the dude i liked left our friend group for 2 months, no explanation, completely went dry
it hurt a lot cuz i blamed myself and i FINALLY GOT OVER HIM
and then he came back
im glad hes back but like- it feels like i spent all that time tryna move on just for nothing?

Austara Lynn
i only post my art on here, pinterest, insta, and tiktok as of currently.
- pee: pp
- ocs
- jk
- pee
- fart
- slay
- aesthetic art :D
- very pink
- gucci gang
- poopy
- bowowowowowowwowowowoww
- uiyfdcvbnmkkjh
- girlboss
- dont take any of those seriously
- Work Place:unemployed,babyyy
- Gender:Female
Life Event
- 01/2023 hopefullygetaboyfriend
- 07/2023 gotboyfriend:D
save me
i want spaghetti
itd make my day
> Hunter'sGrave thanks man u a homie
i literally have some in the fridge ill send it to u/hj
32 missing assignments in french :D
including several tests
i loveeeee this class sooooo muchhhhh (i wish i never signed up this was the biggest mistake of my life, my gpa is suffering, my mental health is suffering, i am stressed)
im sooo sorry i take spanish so i wouldnt know...
on my phone, which i DRAW EVERYTHING ON, i just realized that i have the blue light filter on (which makes the screen more orange)
so i turned it off and realized how very pale all of my drawings are 💀💀💀
still gonna be using the blue light filter though, dont wanna destroy my eyes :,)
but the colours for me look very pretty lol
awww im sorry
if right now were a color itd be lavender
i like lavender days but i can never get anything done bc im too sleepy and cozy
i can do my schoolwork another time
so theres this guy in my class who i joke around with sometimes, and today he took my water bottle and was like running away with it AS A JOKE, we were BOTH laughing abt it, and then the teacher SUSPENDED HIM FOR IT
> Austara Lynn 💀
> -AshiaDraws- 3 days 💀💀💀💀
> -AshiaDraws- YEA💀💀💀
a frame on an animation im working on, its my cat
It looks sooo good ❤️❤️
luv it!!!
Cute! :3
fading out from friends <<<<
romanticizing it and thinking "its good for the plot" >>>>
sea horses get married and i think itd be cool to be a sea horse bc love and no beauty standards or cheating to effect it
true love🥹😍
what color would u be and why?
personally id be yellow bc yellow is happy color and im a very happy person :D
> ♥\HxLL0_K1TTY/♥ LMAO i love that
black like my soul /hj
i might start posting small animations on tiktok
also yesterday my dad texted me saying "slay" hes beginning to act like me help
> Austara Lynn LOL
> Hunter'sGrave i responded with "dad thats not very girlboss of you" LMAO
omg my friend says slay all the time lol just tell him slay isn't cool anymore and then use the word when you want to when he's not around.
"im on the verge of falli ng asleep rn like so bad kike when i close my eyes and open them again eveyrhting s ==s dizzy and i feel dizzy and tired and i cant wait for the b s ride when i can sleep and lay down and hioefkky ill be nire awake then btt addeu left so in gibba ve akk kakaibe"
is he okay? im kinda really worried and i havent heard anything else about it since the support posts, is he alive? is he okay?
i have and will continue to stan this song
> Austara Lynn ohhhh oki hi btw
> LapisLazuli its a song by rex orange county and its so good, i love his music sm
i posted my first ever tiktok yesterday and omg people are so sweet in the comments TOT
i love people omg
a few days ago i asked if other ppl had their eyes twitch
now im wondering,
does it ever stop? :,)
my eyelid has been constantly twitching 24/7, it doesnt stop, it doesnt every calm down, its just constantly twitching and its driving me insANE AAAAAAAAAA
> Austara Lynn omfg don't joke about that lol. *whispers* you have to get screws in you head and have a lot of different surgeries to try and remove it.
> LapisLazuli if i had a brain tumor i would name it larry and he would be my best friend
my bio moms eye twitched because she had a brain tumor but I highly doubt you have one of those lol (she called it bob)
but i'll look it up again ok here it is "The exact cause of eye twitching is not known, but the condition can originate in the motor nerves of the brain. Dry eyes, stress, fatigue, eye strain, and certain medications can contribute to an episode. Eye twitching is temporary in most cases and goes away on its own."
> Austara Lynn *little sister voice* MOOOOM Austara won't let me playyyyyy ToT
> LapisLazuli *very buff manly voice* no👹👹👹
> Austara Lynn :3 *little sister voice* sissy can I have a turn on ur ipad
especially the song Feels Like We Only Go Backwards
like omg
some kid: "i barely know [my real name], shes so quiet"
my friend: "oh trust me shes quiet at first but then after that shes insane you do not want to get to know her, today she asked me what jolly rancher flavor id be"
got told by the friend who was in the convo LMAO
this is how my school sees me😍😍😍😍💪💪💪💪
in art class today i'll get to paint empty vinyl records
im so excited
theres a guy at my school im tryna be friends with, and i have his discord bc im friends with his cousins
and every time i change my status, he dms me and makes a joke about whatever my status is, so every day ive been changing it so he will message me >:)
hopefully the 5 billion feet of snow will melt :,)
> TheFanartFREAK YUP😃😃😃
> Austara Lynn -40????? 💀💀💀💀
> TheFanartFREAK one time in preschool it was -40 degrees and my mom likes to bring it up any time its negative degrees when we're going to school me: "it's negative 3 degrees" mom: "at least its not -40" LMAO
> Austara Lynn I hear there was snow in July here once 💀
how do you go from calling someone for hours every day, playing games with them all the time, sending them songs you like, talking every day after school, to just
what did i do wrong? was i too clingy? was i annoying? did he feel like i was forcing him to hang out with me? how do you go from maximum effort to none? its been 11 days since we've actually talked and joked around and had fun
i spent 4 months crushing on him, talking to him and playing minecraft with him was my favorite part of the day, and then all of a sudden he just stopped.
its good for me though, i feel like im finally moving on and i finally got the clarification that there was no point in liking someone if nothing was going to happen
it feels like going through a breakup, but we never even dated in the first place, just platonic flirting, except i secretly really liked him oh well
february theory is that in february, you'll unexpectedly fall for someone and fall in love
i did the opposite LMAO
> Austara Lynn Lol he looks like my sister's type I bet she'll be simping soon
> TheFanartFREAK theres a guy in it named yato and omg i used to simp HARD for him
> Austara Lynn My sister has watched a bit though and has some of the manga
> Austara Lynn Not yet, but I plan to
i find it amusing
i think the reason why is because in my head i see them as different aesthetics and personalities on the same base
i am in no sports at school so everyone in my grade is doing a field trip except me so i have like 4 hours of absolutely nothing tomorrow
im in an online french class and iM 28 ASSIGNEMTNS BEHIND EHAYTS THEH EHCK
Me whos trying to make out what she said: ;-; No but i genuinely feel bad for u french sucks💀 I took french bcuz i wanted to seem cool and its so complicated. 19 in french is literally deez nuts and u gotta deal with whatever the hell this is --> œ Theres more things that make it so much harder too 😭😭😭
This gives me so much anxiety for you!! I’m constantly stressing about school and turning stuff in on time so I don’t have this problem. But aaa it makes me feel so anxious for you
Me who's months behind 💀💀💀
time to play minecraft and procrastinate😍😍😍😍
truly inspiring words