Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

this website never change huh

japan age of consent actually isn't 13, that's just a base law along time ago not and is not applied to major cities. it's actually somewhere 18. it you G0OgLe search japan age of consent and believe it then lmao -_- that info is wrong as hell

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  • > Ciinnanya! ayo! and same, heart shatter when my fav artist turn out to be a proshipper u-u and yea you don't need a law to keep your morality compass stable. lowkey the same as letting murderers off scott free if there's no law against it

  • it’s good that I unfollowed them because I don’t wanna follow some adult who acually supports it- and I have proof he supports it. I legit looked up to them and this is what I see- damn. Well anyways heyo :>