Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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ReuxReux left a comment!

Feel free to correct me if im wrong

DID is a mental disorder caused by severe and/or repetitive trauma. The most commen way for it to develop is through sexual abuse/assault, and its much more commen for the victim to have gone through several assaults before splitting.
Splitting is the brains way of coping with the trauma.
(im not entirely sure on the next bit)
When you split, the very first alter you create is a trauma holder.
The time you're able to split is between the ages of 0-5.

Feel free to correct me if I missed anything!

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A follow up to yesterdays post.

This is import to anyone who still are following me.
Please, read this.

I will read and probably respond to dms (however this greatly depends on who is messaging me and if I feel like responding).
I will not post topics any more and if you're talking to me, or reached me via dms, I will monitor myself and what I'm saying much more than I did before so that I no longer offend people.
I will occasionally post drawings and possibly vents but I'm not sure about the vents.

And this is regarding the drama that's occured:
Please refrain from posting about it. It makes me feel like I'm still fucking up even though I'm not there to do so.
This DOES NOT, however, mean that I still do not believe that I am in the wrong for most, if not all of the back and forths between me and others.
I doubt that I'll ever regain my reputation as an artist on this platform. Honestly, I doubt that I even deserve to.


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ReuxReux left a comment!

A proper apology.

I'm sorry for fakeclaiming tube.
Im sorry for being an asshole.
Im sorry for acting out.
Im sorry for being a dick.
Im sorry for being toxic.
Im sorry for being a bad person.

I know some of you won't accept this apology.
I know some of you will take this with a grain of salt.
And I know that ill never be able to take back the things I've done or said.
From now on, ill try to be better.
I realize how manipulative I am.
I realize that vents are unnecessary.
I realize that im over the top.

And im sorry.
Im leaving.
Ill see you whenever I decide to come back, but for now, I love all the friends that chose to put up with my toxicity.


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ReuxReux left a comment!

A proper apology.

I'm sorry for fakeclaiming tube.
Im sorry for being an asshole.
Im sorry for acting out.
Im sorry for being a dick.
Im sorry for being toxic.
Im sorry for being a bad person.

I know some of you won't accept this apology.
I know some of you will take this with a grain of salt.
And I know that ill never be able to take back the things I've done or said.
From now on, ill try to be better.
I realize how manipulative I am.
I realize that vents are unnecessary.
I realize that im over the top.

And im sorry.
Im leaving.
Ill see you whenever I decide to come back, but for now, I love all the friends that chose to put up with my toxicity.


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