일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Im should be avalible from 3:30 - 7 pm I have school from 5 am - 2:30

Lacedoodles 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Lacedoodles 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


My dad said that, starting tomorrow, my computer will be staying out of my room. So I'll be inactive. I'm not sure for how long. This post was gonna happen sooner or later and I never thought I'd be so soon.
Maybe I could get it back in the summer, I'm not sure. I don't think I'll be able to be on next school year either, as Idk if I'll be virtual or not and if they'll even let me keep my computer.

Maybe I'll try to bargain with him. I know they'll bring up what I'm doing online, they don't know about Medi but they knew about Vlive (they don't know that I'm off it, though) so..

Maybe I'll finally tell them about my feelings? Tell them that I get so depressed that it's hard to do anything sometimes. I think they'd pin it on me being queer, rather than understanding that they have play in how poorly my mental state is doing.

But yeah.
This is goodbye, for now, I hope.
I love you all so much and you guys made me the happiest I've been in years.
Stay safe <333

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Lacedoodles 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


My dad said that, starting tomorrow, my computer will be staying out of my room. So I'll be inactive. I'm not sure for how long. This post was gonna happen sooner or later and I never thought I'd be so soon.
Maybe I could get it back in the summer, I'm not sure. I don't think I'll be able to be on next school year either, as Idk if I'll be virtual or not and if they'll even let me keep my computer.

Maybe I'll try to bargain with him. I know they'll bring up what I'm doing online, they don't know about Medi but they knew about Vlive (they don't know that I'm off it, though) so..

Maybe I'll finally tell them about my feelings? Tell them that I get so depressed that it's hard to do anything sometimes. I think they'd pin it on me being queer, rather than understanding that they have play in how poorly my mental state is doing.

But yeah.
This is goodbye, for now, I hope.
I love you all so much and you guys made me the happiest I've been in years.
Stay safe <333

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Lacedoodles 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


My dad said that, starting tomorrow, my computer will be staying out of my room. So I'll be inactive. I'm not sure for how long. This post was gonna happen sooner or later and I never thought I'd be so soon.
Maybe I could get it back in the summer, I'm not sure. I don't think I'll be able to be on next school year either, as Idk if I'll be virtual or not and if they'll even let me keep my computer.

Maybe I'll try to bargain with him. I know they'll bring up what I'm doing online, they don't know about Medi but they knew about Vlive (they don't know that I'm off it, though) so..

Maybe I'll finally tell them about my feelings? Tell them that I get so depressed that it's hard to do anything sometimes. I think they'd pin it on me being queer, rather than understanding that they have play in how poorly my mental state is doing.

But yeah.
This is goodbye, for now, I hope.
I love you all so much and you guys made me the happiest I've been in years.
Stay safe <333

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