Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Happy Valentines Day

Hello!! happy valentines days! hope you're spending time with that special someone! i know im not cuz im single (duh) and yeah sooooo i wanted to post something but i was to lazy to finish it so here ya go mates.

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  • > bobabeach mate I've heard of it since my sister wants to watch it. I should go watch it then sometime if you think it's really good

  • > Daphnesorous Happy valentines day! (today i watched la la land. have you seen it? it's really good you should check it out!)

  • Happy Valentines Day!!!!

i am a disgrace

so um i was trying to fix the stapler and i was pressing it together but then GACHINK i staple my thumb and more than half the staple was in my thumb and then i was like WHAT and my mom came in to check on me (cuz thats what mom do) and then she was like 'you're stupid' and i was like sorry and then we went downstairs to wash it and put a band aid on it. yup.... thats the story on how i stapled myself... bye

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  • > bobabeach mate lol i gave up xD it was too hard and im just too lazy

  • > -MilkTae- what the fuck

  • > -MilkTae- what the fuck are you doing mate

  • > bobabeach mate >w< hws the weekend treatin ya, mate? im trying desperatly to make a shirt of kpop using the technique of like pasting paper on it and stuff lol

Math Hw

ughhh.... im doin hw rn and its soooooo boring and this is like my one place to rant about my insecurities(sorry if you dont care) and math is like blehhhh... and like yeah.... UGHHHHHHHHHHH..... tell me if ya'll feel the same way.... yup. huunhhhhhh.. yeah..... just yeah.......... so sorry...UGhhhHHHhhHHhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHH......basically instead of doing hw (ill do it later) i rant about it until like someone tells me to shut the fuck up and im like excuse me and they're like what and im like shut the fuck up and they like sneeze a bit later and i accidently say shut the fuck up instead of bless you and they're like excuse me and im like oh sorry its an instinct and yeahhhhh... (this actuallly happened once cuz yeah and im just typing so much rn you cant even handle this shit and yeah bye im gonna go now to do hw cuz i procrastinate to much to live and i should just like become a rock and live like that so yeah byeeeee....

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  • > bobabeach xDD yep

  • > Calliope >m<

  • > bobabeach mate ;~:

  • > Calliope existence*

hand sanitizer=cocaine

so apparently now i call hand sanitizer cocaine because i opened a bottle of hand sanitizer and took a whiff bUTT THEN SOME HAND SANITIZER CAME OUT AND WENT INTO MY NOSE AND IT BURNED FOR LIKE AND HOUR AND I WWAS SCREAMING INSIDE ANd then i was like oh that stuff smells good so then i took another BIG whiff and this time it didnt come out bUTT MY NOSE STILL BURNED FOR LIKE THIRTY MINUTES AND I FELT LIKE I WAS SNORTING COCAINE ANd that is my cocaine/hand sanitizer story

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  • > hiyoriiki That's what i meant. if your mother does drugs then she like the feeling


  • > smol joey hahaha wow

  • this story made my day