插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


No quirks.

Instead, humans were often found animal like and shunned out, even by parents. They ended up making their own place to settle in the woods, splitting off into three groups: the Mahdi, the Karzai, and the Ogando.

The Mahdi live in warm areas (has some fur)

The Karzai live in harsh, cold climates (a lot of fur)

And the Ogando live it harsh, hot climates (less to no fur)

They live off of hunting prey (deer, small mammals, etc) and the food snatch from nearby villages.

Food also varies depending on where they live, so some might be more plant/berry based than the others.

More info coming soon


Helper Info

Helpers are a group who got together to help the beasts. They take them reserves and treat them to a better life.

They are 99% human, only 1% being actual beasts and half beasts.

Their outfits resemble that of a guild more than anything. It helps them find each other and let's beasts know they aren't in any danger. They carry packs out with them full of supplies. Flashlights, food for both humans and beasts (they are unsure of what they eat-), water, aid kits, etc. Whatever they need, it's in their pack. All except for weapons.

(Concept art here. Reminder for self)


Hunter Info

-Keep in mind, all info is just beginning info. More will be added later on-)

Hunters are basically what they sound like. They go out and hunt the beasts because of a few reasons: Hate (speciesist), fur (for selling), dominance (slaves for any use, whether it be housework or anything pleasurable. Especially during heat week.)

They are humans, no trace of beast blood whatsoever, so don't think about it-

They often wear outfits for hunting, so think of the weather and the environment.

(Concept art here. Reminder for self)


Half-Beast Info

During Heat week, some humans had been caught and breed after being careless.

And the result were these creatures. They are rare, so no making that-

Of course, they are also made through beasts being trapped and used in strip clubs and other places before being killed.

Half Beasts are shunned from human life even though they only have a small amount of beast features (ears and tail)

Since they are rare, they are endangered as well. There is a high price on their head that hunters would stop at nothing to get.

(Concept art here. Reminder for self.)

They wear scavenged articles of clothing since Beasts find them unappealing as well.

The sight of their humanish skin repulses the Beasts, except for their family of course. So, to keep human appearances to a minimal, they wear clothes made by Beasts (if lucky) or ones stolen from the humans.

Minimal fur as well as beast traits. Rare traits or even more rare amongst them.


Beast Info

Beasts are commonly only found with ears to replace a humans and a lions tail. Paws in replacement of feet and hands are also a given. They have beast like features on their faces (think of a shifter from DnD-)

Their clothes are commonly stolen among people who forget it in their living areas, or made by resources they have around, like giant leaves.

They had fur on parts of their body, but the amount depends on whether or not the weather is cold.

They have fangs and retractable claws to help defend themselves. Though, they are actually a really calm species.

There is a term for humans to use for them called Heat Week. It's like heat for animals, but for the beasts instead. That's why hunters and Helpers seldom ever head into their territories during that time.

Rare traits cannot be used for OCs unless asked for (those who already made their OCs before this in my rp is okay. That means I would have had to roleplayed with you for that to go into effect.)

Rare traits include wings, horns, and any mythical type animal traits like a dragon. Ears on the top of the head, like a Neko, are rare as well. Basically, run anything by me before making-

Or just make them common-

I say no using rare traits unless asked for permission to limit them and keep them rare (like dual quirks) and to also limit mary/Gary Sue's

Nobody likes 'em-

(Concept art here. Reminder for self)

Little to no fur on paws/arms and tail
Clothes made mainly from leaves and other resources. Not tight or baggy like human clothes to restrict movement, but less to promote it and not be naked.

Fun fact: Beasts can imprint on a human like a dog or cat. No, not ever like a breeding thing. Just a close bond to relationship, but mating is another story.

Beasts don't have a clear hierarchy. No alphas or omegas. During Heat Week, they tend to just go into heat/rut around that time. Either depends on their actual birth gender. Rut for males and heat for females.

However, it is said to not be clear due to some having small packs like wolves to some having 'kingdoms' like lions. Others coexist and just deal with those issues when Heat Week arrives.

Fun fact: Gays are allowed as well as trans/nonbinary/genderfluid. Why not make it like alpha and omega where it determines them?

Well, here's the fun part of the fun fact: it has been seen that Beasts evolve. Just like humans. While evolving, they have been found to have mixed Heat Cycles. Some males have females and females have males. (More info on Heat Week/Mating chapter)
