Hi! As you can see I took a break from ARTstreet for a while now, Uhm all I want to tell ya'll is I won't be doing digital art anymore. And that I'm going to start doing paper art, and taking pics of it.. then posting it... I also won't be posting Every single day, I am a person & I do have to pay attention 2 rl to! if you have anything you want to tell me, you can send me a message or type in the chat. If you are seeing this, Thanks for reading and I wish you all the best of luck.
I Love You!

MediBang ID:
I’m not mean I just have the balls to say what everyone else is thinking
I like to draw that’s honestly it. <3
I like to draw that’s honestly it. <3
- Anime
> 🧸~Coffee~🧸 ello :3
hi nj