My brain went poof - Morning's Thoughts
Yesterday i was out of home starting from 7 am to 9 pm
Legit like it was so tiring i just wanna drop myself to bed and i did, which is why no art post for yesterday
I did the sketch tho, dw, it still counts, i just haven't uploaded it and it's too wacky for me to do
My brain just decided to sniff sniff cry and poof, gone
It decide to drop me to bed and lemme rest in peace
But tbh, i'm glad it did
Bc even in my dream i still had thoughts flying around and i'm actually still thinking inside of it
It was a messed up one, legit
The headaches too, it's still there, alright
it's just so nauseating to even eat and sit, istg i'm not sure if this is okay
The amount of rollercoaster that happened yesterday was so much,
Mayhaps one of the worst and also the best day of my life
It was so wack for my brain that i can't even do anything other than sleeping early
Even now i can't even properly say what i want to say lol
Please send elp
Have a golden day!
Or night!
Or a golden dream!
Just, have a golden one, alright?
I'll check back when my brain feels ready, and the reacts too! I'll react back dw <3
i-i'm so t-tired-... zzz

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