일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

1.5 시간 / 주
바빠요 Sigo en el colegio por eso no tengo mucho tiempo

sewyart* 님이 like 하셨습니다!

I hate//vent

I hate koris parents
I hate jeans parents
I hate kuris parents
I hate bellas parents

I hate tube
I hate ash

I hate people who say "faggot" in a derogatory way
I hate people who say the n word in a derogatory way
I hate people who say lesbians are just confused
I hate people who say trans women will always be men and trans men will always be women
I hate people who say there are only two genders

I hate being an afab
I hate having tits and a pussy
I hate my face

I hate this place
I hate this world
I hate Christians*
I hate white people*

I hate drama
I hate people*

I understand suicidal people


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