meet me in robots be sure to do that and go to add friends and type in "Ed17pancake7" and you should get me and if you want to also know my sisters hers is "Em17pancake7" thank you for your time .v. P.S. if you want to play among us with me you can to just ask me and I'll gladly do so

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  • ❤✨

A little song about my pain..

... Pain. I feel like trash. And an airplane just crashed. I am a mess. It is 6 I'm the morning! Maybe ill get dressed. But then I get caught up late. And I have a big thought "I feel like trash cause I am trash." Oh well. Pain. Pain is trash cause I feel like a I have a rash. My stomachs hurting and I'm gonna barf but then I dont? At least that was a good start. But then I. Check my tempature. And it says. I'm. Dead. PAIN. Is this the end. Will I see my family again. Wait they're also dead.. I guess it is. THE ENDDDDDDD!!!!!!

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  • :P

  • Its not much of pain but I just feel sick

A break for me and a hand for you.

Hand reveal!!! :'D(my hand looks so young in that photo XD.)Its also most Christmas and I gotta finish a bunch of school work so I can get a nice winter break and have sleep overs with my cousins so I'm pretty busy but sometimes I may come back and check up on everyone and maybe just say hi ill also be spending my free time making my oc so I can do a collab with someone.

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  • > Alsacu Eh its kinda like that

  • *When you live in a country which is very cold and don't wear gloves so your hands looks all wrinkly and old* I'll be waiting here for your oc

  • 👉👈