일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Open for requests and art trades!
T r e n d i n g amirite

Not very afraid I guess? I dont find bugs or sharks scary, I think sharks are cute (the small ones are cuter ofc) I have bad cat obsession. BEEEEEEEEEEES. I LOVE BEES. RLY CUTE :>. I think dogs are a bit annoying. I've flown in planes about a total of 25+ times and have been to 18 different states (not afraid of heights) snek is coot but sus. I hate dark, alone, and death qwq. I dislike big crowds and tight spaces. clowns and dolls are just weird imo. And ocean can be scary at times.

다음화을 보기

  • > DreamiiKuri WE SHALL FLY

  • > Rainey WE FLY

  • > DreamiiKuri I FLY

  • > Rainey L u c k y qwq