alrighty so
basically the thing is
I'm moving accounts
basically I have another account here and I'll be slowly migrating over there but I'll still stay over here
I'm doing this because medi rn is just sort of.. stressful? overwhelming? I dunno, but it just wasn't what it was when I first came here
I don't really deal with all this but I also don't wanna leave because there's cool peeps here that I wanna stay in contact with
So the whole dealio here is that I'll be lot less active on this account. I'll check notifs sometimes but I won't be using this account that much anymore. Also, art posted on this account will be only linked to the medi community and you guys.
All my personal art, my ocs, my doodles, they'll be on my other account. Hopefully, I'll comment more using my other account as well. I won't follow as many people there as well, I wanna try to limit it to people I want to talk to. Also if you find my other account, I kindly ask not to tell people and announce it. I'd rather keep it a small little corner for myself where I don't have to worry about attention or ranks or likes and stuff
so yeah, things will be changing up and sorry for the essay but I really needed to get this out
see you next coincidence

= = = =
i'm comfortable with any pronouns and i don't have a set posting schedule
= = = =
take care out there. it can be a difficult world, but I'll be here if you ever need me
- Work Place:
> Galactic Reaper nah it's fine I can definitely see why you'd think that
> NufinThing Aaah, ok, sry I just thought for a moment ^^"
> Galactic Reaper ye I just expanded onto Muffet's outfit but I seem to be slightly obsessed with capes and flowy stuff in general also I forgot to say, it's not really a jsab/ut au. It's sort of it's own thing but also part of a universe as well? It's just all part of my main AU
> NufinThing Heh lol I think capes are fun to draw, but it is hard to find a good design for the character.
what colour do you think is karma?
personally I see it as red-purple
Possibly red, orange or yellow, or perhaps grey.
first I had dog of wisdom, then spin eternally, now rush e
Kazoo what are you
he just like me frfr
EEEEEEEHHHH THANK YOU BUDDY QwQ I'll make a gift for you soon qwq
am I supposed to draw a front facing version of this hair???
> NufinThing K! Im not too good at explaining it with words so I'll use a topic!
> Soulflamexu22 go ahead I'm struggling :')
Mind if I help?
I wanna get involved with this community again sooo
link down any current or upcoming contests, collabs and birthdays
I'd love to interact with you guys and make art for you again :D
My contest
Hello, well I'm currently hosting an art collab! Art Collab!!! | Hiroshi's Topic | ART street by MediBang
I'd love too aswell. You're one of the only people left here who's still good yk? Feel free to message bud :)
HI buddy long time no see XD
you've given me so much creative freedom for this
but I've chosen sans because we all know the fandom favours him in aus
it's ridiculous how many versions of him people have made yet there's still more ideas
I could go on forever
but I won't
even though I don't post about it often
I love undertale
and the fandom
but I also hate the fandom
but I also love it
but I also hate it
also I'm working on a big au
little info sneak peek coming up soon
so undertale fans here
keep an eye out
strawberry shortcake had a sort of vintage(?) easygoing vibe for me so I tried to do something like that
I was going for a mint choc thing but more choc buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut
how different is it :0
Omg I'm so sorry I missed this- Surprisingly accurate!!! I was describing my character coffee crumble, and even with the different theming this still feels a lot like him! Very cool :D Here's a link to what he properly looks like :]
After dying yet again
mug of coffee anyone?
> Ash3rrrr I love him
> Kebby ^^
> Ash3rrrr I wanna see!
> Kebby Yes his name is Liam <3
give me a description of one of your ocs e.g. Species, eye color, fandom (if it has one)
if you want, you can tell me their abilities and skills but DON'T tell me their names or send images of them
I will draw them based off of the description (as sketches because I will lose motivation like every other medi project) as if they were my oc. I'm just doing this to see the difference in oc design and I'm curious and bored
I'll post the sketches and you can tell me which oc you chose and maybe their image as well
let's start :)
Skeleton, red eyes, undertale :]
Hmmm...Here's a fun one! Guy, human, belonging to the Strawberry Shortcake fandom. Has curly dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, and a birthmark around one of his eyes. Dresses in brown and green. Good luck if you draw him!
Object head, works in a Cafe, wears a brown bartender vest with some orange colors Mug, male
Ooooooo I will do this later when I'm done with dinner!
disappeared again
still need a green for the colour wheel fanart thing
anyways, how yall doing?
> ★astro★ that's a good idea but I want to do fanart for people here
for green could you do Marie from Splatoon? also I'm doing good hbu?
> BushBabyOrigins I'd love to talk to you more as well! I think I just overthink my words heh ^^" we'll just keep trying, won't we?
👉👈 or loyalty but I always wanna talk to you more,, just dont know how yk-
The loyal one imo :,)
The soft
(this is just my interpretation/headcanons)
Empty, infinite spaces found between universes. Difficult to access and even more to escape. These are usually defined by having no measurable limit and completely empty apart from interference from other entities. Voids usually contain nothing and can be any colour, though they're usually black or white. You can only enter a void if you either know where to go and have the ability to do so or stumble in between the fabrics of space-time. It's highly recommended you know how to exit a void and have the power to do so, else you'll be stuck and the chances of someone finding you is not impossible, but very low.
Sometimes, they're are 'voids' that don't follow the definition of a void. These are called 'false voids', yet they're very alike to normal voids that they're often perceived as normal voids as well. False voids may have a reachable limit, looped spaces instead of carrying on forever or have something existing in it already. Accessibility may vary from entering and exiting with ease to as difficult as a normal void. Another factor is that false voids can be created by anyone and anything, by any entities, whereas normal voids just sort of.. spawn, for lack of a better term.
If you get stuck in a void, false or not, it would suck. What would suck more is if you start changing. If you're trapped in a void for too long, your physical, mental and emotional state can change, for better or worse. This is known as 'the Voiding Effect', and both voids and false voids can have this effect. Changes can range from a colour shift in your appearance to completely distorting your body and sanity. Some voids' Voiding Effect can happen in an instant or worsen over time the longer you're stuck. In most cases, the Effect will remain even if you're out of the void. You're memory often deteriorates as well. Some think it's a way of the void 'claiming' an entity, detaching them from their original universe and have them remain in the void.
This is the best lore yet! So I guess in theory... Error went through that 'voiding effect' and become insane like the error he is, but somewhat managed to escape the void thus allowing him to access the antivoid whenever and whatever he likes to, claiming that part of the void his home even if it isn't his actual home in general. Neon on the other hand had the different effect on it (since his void is completely different to the other voids) but instead of losing sanity (since he's used to it) he gets dreams of his past before reincarnation even though he has no memories at all during that time except for his remnant counter part, and even though he has no way of escaping the void, he managed to find an oddly alternative route. This is just some random theory that just came in my mind when reading this topic.
They might not be fully yellow, but I saw yellow sooooo
I forgot how to shade fur
I need a green next but I don't remember if I have a green...
just send me ocs linked to the colours and I'll see what I can do
- Can you draw him for cyan? The ref is pretty old and he is mine!
I feel like she'd belong in purple She's adorable though!
I'll do yellow next, but I'm missing a green :'D
Tortellini belongs to.. uh, Tortellini :P
I have some final details i wanna add at the end
I need an orange oc next :'D
if I don't get one, I'll probably have to move onto yellow
Bacon belongs to Bacon Brilliance:
> NufinThing AYEEE
> 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘪🪸トルテリーニ yeeeee orange! you're going in the colour fanart wheel :]
> BushBabyOrigins I think I already have a yellow, but green, cyan and pink are free unless you want Poison to be in green 👀
I wanna try this out but with fanart of your ocs sooooo
send some links and the colour you want
maybe I might do this a second time as well
> NufinThing Mkay ^^
> Kebby I think I might go with Heather :0
> NufinThing
> Kebby send some links if you can and then I'll try to decide
I'm back from exams!
Hopefully this means I'll be more active on medi and I get to hang out with you guys more :)
I think I might start a schedule, just a small one but just to be consistent
maybe on medi Mondays I'll post art
I'd like that
ANYWAYS nice to see you all again, how you guys been? Hopefully everyone's been doing well
Send some art I might have missed! Could be yours, could be a friend's, I'd love to see it!
Best wishes gang, stay safe and healthy, look out for your pals and ALSO have a preat pride month! Whatever your identity, you're valid •`∇´<
- I redesigned my creatorsona. Also happy pride month as well PS: my birthdays coming soon
I don't know
I just saw to do this on my board
Sorry I haven't been active AGAIN
but the thing is that my exams are coming up REAL soon, so that's why I haven't been to hang out with you all
I really still wanna do Surprise Wheel, so when I come back, I'm gonna make a topic titled 'oh' and I want to to spam Surprise Wheel and anything else I need to do. Because of course, your mini sized kazoo needs a reminder every now and again
soooo maybe see yall later?
accidently died from medi
I'm still doing the Surprise Wheel, I just got a bunch of stuff plonked on me that I have to do first unfortunately
I'll post whenever I can!
why do I like drawing hands?
why do they actually look good??
what's happening???
I think I'm gonna look back on some adopts i made
I'm pretty sure there are some that never got adopted or were paid for in time
might keep some or redesign for future adopts
so imma dump some of mine here
I haven't seen anyone with object ocs on this site since I joined, so seeing others with object ocs makes me happy :D
This is so cool, I could never make an object OC... I have no idea what I'd even make?
Oooh I love them!
I need to get used to this new thing
you can still enter your name on the wheel!
> NufinThing Thank you ^^ I already put a comment on your post.
> Galactic Reaper info is here tell me if you want to join and I'll add your name
Could you show me the link pls? :0
started too late, but will hopefully finish tomorrow!
You can still enter your name in the wheel :)
I did a thing
> DoggyManArfArf just some space-y doodle and this is my oc
> EriGloom sorry this is late but here it is: •line art and dark background •choose a section of line art to make space •watercolour brush, colour slightly brighter than background, covers quite a bit of space •colour slowly gets brighter and covers less space •add stars (I like to put on add blending mode and lower opacity) •air brush layer on top with saturated colour, blending mode add •[optional] airbrush layer below previous layer, saturated colour but colour dodge blending mode, lower opacity •and adjust how you see fit :] if you decide to try my method for space, I'd like to see what you make :]
what is this supposed to be? who is this guy?
Wwoah 😲 Howw did you do that...? I must knoww
Good luck, sorry to hear you're overwhelmed by it
I'm sorry that this site is making you feel stressy and unable to keep up with your art, but we understand that you just need a moment of time to yourself and the people you talk to. I hope you'll be oki
It's ok buddy we understand