I'm a little bit sad
it seems like a person i admire so much is leaving
there is a chance that person will come back but... I will miss him anyway...
he was talented, I liked his drawings, I really liked
and I could never tell him that because I couldn't risk talking to other people I don't know,
now i lost the chance to make a friend
he looks bad, what a pity...
I hope he gets better, I wanted everything to get better...
I wanted to write this down somewhere, but I don't want to draw attention or cause distraction. If you read all this, just ignore
I know it's contradictory, sorry

-lulu- {Achromatic star}
If you are reading this,welcome to my page and and I hope you find something you like in my drawings :]
Art trade: closed ❌
Request: closed ❌
Sagittarius, ENFP
I would be very happy if you would follow me and support me, it would be very kind :D
- anime?
- cartoon?
- alternative style
- colorful!
- a little detailed
- relatively cute or cool
- always changing
- Work Place:Brazil/MG
- Gender:something
Life Event
- 08/2021 iwonawindows10:]
before i used windows 7, but now i use windows 10!
Favorite animation
Yuyuhakusho,Yu-gi-oh,SU,Jujutsu Kaisen, Carmen Sandiego
Favorite color
Favorite TV show
A Culpa é do Cabral
Time spent online
9 hours, but more than half are for school stuff-
Thing you interested in
Future goals
Have a pet,create a comic/cartoon,and finish studying JP/ENG
Medibang Paint Pro (32 bit)
Things you always carry
Good mood (and somehow stress and tiredness)

I can't believe this happened hahaha
I'm so happyyyy
also, there was an unforeseen event and I disappeared, it's just that lately I've had a lot of homework to do, so sorry :/
I think I broke a promise to finish a drawing, so it's common for you to lose a little confidence in me as I can't meet deadlines like that.
I would like to say that I will post a drawing in a moment, but actions are worth more than words, so... just wait ;v;
so much happened lol
sometimes I don't overdo it too much, or do something different from the standards.
I think it's just my type of coloring that's different.
i want feedback, if you do not mind.
how do you recognize my style?
Oh, definitely not! Your art style is one of the most detailed styles i've seen! it feels like every stroke, every color, everything is bursting with passion! Your art style is so amazing i recognize it anywhere!
I have the same feeling I recognize your style because of the sharp lineart usually with a lot of angles and the shading (which I love)
by the way, here the image is cropped on purpose
jokes aside, she's scaring me lol
bro the colors are messier than my room-
it will be interesting to render this
by the way, I also think the drawing is a bit surreal haha
i think i had deja vu FROM ANOTHER DEJA VU
like, I'm a b s o l u t e l y sure that I've had a deja vu at a certain point,
𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮-
I'm getting confused, I think this has happened before-
Whenever I have déjà vu I have 7 déjà vus after about having déjà vu
I’m glad someone has as much déjà vu as me lmaooo
Sorry, I gave up...
i made a new secret whisper :>
I forgot the password for the last secret whisper so I made another one lol
i changed my profile picture
I think it will take me a while to get used to it, since I was more used to the one with neon colors ^^;
sometimes it's good to change, that photo was getting old lol
30 likes? looks like i beat my record XD
by the way, I made one more ruby design change.
I thought it would be cool if he was dark, so how about a side of him being like that?
Like, it's like vitiligo, but inversely... The name of this is super pigmentation.
And like...I know that's not quite what it looks like but...ah, it's my world right? ;v;
And also, his culture can use body painting, so maybe he did something like that to really show that he's different from the rest :/
in a little while I'll post my drawing
time passed so fast :/
the drawing is very detailed, and colorful, and lit
I can't wait to post
I forgot how satisfying it was to draw
look... I think about them all the time, but still that's not enough.
There are still many holes in the scripts, and I haven't even chosen a name for all of them. I only have the "essence" of them so far.
And... let's face it, I deviate a lot from the subject.
I'm going to post a drawing of a new oc, and I'm actually going to do it. By the end of this week at least, I'll do it.
I'm also going to draw my persona (yes again ;-;) with a friend of mine.
This oc that I'm going to post, is a hunter, and has a relationship with one of my protagonists. I loved her design but I won't charge for the ref sheet. I have a lot of things to worry about and do so far. Little by little I solve this :)
Don't worry about me either, I don't want to be a bother either... I feel a little ashamed of the things I've said and done even though they're nothing compared to other things....
I'm doing my best, and luckily I'm not overwhelmed.
I talk a lot about myself, it makes me tired.
what bothers me is just posting about my persona, I don't want to be ignorant. I have my characters but I stole the spotlight...well maybe it's because it's my representation of myself but...anyway
- have a good day, a good night or a good afternoon
Whatsapp, facebook and instagram stopped working out of the blue
I kind of don't care about the social networks in question since I only use whatsapp..but this is pretty impressive lol
it's been over two hours, maybe three
must have stopped all over the world according to some news...
who would have thought that would happen huh
I'm watching the news about that now. Well, I haven't used both lol
Here in my region it seems like it's been like this since noon (according to Brasilia time zone)*
I just disappeared and the followers grew in droves! XDD
I should take more breaks lmao
thank you so much for following me :]
Whoa, maybe I should try that too lol Congrats
what should i draw?
I have always wanted you to draw me ’:-)
Um... can you draw me...?
1. My school has been posting a lot of homework lately, the exams are back and I have Saturday school almost every weekend.
2. I'm not at my best :/
3. also I'm having a hard time drawing my character for certain reasons lol
sometimes I can't concentrate on things, but I think that's my fault anyway-
i'm busy with homework but i'm trying to draw anyway, don't worry ^^;
Take your time drawing should be enjoyable for you not something you stress about. If you want to take a break you can we'll wait. :)
1. I turned the initial letter (A) into a star, because in addition to being similar in writing, people can read both "achromatic star" and "chromatic star"
2.The line down there can assimilate either there is a hurricane (what would my thoughts represent?) or even the lifeline that appears in the hospital machines (I forgot the name)
3.Complementing 2, it is said that when a star dies, it still takes a long time for us from Earth to notice, because of the distance. Which gives the impression that she is alive but in reality she has already died and her light is still there, lasting.
4. Another thing: the double line on the T and the star are purposeful, showing that even an error can sometimes be a certain one. Like, nobody is perfect.
5.The T looks like a cross but in this case it's just a coincidence (although I'm more or less a Christian-)
6. I like "achromatic" colors
I think that's all
> -lulu- of course, of course!!
> Tak Thank you very much ^^ This makes me very happy :)
woah- your signature is so cool :0
oh sorry for the mistake, i typed star like it was a feminine adjective, i forgot that in English many things are neutral.
Would you like me to write a little comic based on a song?
The story will be around my ocs, then you should kind of listen to the music while reading what I drew...
it's just an idea, but I might actually do it.
(I've been thinking about it for a while, half of my ocs backgrounds are just music lol)
> Tak thank you :0
> Drawinghermit yeah! :D
Woah that would be so dope! :D
that sounds really cool :0
I think drawing beards is one of my weaknesses
btw i promised to draw an oc called "Darlan", so here's a wip!
Wishing to finish soon, I've been doodling enough to finally create a character design.
I have a habit of making a lot of sketches, you know?
go have a look, this person makes some very beautiful drawings, really!
is a very serious and important question for me,and the ''end'' of the story of my ocs kinda depend on it...
let's assume you are an imaginary character created by someone.
And that someone is a child... this child kept getting stressed and thinking too much about life and the future, this child thought that if she sacrificed herself and performed in a big project, she could make people, or rather, humanity to take a step forward and think more about the consequences of everything that is happening now. Useless wars, prejudices, violence, diseases and problems that could be avoided.
This little girl wanted to change the world even though she felt like a speck of dust in a desert.
She started to feel lonely, sad, there was an emptiness in her world, it was colorless, as well as her vision of the reality in which our species lives.
Once she discovered her passion for art, she drew a lot from a very young age, and loved drawings with great stories.
She felt inspired, and decided to bring the inner world to life, her imagination of hers had never been so alive.
She created some people with the intention of having something like a second family. That way she could always come back to someone.
There was always a welcoming place for her.
This girl's real world was getting worse and worse, and her mind had ups and downs.
Her imaginary friends ended up being affected too.
Consequently, she wrote stories and each one had a different climax, whether it was an entire clan that was devastated, a person who underwent changes and led a rebellion, or someone responsible for an unreal war and ended up losing everything... Everything had So much weight for a reason, Their stories are full of holes for now.
The girl, with a bad conscience, realized that everything was uncomfortable, something was wrong. Was that a reflection of what her current world represented or was it what she wanted to dramatize for some reason? She wanted to portray the reality of several people, a reality that should be worked out she worked on her characters.
She knew it was all part of her head, and she started to think of a solution.
She entered her own universe, her dreams and nightmares. She found her 'friends' and decided to make their lives the best possible to make up for what they went through.
She was more grown up, and decided to take that role. Nothing needed to exist, nothing needed to happen. But if nothing happened, nothing would matter.
She wanted to share her good and bad times but in return she was exhausted from so many complicated questions about her.
One side of her wanted something to happen for this story to be told, and just because her ocs exist, half the path has already been taken towards chaos.
A character was created with the intention of ending everything she built.
At one time or another your ocs found out, and the child, with nowhere to run, begged for forgiveness and started to cry, she didn't want so many bad things to happen even though she put all the blame on her, she created it all and let your imagination take you. And she doesn't know anymore who's real and who's playing who. She doesn't want to believe she's been manipulating everything. She thinks the only thing she's been doing is torturing herself, nothing matters, nothing really exists, my best friends and my universe never existed, I never deserved it, I'm just here by chance, I just lived by chance, our world does not matter-
She was drowning in these thoughts for a long time but wanted to imagine a happy scenario anyway, for as long as she was with her ocs it was like that.
Everything is falling apart, I understand that I made you suffer and that it was all because of me, look at you now, so strong... I wish it could be like this... at least you have each other...
I don't deserve to live in this world, I think my punishment would be to abandon you...
wold you kill me pls?
what would you do?
ah sorry I got philosophical... Hope it helped :(
So when you create a world about your OCs, you’re really creating a place for you to be happy. And then a little reality gets caught it the net, and everything becomes... wrong. That doesn’t mean it IS wrong, maybe it’s t a way for you to cope with some more terribleness. If that makes sense. If you want to start over, then do so. But I understand you have attachments to these characters. It’s like being a God of your own world... would you let them all die? That depends on what kind of God you will be. You have the power to change it all, or to call it diseased and turn away.
In my belief, it will. We just have to handle it all. Writing, drawing, creating worlds— they’re all coping mechanisms. The world is a terrible place but it can also be beautiful, but it can also be something you could care less about. Some days, everyone wants to just leave. They want the world to end: for themselves, for others, for everyone. But they know they have to keep going because life is more than just you. So you keep living.
Well, I have several different worlds, many of them are very dark even though I began with the intention of making it happy. No one can run from their past, and their past will always invade their own mind and affect them. Their own opinions will affect their world, and will affect their characters. Reality will always catch up to you. My characters have been through a lot. Violence, torture, etc... and I think it’s because that’s what I’ve seen in the world around me. So, in my stories, I almost always have that world end, through the Providence of a Creator. Then everyone is happy. Ofc, in my slice of life stories that isn’t plausible since it’s not my own world (it’s based off earth), so I have them find something to strive for similar to how a believer in a religion does. That something will get better.
you also had lazy to read all this?
b e c a u s e I h a d .
(I'm a little tired,do not get me wrong-)
I'm making an artifact for my oc, and it has a certain connection to sea creatures, you know?
This "cord" I'm drawing should resemble a dagger and an octopus at the same time, and sometimes some of these artifacts have magic together, the band serves to hide it.
And the ropes are to attach the artifact to the body, usually on the arm or neck.
(the reference is to an indigenous adornment of brazilian culture, i ended up finding something relative in my school booklet and then i searched about it and found this photo)
btw there are some things in indigenous culture that are very very interesting :0
I'm trying to add more details so it doesn't look like I just copied the photo lol
> HeadHonchoCodex thank you so much :} although I want to make some adjustments,i'm doing it well -v-;
ooooh I like that, the picture you drew looks awesome!
well, to be precise, the time I post them.
I was wondering if I post them too late or too early depending on where you live (I seem a little weird asking these things-
Like, here in Brazil I post the drawings around 20:00 or even in the afternoon around 16-17 hours...
And sometimes you might end up losing some of my drawings because of the time difference or something like that...
(yes i'm worrying about it)
I'm not just thinking about me ok? ;-;
have a nice day or night,idk ^^;;
is it just me or does some details look 3d or even a little realistic? :0
I'm talking about her skull-
and pls ignore the rest i'm struggling to make it something visually pleasing lol 7v7
(I don't know how to draw some things right, don't get me wrong,this character is amazing)
> -lulu- I just saw this, omg Puppet looks adorable
> -lulu- You're welcome ^^🌺✨
> -lulu- Thank you! I have never really though about flipping the canvas to check to make sure they aren't about to fall on their ass
> -lulu- np! :3
me during the winter:
if i could sleep properly i would already be hibernating-
Hahaha, Maybe you're better off than I am Lmao XD And this is Mona Lisa in winter 👌🏻😭😂
I ended up without my notebook for a while, and I was getting almost desperate because of this lol
How good it is to be back, a week was looking much more than 7 days ;v;
Although I'm pushing me on a cliff of drawings and work, I'm fine :)
And I did not even tell you that I'm super inspired! I'm probably exaggerating, but I'm watching some 2D Disney movies and I love how they are made :}
OMGGG CONGRATS~!!! You deserve to get to platinum tbh qwq
omg congratulation :D!!! you deserve it your art is such an inspiration for me 😭🙏💜❤💕!!
Congrats!! And it's ok no worries, we understand people can be busy at times- plus deadlines can be hard