Hey everyone. The last art post I made will be wholly my last. That was my closure post. After a lot of grieving, I'm closing the book not only on the most significant parts of my life from medibang, but medibang as a whole. This is my final farewell. I joined medi nearly five years ago as a struggling fourteen year old recovering from being s*xually ab*sed online by a significantly older boy for five months. This obviously changed me in a lot of ways and sent my entire developmental path in significantly different directions than I expected. The people I met on this platform were for the most part exactly what I needed at the time. I'm still alive today because of this website. Unfortunately, I've held onto it longer than it was meant to last.
Everyone stay safe. Make your own choices, be careful about the choices you make online, and live life to the fullest. Letting go is hard. Some things are meant to be kept only as memories. The world is scary, but you're strong. Try every day to be a better, kinder, and more thoughtful person.
Wishing everyone the best,
- Soccs

Taken by my lovely girlfriend <3
🌈We support every letter of the alphabet mafia here.
If you don't, leave
Yo who been binging my old art 💀
Deadass I log on for a quick sec just intending to leave a post or smth with an update on how I'm doing and I've got all sorts of notifications for old art hitting view milestones lmao
Anyways! I'm doing pretty well and I hope you all are too! I've graduated and am very happy and there might just be someone I'm interested in 👀
Sadly, my guinea pig, Walter, died. Obviously that's made me feel significantly worse, but that's out of anyone's control so I'm talking about outside of all of that ☺️
Have a good night y'all! ❤️
> ReuxReux I'm so sorry, my memory is so awful! I know we've talked briefly before, but was it very frequently? I'm sorry, I have trouble keeping track of people through username and profile picture changes 😭
just logged in... after years. I graduated, too. Been doing good. I kinda miss all of y'all.
Hi everyone
So, I know pretty much no one bothers with my shit anymore, but I still wanted to let people know that I'm not going to be on medi very much for a while, if at all. I just can't really handle it right now. If you need to get ahold of me, you can ask for my discord and if we're close enough, I'll give it to you. I wish that this wasn't happening, especially for the reason that it is.
So this is goodbye for now
Sorry I've not been very active. I'm dealing with a lot of stuff on Scratch right now, and it's taking up a lot of time. Plus, I've moved to DA (DreadX--Varia).
Want to listen to me gush about my girlfriend
Hi! We haven't talked in a bit (cuz I'm kind of a jerk and I'm trying to fix that) so I wanted to check up on you.
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 I read it all you make me fell lonley gosh 😂 I have a gf witch she’s great it can just be rocky in our relationship a lot but we have only been dating 5 months now but… I’m not trying to vent but there’s someone in the past I could never forget and to love my gf completely I have to let the past go it’s HARD but my gfs sweet at times she GAVE me her hoodie today!! (We GAY)
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 To the first paragraph she is a very good artis
She's great with kids, too, and is so open to communication and is always trying to help even when she doesn't know how- she's so kind and loving and gentle 🥺
Don't you just love when two of your closest friends are too busy hyperfixating on their partners to stop ghosting you, even though you've always managed to spend time with them no matter how lovesick you're feeling
I know that it's not personal, but God do I want to fucking cry
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 💀
> Shortrose I just spent an hour and a half on call with one of them because his boyfriend fell asleep before they could get on call- so the time slot he had placed me in moved up ig 💀
I get some of that a lot
Check out Fae! She can be reached on discord at itsfaee or on Instagram at its.faee . PayPal and Cashapp accepted, reasonable and negotiable prices! Second slide features more incredible art. Don't wait to purchase the pastel pop or grunge gift of your dreams!
*sips tea as I take on the problems of everyone around me instead of actually taking care of myself*
I would ask if everything is ok, but I think I know the answer. What's going on?
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 I got that part. Honestly, I don't blame you.
> Internet Jerk Really the main point of mentioning his politics is to highlight that he's a homophobic dumbass Joke's on him, at least three out of his four kids are queer and while some might end up in straight passing relationships, one's planning on marrying the fem they/she genderqueer bitch that is me. I'm generally not very interested in hurting people. I'd cry for a week straight out of guilt if I even just hit someone once in self defense. But god do I want to sentence her father to death. I'll let a lot of things go, but treating my queen poorly isn't one of them.
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 I'm fine, but most far-right people are absolute piece-of-crap jerkfaces who don't have "morals" in their dictionary.
> Internet Jerk Uh, not much other than wanting to tear my future father in law limb from limb. But that's pretty standard for me considering he's a moldy, crusty ass piece of shit with no morals, strength of character or personality aside from being far right, bigoted and a shitty dad. Hbu?
Sometimes, I just get really depressed and pull away from most of the people that I care about. I get stressed and overwhelmed and socializing just gets to be too much for me. It's a reason that I've stopped talking to a lot of people on here. Talking is just hard, and when I get depressed, and anxious, it's like my anxiety forces me to pull away before I can be abandoned.
This was easier to deal with when I only talked to people that I knew from the internet. I could fade out of existence and most people wouldn't really notice, or would brush it off as inactivity.
But things changed when I started going to choir and getting technical culinary education. Because now there were people that I had to see every single day who I couldn't just pull away from or stop talking to, or else it would actually be noticeable and it would hurt them. I'd go into school in the morning not feeling like talking to anyone and then would talk to my friends anyways because I felt like I was a bad friend otherwise, and because they would notice. And I would do that all day, and then I would go home, and the overstimulation and masking would drop and I would cry. I would cry and cry and cry and just want to be left alone so I could recover because school is just too much for my autism on some days.
I never want to go quiet and static, I never want to leave people. But it happens again and again, and again and again, people prove that most of the people that I consider friends don't notice when I'm gone.
I'm just scared to hurt people that I care about, even if I'm also scared that they won't care at all
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 You just tore my heart to pieces 😭💖
I agree with wheatfield. If you need some time alone, you deserve that time. Your friends should be able to understand how hard you have it and they should be supportive.
> wheatfield 🏷 Dude you never stop being a top tier friend and sibling, no matter how much time goes by. Thank you
Hey man I totally get it, and it’s ok to not feel like talking or doing anything. It’s alright if you need to recharge and have some time for yourself. I get it. You don’t always have to mask it. I’m sure if you politely explained to your friends that you haven’t been feeling well, or tell them about how you sometimes cycle back-that they shouldn’t take things personally- I’m sure they would understand. I’m not sure what kind of people you became friends with, but if you chose them then surely they’d understand. I understand that must be tough to do though. I’m always here for you though, and as long as I can help it I won’t be leaving any time soon.
Someone finally sees that you and your gf are just "looks scary but couldn't hurt a fly" and "looks like a cinnamon roll and would murder a man" 💀
You know what I really love?
People making unsolicited comments about my relationship and treating it as out of the ordinary, unsafe, or less valid. Just absolutely love it. /s
No but really I'm fucking sick of this shit, I get it enough from classmates irl /srs
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 Yeah, like unless something genuinely weird is going on I feel it’s best to leave it alone And yeah i get that it might not have a bad intention, but I definitely understand how it’s annoying nonetheless especially since they didn’t listen and kept persisting- and exactly, people shouldn’t have to be scary to be respected!
> Jen Jen I don't know, honestly. I mostly try to leave stuff like that alone unless there's a disturbing age gap or red flags- sometimes I get over emotional about it, as you of course know 💀 It's just like- man, he doesn't know either of us, and we've been together for nearly two years and have been friends for over three. I think that we probably know each other better than he does lmao It's frustrating and extremely bothersome, but it doesn't usually come from a bad place, I think. Honestly the part that pissed me off the most was that the dude didn't respect any of the things that she had to say about it. Just kept pushing. And it's like, dude, yeah, I know that I have a bit more of an intimidating presence online than she does, but just respect her please. People shouldn't have to be scary to be respected -_-
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 bro, i feel like people should only say that if something genuinely weird or creepy/unsafe is going on in the relationship, I don’t like it when people r like “online relationships are unsafe” and stuff when they don’t rlly have an idea of what your relationship is like?? just like why- and I’m pretty sure u can spot red flags on ur own if anything, I don’t get why people act like long distance is always an issue- like idk just let people be happy?? y’all seem like the healthiest couple ever tbh I don’t get why people don’t look at that before saying stupid stuff like this
Frankly, I don't think that they had any ill intent. It just greatly gets on my nerves because I deal with so much of it. That and, ofc, it was a trauma trigger for it to be said that my girlfriend of nearly two years should be careful around me because online relationships can end badly Meanwhile one of my biggest fears is being anything like my abuser in any way-
Why can't I ever get a wrong number text where the person doesn't fucking argue with me after I say they have the wrong number
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 my guy the one time i got a wrong number text from a funeral director was more normal than this wth ??
it's a weird thing to want but I share the sentiment
What. that sounds so weird why would you argue on it ;;
Thinking about how so many people have said to me that long distance relationships are like asking to get cheated on meanwhile the only people I have to worry about my girlfriend being interested in are anime men-
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 yike :[
> Leieryx 🍁🌙 (evil) They either just want an excuse to shit on my relationship(a lot of people that I know sometimes get pissy about me being in a happy relationship because they're incapable of having standards) or think they're warning me- or they're just assholes
dude what would they even say that for ? That’s rude >:|
The fuck is all of this shit about the site going down
Haven't seen a single bit of proof or even anyone explaining it
I'm so gay
I literally love my girlfriend so much that I can't fall asleep even though I'm bedridden levels of sick
This shit isn't the honeymoon phase, we've been together nearly a year and a half, she's just genuinely that ridiculously fucking amazing and I love her so much
I would scream from the rooftops that I love her even though my throat is like entirely raw
Now that's a relationship I wish I had with my gf
There's someone that I r e a l l y don't like in my choir class, and she wore a Stitch outfit yesterday and god I was SO pissed. Like, how dare someone that I hate wear something related to MY hyperfixation?
Anyways I know that it's super trivial and petty but autism does what autism wants, and autisms wants to gatekeep my special interests so that people I don't like can't invade my mental space. Literally I'm still pissed, seeing her makes me fume. She's a jackass with a bitch of a friend that's really rude to me. She's a fucking egotistical self absorbed bitch and I hope she moves away before the end of the year so that I never have to see her fucking face again. Fucking bitch, stay away from Lilo and Stitch, Lilo and Stitch is only for nice people.
*gasp* A FELLOW AUTISTIC you're my friend now :D but that's completely fair, she sounds like a jerk
stitch is probably just an aesthetic i agree. and cmon, why would you do that. and i feel you someone who is in my class that is rude just wears stitch for the aesthestic, thats like if i wore the beatles because its an aesthetic to me, but i do listen to the beatles
She misgenders my friends on the regular even though she knows full well what pronouns they use, too. She's such an ass.
Lilo and Stitch is about love and kindness and acceptance, and she embodies absolutely none of thode values. Lilo literally has autism and she and her friends have been mean to me about my autism befote. I bet Stitch is just an aesthetic to her Logically and morally, I'm like, yeah someone can like whatever they want But on a primal level I'm fucking pissed because the movie means so much to me and it feels like my emotions are an aesthetic to her because the power of association
Read to the end before losing your shit istg, y'all need to read this and fucking take care of yourselves
*blinks one eye at a time*
ah, yes, posts about drama that I'm unaware of because I don't give a shit about most of the community anymore because all y'all just can't chill the fuck out and just block people you don't like and leave it alone. I don't even know what the drama is. Don't even recognize either of the names because I'm one of the website's old crones that has no idea what the fuck is up.
Literally unless someone's doing something exceptionally and objectively bad, like preying on children, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc- don't make a big public deal of it. Even then, hate is unacceptable. A warning is all it takes, and you're not even responsible for doing that. All you're responsible for is reacting properly and reporting them. I know most of y'all doing this are like between 10-14 years old, so take it from the dumbass with anywhere from three to seven more years of experience under their belt; just block and move on with your day. It's better for your mental health. You're not responsible for other people's bullshit. You don't need to stress yourself out with the drama. If a situation is distressing, exercise your block button hitting finger and then go do some self care. You'll never be able to fix every conflict, you'll never be able to make everyone happy. All you can control is your own actions. Take care of yourself before worrying about internet drama.
I don't follow that many people so I have no idea what's happening and I'd rather not know, which is exactly why I don't follow people often. anyways good advice!
For the record, I haven’t blocked anyone. I won’t deal with that drama. I hate te drama too. However, it requires everyone to work through it. Otherwise, we will turn against each other and create more drama.
> Soccs 𓆏|🌈 I love my gf <3 Youre so nice, really tysm! Its the same on my end, talk to me anytime, and remember to take cafe of yourself as well :]
> Jen Jen Been nice talking to you too, you can message anytime you want, particularly if you need anything. Just take care of yourself, k?
Me before my girlfriend and I started dating: I shall stay in the closet until at least eighteen, none shall know that I'm gay
Me now: *casually out to almost everyone I know just so that I can brag about how awesome my girlfriend is*
What the fuck is up with the sudden tiny influx of followers
I literally usually get like one every other month(because I never post) and I just got three within like twelve hours?
yeah ive been getting a lot of followers lately, ive gotten like 3 within the past 2 weeks :0
You know you did the right thing when you stand up to someone toxic and you almost immediately feel lighter and happier
the feeling is immaculate
I almost broke three of my fingers so typing is hard and I'm not gonna be around much
i hope you’re ok That sounds serious ..
aw man :( I'll miss you
*silently watching medi burn*
Well, this certainly brings back memories-
Anyways I think it's time to not open my timeline for a while 💀
Rika from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is the definition of
"Am I a boy? Am I a girl? Who knows? But everyone finds me hot and that makes everyone gay."
Same character over a year later
the freckles got stolen TT also neato :)
*literally just woke up about twenty minutes ago and is already dying of gay just thinking about my girlfriend* holy shit I'm so in love 😭
Hey everyone! Make sure to follow Long Leg Luz's new account if you haven't already!
Medi is a bitch but you don't have to be, so go follow the precious bean!
I am so ridiculously pissed off about Luz(my sweet, amazing, lovely, beautiful, incredible girlfriend <3) getting her account frozen. Like she didn't do anything that makes that even close to justified- hell, I'm far more problematic than her, I'm the one that talks about politics on a fucking art website and cusses way too much for my own good
Like, seriously medi, what the fuck? That was unjustified and straight up mean. Wtf did she ever do to you, you bitter ass bitch. I want her fucking unfrozen but I don't even know if they do that- she has a new account, though, if you didn't know. I'll link it in the comments
Gonna miss you…wish you the best in life.