Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


TheFanartFreak has tried so hard for so long to get bronze rank and we MUST ASSIST.
She can only get there if we help her.
So please, PLEASE, like and/or favorite her art.
She is super talented, and its not noticed enough.
Go follow her too!

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  • > TheFanartFREAK Anything for a fellow dino nuggie.

  • > Lostmyusername For one to get a bronze ranking, they need to get a drawing to level four. Thanks for helping her!

  • So how does one require this said bronze rank. I follow her already but I took a bit of a browse if it even helps any ways… 😅


Does anyone read webtoons on here?

I like the Dummy's Dummy and Homesick. hbu?

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  • > Queen V Oh, I read escape room for a bit! It was a bit too gory for me though.

  • Yes! Absolutely! I haven’t been reading many recently, but I can’t live without Weak Hero (jk jk), even though it has lots of bad language & is kinda violent… haha. 😅 I love the characters. It’s been running for a while. I heard of Homesick because of Medibang ads lol 😏, but I haven’t checked it out… cuz I’m good with thrillers unless it’s too freaky. 😬 I did try Escape Room, though…

  • I read Down To Earth .w. Idk if that’s considered cringe but I like it so-

  • I like age matters :v

Wassup people

I'm buying an mp3 and I need MOOSIC
Good moosic though.
Give me your favourites!!
I mainly listen to acoustic versions of popular songs tho. 😅
I need to expand my horizon.😀

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  • > DarkIsMyName- So is Abby! ANYTIME, I'M YOUR MUSIC DEALER HEHE >:D

  • > kiri_kiwi :D THANK YOUUUUUU

  • hehe, I gotchu (Kids again by Artist Vs Poet) (You've got a friend in me by Cavetown) (Futon by Ula) (for the people in the back by ROLE MODEL, contains mild cursing) (putting a spin on heather by egg) ([I can] say nothing by Kensuke Ushio (The Upside ft. Elle King by Lindsey Stirling)

Good morning!

What are you guys planning to do over the summer?😎🌤
I'm gonna try to improve my Japanese and math. 🤔

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  • > DarkIsMyName- So is Abby! They also usually have you stay for around a week

  • > DarkIsMyName- So is Abby! It kinda depends on the camp, they usually make you be outside most of the time, or sometimes rules will change throughout the years They have cabins that you stay in with other people and then people will serve meals and then the workers will also make you play games (luckily you don't have to if you have a reason) I do like summer camp, but I'm not athletic or outdoorsy at all so some of the stuff I don't wanna do lol I went to the same summer camp for like 4 years, and after that many years you can get tired of that specific camp, so I'm switching camps this year

  • > TheFanartFREAK I've never been to a summer camp. What's it like?

  • I have no plans lol Just summer camp

Random thing

So my friend gave me this box of purple yam and salted egg yolk mochi.
I love mochi, but honestly I don't ever eat eggs, so I was surprised when I ate it. It was REALLY GOOD. I gave one to my brother but it took forever to find the English ingredients list, because he's allergic to nuts.
So ye, super random, but i thought it was interesting.

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  • > MadZ42 Autocorrect sucks lol

  • > MadZ42 Oml XD Thai YEET-

  • Why did it autocorrect "tea" into "yeet"

  • I've only had mochi once and it was a thai Yeet tea flavor but it didn't taste the best

Good night!

This'll be in my head all night.

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  • > ฿₳ⱠĐł ฿₳ⱠĐł₥ØⱤɆ I mean, so far I have one sentence pattern down, a bunch of random words, and I can write the first fifteen? Hiragana, and do numbers. For what its worth, I think I'm doing pretty good, but this summer Japanese will be my main focus. 😊

  • > ฿₳ⱠĐł ฿₳ⱠĐł₥ØⱤɆ Yup! I thought about learning it on the piano.

  • > ฿₳ⱠĐł ฿₳ⱠĐł₥ØⱤɆ Thanks for correcting me! I was trying to do this from memory, but as you can see, my memory failed. Why is Japanese so harrrrrrddddddd

  • Oh, um- and... "Yuwo no shitta" is a little wrong. "Riyuu wo shitta" is correct ;-)

Oh no!

Its raining outside and my school is done, guess I have to go get some tea and
read classics on the back porch. Darn.

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  • > DarkIsMyName- So is Abby! Oh yeah, an elegant tea that’s nice & spicy. Mwah… 😙👌✨✨✨ p e r f e c t i o n.

  • > Queen V And some chai tea. 🍵

  • > Queen V It stopped raining, but its cloudy still. I'll send you my book reading vibes

  • Oh no, what a tragedy 😱… but in all seriousness, that sounds llike an absolutely perfect day. 🥰😭 I am with you in spirit. 🥲🥲🥲