
Dragon nerd
My sister's medi page: https://medibang.com/u/Kingoftheworld/
My favorite books: How to train your dragon, Dragon Rider, Keeper of the lost cities, Dragon defenders and Wings of fire.
My favorite movie trilogy: How to train your dragon.
Currently working on: Rising Shadows, Rising Shadows: Assassin, Rising Shadows: Book of dragons and HTTYD As the Nightfalls.
- Fighting
- Dragon
- Battle
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
Happy Halloween from the most innocent cat ever!
Hey everyone! I'm sorry that it's taking me so long to publish Rising Shadows Chapter 6. It's just is I have been very busy lately. I am making a httyd story, a Rising Shadows side story and I just started making a Rising Shadows book about all the dragon species. So don't worry I have not given up on Rising Shadows. I'm still making it, It's just taking a while for me to finish the chapter. I promise I will make it as soon as possible. So that's all for now.
Bye! ✌
The winner is ShadowProductions! (Since they are the only person that entered.) I am soon going to do another contest.
I'm so happy! Thank you people!
This indoraptor is out for my siblings (ShadowProductions) blood. And in the second picture a bird dino thing(WHY AM I FORGETTING THE NAME?!) and the Indoraptor were both chasing my sibling.
The contest is whoever makes the best rising shadows art wins. Here are the prizes:
1st place gets three requests
2nd place gets two requests
3rd place gets one request
The contest ends at September 20th.
You can also say if I'm a mix of these.
> Dragonfruit Thank you! 😋🤟
i think your kinda a mix of brown and blue really cool ocs and you make drawings quick .v.
It will end at August 10th.
I just mah second covid vaccine!
So yeah. That's it.
This is the mother to Pineapple. Heres the link to what I used for the base. https://www.deviantart.com/lapurrm/art/F2U-RETIRED-WoF-Shaded-Dragon-Bases-765078797
Here's the link to the base I used. https://www.deviantart.com/lapurrm/art/F2U-RETIRED-WoF-Shaded-Dragon-Bases-765078797
One of these won't work but the gronkle is in the piece of garbage part.
Oh you can actually see the last part.
> ShadowProductions Okay. Sorry!
The link doesn't show your version, it shows the site it was on. Take a screenshot of yours, and then post it
It now ends at july 30th.
Do you think I should finish this?
I was at the fast food place called Wendy's with my mom and sibling. And... when I was eating my nuggets...... I accidentally had a spicy one.....
Remember, my contest ends at july 21! If you don't remember it's about where you draw a scene from my comic rising shadows. Go on my topics to see the prizes.
Hi everyone! I have joined Deviantart!! .One guy in a theater room . Oh yay that's so cool wow! . Thank you theater guy! Here's the link for my deviantart page! https://www.deviantart.com/thedragonnerd
I will still post on medibang but sorry if I don't post as much. Dragon nerd ou..... Vesuvius... put the torch down. Vesuvius. Vesuvius! OHMYGOD-
My sibling spawned the dragons.....I blew up so many things.....fire...........help...
Pic 1: too innocent for this world.
Pic 2: Evidence of a crime.
Pic 4: They are sisters....... HOW!
This is me and my sibling playing school of dragons. It's an amazing game and I recommend it. My siblings dragons on there are Snow stalker the sand wraith and Northfield the deadly nadder. North field is the gitchiest thing alive! My dragon's names are Icicle(least favorite! No regrets!) Rumble the Rumblehorn,(he's man third fav) Violent the armor wing (third fav and my first girl dragon.) And last but not least....Slaughter my monstrous nightmare! I have a stoker stable on school of dragons. So that's it. Dragon nerd ou- . Self destructs .
> Danizinha Thank you so much!
Yay !!! ✨\(>‿<)/✨ Congratulations !!! 🎉🎉🎉 I hope you will reach level 2 and more soon !!! ✨