Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

so a few days ago,

a few days ago i asked if other ppl had their eyes twitch

now im wondering,

does it ever stop? :,)

my eyelid has been constantly twitching 24/7, it doesnt stop, it doesnt every calm down, its just constantly twitching and its driving me insANE AAAAAAAAAA

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  • > Austara Lynn omfg don't joke about that lol. *whispers* you have to get screws in you head and have a lot of different surgeries to try and remove it.

  • > LapisLazuli if i had a brain tumor i would name it larry and he would be my best friend

  • my bio moms eye twitched because she had a brain tumor but I highly doubt you have one of those lol (she called it bob)

  • but i'll look it up again ok here it is "The exact cause of eye twitching is not known, but the condition can originate in the motor nerves of the brain. Dry eyes, stress, fatigue, eye strain, and certain medications can contribute to an episode. Eye twitching is temporary in most cases and goes away on its own."

how does this happen

how do you go from calling someone for hours every day, playing games with them all the time, sending them songs you like, talking every day after school, to just



what did i do wrong? was i too clingy? was i annoying? did he feel like i was forcing him to hang out with me? how do you go from maximum effort to none? its been 11 days since we've actually talked and joked around and had fun

i spent 4 months crushing on him, talking to him and playing minecraft with him was my favorite part of the day, and then all of a sudden he just stopped.

its good for me though, i feel like im finally moving on and i finally got the clarification that there was no point in liking someone if nothing was going to happen

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  • it feels like going through a breakup, but we never even dated in the first place, just platonic flirting, except i secretly really liked him oh well


im in an online french class and iM 28 ASSIGNEMTNS BEHIND EHAYTS THEH EHCK

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  • Me whos trying to make out what she said: ;-; No but i genuinely feel bad for u french sucks💀 I took french bcuz i wanted to seem cool and its so complicated. 19 in french is literally deez nuts and u gotta deal with whatever the hell this is --> œ Theres more things that make it so much harder too 😭😭😭

  • This gives me so much anxiety for you!! I’m constantly stressing about school and turning stuff in on time so I don’t have this problem. But aaa it makes me feel so anxious for you

  • Me who's months behind 💀💀💀

  • time to play minecraft and procrastinate😍😍😍😍