Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

you are now aware of your own breathing

I got Duolingo last week and it's actually not half bad
there's a little ranking thing where if you get top 20 you go up a rank and then it gets increasingly hard to get up, but right now I'm in silver league and I'm number 1 by 500 points lmao

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  • > Muna Is Sketching... that's understandable

  • I had Duolingo for like 3 years and I love the learning XD But the ranks I've given up on, cause you still need to compete in the ranking even when you're all the way up, so there's no break- I like my 1 lesson days XDD-

I'm really tired

idk if any of my discord friends look here because I know I've linked it in the past so I'll keep this short (this is kind of a vent)

they keep making sexual jokes about me. I hate it so much.
I talked to a friend about it, and I've decided I'm leaving them. not permanently, just until they can learn their lesson. it was so difficult to come to this conclusion but friends come and go, I guess. it hurts to leave them, it really does, but I can't stand to be made fun of like this anymore. it's better for my health if I cut ties with everyone.
maybe this will finally make them realise how dumb they're being

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I came out

my parents now know that I am secretly... a tally hall fan
I showed them spring and a storm, taken for a ride, sacred beast, and good day
my dad actually liked some of them ^v^
this was the first step in my evil scheme to get them to let me buy the next tally hall plushies 😈
also I am SO HYPED for the next side project, I wonder who it's gonna be
also here's a funny anecdote from when I was showing my dad some songs:
I was playing TfaR, and he googled the band, and he was like, wow this band hasn't existed for the past 13 years...
and I said "yeah it's kinda funny bc whenever I see someone like 'oh no my favorite artist hasn't released anything for like 2 years' I just 😐"
and he laughed so hard
I didn't actually tell him about any of the side projects specifically or that ones coming up.. maybe I can show it to him when the next one comes out
speaking of which I think the next sonic lunch event is happening in October, so I'm expecting it after then. we've got a little more waiting to do folks

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