i was just casually scrolling through art and found t h i s

pfp is the best
why are you on my page im not active byeeeee
bee supremacy
- Dsmp fanart
- Maybe undertale
- My own au stuff
- Idk really
helloooo how are you all
hope you are well
have a doodle
my persona / mc skin looked way to simalar to not collab with them
just two enby ghost bois chillin and sharing gum
> ➼ THANKS!!!
> BushBabyOrigins why?
Can I call you Vinegar?
so it looks like someone's been hating on people lately, mostly through sw and wbf? idk but like just ignore them theyre probably bored and insecure about themselves abd are taking it out on random people in the internet.
also if you are the person doing this and you are seeing this-
youre honestly a piece of shit =)
> Squidkid64 =( sorry that happened, your drawings are rlly cool, dont let them get to you,,
> NixIsLost No, but, they mocked one of my drawings, we told them to stop, but they didn't listen. All, I know they used the green marker in my wbf
> Squidkid64 do you know who it is?
> NixIsLost Yeah, they ruined my wbf twice, where me and some people secretly did a wbf
i have made sticky bois
aka stickers
they are axolotls
im quitting medi because its a bunch of small children venting now its not what it used to be tbh
so my acc will still be here but i wont be active at all really
See ya, I'm extremely sorry for venting and making you feel bad I hope you come back one day Everyone misses you
Oh noooo :( We will miss you and your very cool art! I hope you do well with whatever you choose to do and wish you well!
I will miss u <3
Noo please dont leavee D:
I keep saying I’ll post more but my confidence on my art skills are low rn, and all the art I’m producing rn are discord emotes so I’m rlly sorry but I’ll work on it I swear
It's fine m8 :3
its fine take ur time rain senpai
went from 19 to 13something
> ↡𝕃𝕦𝕞𝕓𝕣𝕁𝕒𝕔𝕜↡ Sad lol
Confused? Maybe.
yes heres my discord antisoci#2110. if you want to talk there im more active there, just comment your discord so ik who is who
so its gonna be summer soon, so ill have more time to post. i probably wont interact with ppl as much anymore though, just my 4 closest friends, and thats probably only through dms. and the 5th friend ill chat with through discord. ive just gotten really sick and tired of people venting in topics here honestly. (this isnt hate against people with issues, its just my opinion). the thing is, you might have not realized, but your venting can actually trigger other people, so maybe like create a group just for venting? its also kinda annoying to just be scrolling through art (this app is literally made for posting art only) and just see things like "i hate them" or "i hate myself" literally just spammed over and over again in all caps. id say to make a group where people who need to vent can vent and get support for it. this is not hate, and i try to be there for people as much as i can, but please be respectful that other people have triggers too.
> Chemiclysm yeah that's fair
> Leieryx Yeaaaa I get that. But I do still stand by my opinion
> Chemiclysm true... yeah the traditional art especially also yeah 'i hate ___' doesnt usually make sense to me either lol but i think it's just because it's hard to talk about? i dont think it's right cause it doesnt help but i think thats why bleh i wish but that gets really complicated-- im not sure how you'd make that work cause they are pretty similar-- if you need a different group for everyone with family issue-triggers here, welll thats a LOT
> Leieryx yep but theres also art topics what if i want to see those? i do get all the stuff youre talking about, but the thing about spamming "i hate (instert whatever they hate)" in all caps just honestly doesnt make sense to me. maybe catagorize the groups so people can avoid that one group that has their trigger
can yall give me feed back pls i need some help but thanks to the one person who interacted https://medibang.com/topic/x32105121316020320018914581/
I think I like the blue and green eyes but with the half and half hair
The first one!!
#1 :0
ye the first one :)
The first one :0
new sona, 2 sona
yup ill post them coloured later
so theyre basiclly a mooshroom but pumpkin, now know as a mooshkin! i also will post my main sona, soorry lol
Oooo coolio!
Catbur is so cute!
I want a platonic spouse
Or wife
No men tho
I have someone in mind but I think they're already platonically married and not polyamorous like how I am sometimes ;-;
They are on this app btw
-gasp- who's the lucky one your thinking of?
oooo yeah who is it?
:00 do you wanna dm me who it isss? maybe I know if they're platonically married or not- idk
Kuri may be leaving :(
I think I might be coming back tho idk.
I'll draw the whole gang later
> Rainey If you want :)
> mint Thankyouohmygosh Bruh your art is so cute thoooooooo What I do is find images of irl people and learn the anatomy that way I can post some examples if you like
Love your art style I think I need to improve more I simp for your art as well
> austen. I simp ur art too
Poison tale socks
They're in the hamper so I drew them
Are yee happy now child
> BushBabyOrigins YESSSSSS
Lol not me drawing senes from Boyfriends lol I'm obsessed with these squishy bois lol aaaaaaaaaaa
> Lev It doesssss omg I havent full read it yet no spoilers lol
And when nerd goes to the cult party and he is like "wait aren't you gonna" and then it blurs many parts and then it says "and use my (blurred word) as a sacrifice, xD
I think the most iconic scene is when goth says "im a morosexual" that episode was just great, or when they ask "big spoon or small spoon" in the qna and goth says "knife"
I'm so glad it got moved to originals it deserves it
I feel bad bc the trio used to be me, bella, and kuri, but I've basiclly neglected my online friends, and it looks like theres someone new. I dont want to say replacement, but that's what it feels like, even though it's my own fault. So, kuri and pat and bella, I'm sorry I was neglecting you guys but i hope whoever ranbxxled is does a better job at being your friend :")
> ꜱᴀᴘᴘʏʙᴇʟʟᴀ Aww :) Thank yall I miss yall too 💙❤💙
> DreamiiKuri Alrighty lol I miss you too, dre mi beloved
We would never "replace" you Rei! As Kuri said, you will always be our beloved Gogy and nothing will ever change that! Love you sis <3
I really miss you 😔
If yall were wondering
My art style
Hmmmmmmmmm it's quite anime now
Its improved quite a bit
My digital art pen broke
So in a minute I'll post some traditional drawings :)
And updating my character
And making a backstory for them
Aaaaaaand itll prolly be mc based
And maybe put on wattpad who knows
> austen. :")))
Missed you too ❤️❤️❤️
> Rainey dw about it! :D
> austen. Me too I'm sorry I havent been aroundddd
I think I might change my username again lmao
Idk yes but it's a possibility
Regarding nicknames
I honestly dont care what you call me, it either has to be based off my username or my chosen name which is Jay
Those who call me rei (bella, kuri, ish, end, minty) yall can keep calling me that but no one else can :3
All my usernames are prolly gonna have 404 after them idk lol
> RiiRen No you didnt just their constant sexual talk stuff I didnt like especially being asexual I just didnt like it
> Rainey I'm sorry some of them made you uncomfortable, myself included :')
> RiiRen Alrighty then that's fine if you call me that! Yea tbh some of them make me a bit uncomfortable
yes you do rarely talk in our server anymore so i guess i did miss my chances when i was taking my break lol but whenever i was referring to you i always called you rei anyways
I'm a bitch
😂 and 🎨
> ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ YESS
Congratulations, you are the crustaceans (+ other) ruler
Pls do this
I'm lonley
I think imma do a raccoon instead bc that's basiclly my personality lol
Hostile at first but nice once I get to know you :)
Also don't call me a furry that's a trigger for me
> Rainey Np! :3
> Łøńg-łęg-łüž Thank ya
> Bee•cat- Hecc yee
Looks cool!! :o
The last two are for me and my irl friends, and the blanks are Gabe, it just wouldn’t let me add his name for some reason
> Rainey ;)
> ꜱᴀᴘᴘʏʙᴇʟʟᴀ You weren’t born at all
l m a o *
Suspicious ✨✨
Thought I'd bring back capricorn
Basiclly a bunch of us made ocs out of our zodiac signs
Plus michael
i forgot to comment earlier but this is pure s k i l l my dude your style is honestly so cool
THESE ARE SO CUTE TwT amazing job! :D
I like swapping my characters clothes, so sneak peek of a ocs clothes (my persona wearing them)
> NixIsLost Oof,
> Wilting yuhh
> Howdy, it used to be actually, just as i got older it got darker :/
> ~✨🍄🌱𝓣𝓪𝓶𝓪𝓰𝓸🌱🍄✨~ THANKUUUU