Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

-MintYoogurt- left a comment!

-MintYoogurt- left a comment!


IT IS THE DAY. DECEMBER 20TH. THE DAY OF BTS'S V'S BDAYYYYYYYY. <333 Happy Birthday weird, funny, amazing, downright AWESOME V! All the A.R.M.Y's and BTS appreciate everything you've done in BTS and in everyones life! You've definitely made mine better! Your a ray of sunshine that will always brighten everyone's day and your su cute <3 So please eat until you drop today (I doubt Princess Jin will mind xD) and have fun!!! Because today is the day you get repaid for every amazing thing you have brought to us :D Okay Imma gonna stop now cuz if I continued this would go on forever xD. BTW V your single was AMAZINNGGGGG. Probs one of my favs <3 Anyway, please everyone wish him a happy birthday, and if you are like who the heck is V or BTS? THEN CHECKEM OUT! Please! You will get hooked immediately like I did (hopefully :). I recommend listening to DOPE or Blood, Sweat, and Tears. :) Okie dokie bye now fellow A.R.M.Y's and friends and family! Happy Birthday V again! Luv ya~! <3

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  • > ヴィヴィゼオン i did a realism of him which im gonna post :)

  • you should draw a bday card of him

  • > HyoWoo >w<

  • Yay~

-MintYoogurt- left a comment!


IT IS THE DAY. DECEMBER 20TH. THE DAY OF BTS'S V'S BDAYYYYYYYY. <333 Happy Birthday weird, funny, amazing, downright AWESOME V! All the A.R.M.Y's and BTS appreciate everything you've done in BTS and in everyones life! You've definitely made mine better! Your a ray of sunshine that will always brighten everyone's day and your su cute <3 So please eat until you drop today (I doubt Princess Jin will mind xD) and have fun!!! Because today is the day you get repaid for every amazing thing you have brought to us :D Okay Imma gonna stop now cuz if I continued this would go on forever xD. BTW V your single was AMAZINNGGGGG. Probs one of my favs <3 Anyway, please everyone wish him a happy birthday, and if you are like who the heck is V or BTS? THEN CHECKEM OUT! Please! You will get hooked immediately like I did (hopefully :). I recommend listening to DOPE or Blood, Sweat, and Tears. :) Okie dokie bye now fellow A.R.M.Y's and friends and family! Happy Birthday V again! Luv ya~! <3

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  • > ヴィヴィゼオン i did a realism of him which im gonna post :)

  • you should draw a bday card of him

  • > HyoWoo >w<

  • Yay~


IT IS THE DAY. DECEMBER 20TH. THE DAY OF BTS'S V'S BDAYYYYYYYY. <333 Happy Birthday weird, funny, amazing, downright AWESOME V! All the A.R.M.Y's and BTS appreciate everything you've done in BTS and in everyones life! You've definitely made mine better! Your a ray of sunshine that will always brighten everyone's day and your su cute <3 So please eat until you drop today (I doubt Princess Jin will mind xD) and have fun!!! Because today is the day you get repaid for every amazing thing you have brought to us :D Okay Imma gonna stop now cuz if I continued this would go on forever xD. BTW V your single was AMAZINNGGGGG. Probs one of my favs <3 Anyway, please everyone wish him a happy birthday, and if you are like who the heck is V or BTS? THEN CHECKEM OUT! Please! You will get hooked immediately like I did (hopefully :). I recommend listening to DOPE or Blood, Sweat, and Tears. :) Okie dokie bye now fellow A.R.M.Y's and friends and family! Happy Birthday V again! Luv ya~! <3

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  • > ヴィヴィゼオン i did a realism of him which im gonna post :)

  • you should draw a bday card of him

  • > HyoWoo >w<

  • Yay~

-MintYoogurt- left a comment!

>0< AHHH (read till end)

Oh frick ahhh so sorry! Doubt u people care, but I haven't uploaded anything since.. *checks* December 5! (i think) Anywayss, that's like 2 weeks! >0< I'm really sorry, forgive meeee!! *bows down* A lot of my friends have been coming over, some weird stuff happened (which is none of yo beezwax xD) and I've been working on art for this contest at school! It took a lot of time. And then in a week I'm going on a cruise to Mexico! I'll try to bring my tablet there and upload some art but I doubt that will happen. So I will TRY to draw something before the cruise but right now I just finished my picture and I am really tired. :3 Also... (dun tell no one) I've been listening to a lot of BTS.. Heck, right now I'm listening to them xD So anyway, suggestions plzzz :) I dunno what to draw. Thank youuuuuuu~! >w<

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  • > Daphnesorous >w< aww su sweet thanku

  • > HyoWoo Yus it is >W< #chimchim4lifu and thank you!

  • > Hiba Al husainy :) aww

  • It's alright just glad that you're back!

-MintYoogurt- left a comment!

>0< AHHH (read till end)

Oh frick ahhh so sorry! Doubt u people care, but I haven't uploaded anything since.. *checks* December 5! (i think) Anywayss, that's like 2 weeks! >0< I'm really sorry, forgive meeee!! *bows down* A lot of my friends have been coming over, some weird stuff happened (which is none of yo beezwax xD) and I've been working on art for this contest at school! It took a lot of time. And then in a week I'm going on a cruise to Mexico! I'll try to bring my tablet there and upload some art but I doubt that will happen. So I will TRY to draw something before the cruise but right now I just finished my picture and I am really tired. :3 Also... (dun tell no one) I've been listening to a lot of BTS.. Heck, right now I'm listening to them xD So anyway, suggestions plzzz :) I dunno what to draw. Thank youuuuuuu~! >w<

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  • > Daphnesorous >w< aww su sweet thanku

  • > HyoWoo Yus it is >W< #chimchim4lifu and thank you!

  • > Hiba Al husainy :) aww

  • It's alright just glad that you're back!

-MintYoogurt- left a comment!

>0< AHHH (read till end)

Oh frick ahhh so sorry! Doubt u people care, but I haven't uploaded anything since.. *checks* December 5! (i think) Anywayss, that's like 2 weeks! >0< I'm really sorry, forgive meeee!! *bows down* A lot of my friends have been coming over, some weird stuff happened (which is none of yo beezwax xD) and I've been working on art for this contest at school! It took a lot of time. And then in a week I'm going on a cruise to Mexico! I'll try to bring my tablet there and upload some art but I doubt that will happen. So I will TRY to draw something before the cruise but right now I just finished my picture and I am really tired. :3 Also... (dun tell no one) I've been listening to a lot of BTS.. Heck, right now I'm listening to them xD So anyway, suggestions plzzz :) I dunno what to draw. Thank youuuuuuu~! >w<

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  • > Daphnesorous >w< aww su sweet thanku

  • > HyoWoo Yus it is >W< #chimchim4lifu and thank you!

  • > Hiba Al husainy :) aww

  • It's alright just glad that you're back!

>0< AHHH (read till end)

Oh frick ahhh so sorry! Doubt u people care, but I haven't uploaded anything since.. *checks* December 5! (i think) Anywayss, that's like 2 weeks! >0< I'm really sorry, forgive meeee!! *bows down* A lot of my friends have been coming over, some weird stuff happened (which is none of yo beezwax xD) and I've been working on art for this contest at school! It took a lot of time. And then in a week I'm going on a cruise to Mexico! I'll try to bring my tablet there and upload some art but I doubt that will happen. So I will TRY to draw something before the cruise but right now I just finished my picture and I am really tired. :3 Also... (dun tell no one) I've been listening to a lot of BTS.. Heck, right now I'm listening to them xD So anyway, suggestions plzzz :) I dunno what to draw. Thank youuuuuuu~! >w<

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  • > Daphnesorous >w< aww su sweet thanku

  • > HyoWoo Yus it is >W< #chimchim4lifu and thank you!

  • > Hiba Al husainy :) aww

  • It's alright just glad that you're back!

Sorry :(

Sorry for not uploading anything for a while, things have happened and I feel really horrible right now, so I haven't been in the mood to draw anything. I'm really sorry, but I doubt anyone's reading this right now and if you are you probably don't care so there was really no point in writing this. Okay bye now. Good day

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  • I'm here for you

  • keeeep courage ;D

  • We care so don't feel as if nobody does :) It's fine that you haven't posted just happy to hear from you! I truly hope you feel better soon

  • thanks ok