Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

If you're not a 6'0 Jihoe, you’re not dank enough to be in my presence, peasants be gone.


Some mfs really think they ate smh-

Honestly- my mom told me "You're gonna loose friends" after I came out as bi and I'm just sitting there like: "Bitch g o o d - they don't deserve to be in my presence anyway, damn bold of you to assume I'M not the one cutting them off-" She acts like I'M the one ruining MY own life- uhuh- Do I seem like I want to have depression, Karen? :) Sit yo ass down woman-

*pat pats* Ily, but ya need the rest, you bean TTwTT do it for me, mom and most importantly, yourself- :3

(P.S- I said that Roxanne Wolf was kinda fine, do ya regret adopting me yet?- :})

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  • My parents have only been told I'm ace. And t h a t was a fucking disaster. Shit like, "Everyone's like that sometimes" "stop looking for attention" "what, do you think you're a boy now too?" and "Trying to be an -Insert F slur here-, Sadye?" Meanwhile me now around two years later with a girlfriend and being a gender non conforming hoe and all of my relationships are healthier than their relationship and their relationships with their friends I mean *shrugs* if you don't want decent people around me, alright I guess? But yes I am aware I need rest, I stayed off all day and got nervous that someone might need something while I wasn't here so I checked in and will be going back offline in six minutes and coming back in 24 hours. And I don't know who Roxanne Wolf is, but probably not.


Yeah like-

I really don't get people who find it such an "inconvenience" that the person they found attractive is trans ; - ;

idk why some peoples' skulls are too thick for them to comprehend-

my brother's were being lil shits while we were on vacation too- and one of them said something along the lines of "She- well he, it's a guy- He----" istfgJihyo I would've rocked his shit if I were in a better living situation smh-

and aren't you supposed to be taking a break rn? 🤨

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  • > Soccs ah, i can see that. but that is a lil prejudice. not all ppl are like that.

  • > jack🏳‍⚧🐢 She saw a video of a dumb guy trying taking a video to prove a man could get into the bathroom with it visible as an excuse to be transphobic- So now she thinks all the "libtards" will be letting predators into bathrooms because she thinks trans people can get away with anything just because people want to be politically correct ._.

  • > Soccs -_-, mmm, my parents don't know. but the topic came up, and he said to just get a strap on. ur mom is a lil weird tho.... why would they have a camera??

  • yeah -_-

w h a t -

//Tw: Transphobia (some people are still really T H I S ignorant-)//
okay- so- I know this guy d i d n o t just compare telling someone you're trans after having doing 'it' to telling someone you have herpes after doing 'it' and then say "AnYWaYS I SupPorT tHe tRaNs cOMmUniTy 100%"- bitch wtf it's not a disease-

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  • I understand if it's a genital preference but if it's post op, there's no excuse except transphobia. And genital preference wouldn't matter afterward because ya kinda gotta see the bits to do the shit in the first place. It would be one thing if it were a committed long term relationship, just because complete honesty and understanding of what each other are going through is important, but a one night stand doesn't have jack shit to do with anything.