Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

omg also i forgot to say

so i had art class and i have a foreign exchange boy in my grade (and a couple classes) from spain

i noticed he was looking at me a lot and thought i was just being delusional until my friend said "bro he keeps looking at you"

so for the rest of class we counted how many times we caught him looking at me bc he was so obvious abt it. 44 TIMES IN ONE HOUR. ONE CLASS. so the next day we do the same thing again, and got 48. quick math, he looked at me 92 times in the span of 2 hours worth of class:(

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guys :O

i had my first kiss today


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  • Congratulations!! ^^ :D

  • Ooo CONGRATZ! I hope he's a good one yes? TREATS U WELL HMM? XD I've never had any experience remotely close to that and I'm nearing adulthood PFT- Well.. except I had a creepy experience with a customer while I was working buttt y'know you get that sometimes-

  • ohhh que bien, la verdad el primer beso es raro pero a la vez bonito. Yo igual tuve mi primer beso el mes pasado, y la vedad fue raro, espero que el tuyo no haya tenido un sabor a comida porque el mio tenia sabor a cheetos flamin hot :v

  • Luckyy I highly doubt i'm ever gonna get to experience romance 😔