i just wanna thank the ppl that made these designs for me I still draw these characters every single day, sadly I don't recall who made the first one for me but ik lalacolors made the second for me. i adore them just as much as I did the day I got them

just here to tell yall to go follow my insta !!! @starstruckterror
I post my art on there !!!! and I'm super duper active there so yeah go follow me
who wanna dress up as different jokers and kiss
who would drive onto the end for him ?
pocket his eyes for later .
what a sharp blade .
cut into ugly tainted skin .
flawed , naked and ugly .
how could anyone love him ?
replaceable , an easy fix .
eyes gone dry , can you see what i see ?
a liar .
a miserable romance .
caramel orbs .
a perfectly sharp blade .
perfect has never been so ugly .
thorns cut into my wrists .
the roses no longer visible .
i can smell the roses , my saint , hes here .
ive quoted the prayer but never asked what it meant .
i was a sacrifice .
sorrel eyes glare at me , still as beautiful as always .
the thorns cut into my neck , i wince and beg .
he holds my hand and he praises me .
he never loved me , the priest .
im just a deacon , but he'll forever be my saint .
my perfect martyr , my saviour .
thorns cut into my wrists .
the roses no longer visible , though i can smell them .
i can smell the roses , my saint , hes here .
ive quoted the prayer but never asked what it meant .
my priest never wanted to save me , i was a sacrifice .
sorrel eyes glare at me , still as beautiful as always .
the thorns cut into my neck , i wince and beg .
"this is what you were born for , my love"
he loves me , the priest .
he holds on to my hand and he praises me .
he tells me ive done so well and that now , ill help everyone find Him .
he never loved me , the priest .
im just a deacon , an offering to Him .
i was always a varlet , but he'll forever be my saint .
my perfect martyr , my saviour .
> Bacon Brilliance sick
> ⭐ cult loser ⭐ I think I've been writing before kindergarten cause I was a very lonely child lol
> Bacon Brilliance ive been writing sonce i was like 9
whispers from the bottom of the steps
a twisted staircase has its secrets .
it whispers them to us whilst we plant our feet on each creaking step .
it whispers untill we get dizzy .
it whispers untill tears drown us .
the staircase is not our friend .
a twisted staircase has its reasons .
but reasoning with the stairs wont stop them from getting to us .
bullets in a boy shaped heart
i miss a boy .
why do i miss a boy that is not real ?
i miss a boy , but he is not real .
let me play pretend .
i miss a boy , but he is gone .
there are bullets in my boy shaped heart .
velvet life
i feel as if i deserve this .
i deserve throns that press into my skin .
i deserve the hatered and sadness that i see in your eyes whn you look at me .
do i deserve the end ?
do i deserve to know how this all ends ?
do i deserve our kiss ?
do i deserve to know how warm your skin is ?
or do i deserve these throns ?
do i deserve the knife in my throat ?
i do not deserve your love , i deserve nothing youve given me .
theres less drama on TWITTER thn on here
idek wth is happening on here , whats the drama
hopefully that'll change soon ;w;
Idk if that is true, but this place has too much drama.
Cool. Good on him for being true to himself!
he most certainly is
what a day
love with him is like blowing out the flame of a candle .
love with him is like making out in the back seat of a truck .
love with him is like a pierce the veil song .
love with him is like kissing her .
sour lover
the apple doesnt fall far from the tree .
the apple falls , breaking limbs , breaking hearts .
this apple bruises the leaves , grass and dirt it lands on .
the apple never bruises untill it needs .
i bite into the apple , only to be greeted by a sour taste .
i was tricked .
i bit into a lemon , sour juices run down my chin .
the lemon never kisses the apple .
that gross bean smell
i twist and twist , the can opener is something i never learnt how to use .
finally , the can is open .
my hand slips , i cut my palm on the sharp edge of the can , the beans spill out aross the floor .
the beans dont stop spilling out of the can .
its overwhelming , it just wont stop .
the juices flood the clean , white tiles .
my socks have been soaked , why wont the beans stop ?
eventually the beans fill the room , suffocating me .
ive always fucking hated beans .
wear me out
something sweet , as promised .
something small , as desired .
lick the chocolate off as you wish .
swirl your tongue around the lollipop .
keep eye contact with me .
connect our lips , our pink tongues touch .
it feels like popping candy inside your mouth [ electric ] .
i can taste the sweetness on your lips , perfect , candy stained .
fingers lightly touch my waist , travel up to my chest .
it feels , oh , so sweet .
my red gummy heart swells , i hope you feel the same .
sweet , just how he likes it .
i choke on the scent .
the smell of roses taking over my lungs .
the petals of sunflowers brushing against my skin .
the beauty of the flowers keep me distracted .
the vines grab onto our limbs and pull us together .
the thorns cut at our thighs , our wrist .
the scent is overwhelming , roses , sunflowers , tulips .
the colours keep us in a trance .
the vines cover our bodies , keeping us warm .
it gets dark , hard to breathe .
the last thing i think of is the flowers , not the vines , not ur cold , limp , lifeless body .
he'd never let them hurt me
a beauty , a saint , a fucking liar .
he twists my hair around his fingers and tugs .
he pulls and pulls untill i scream .
he pokes his fingers into my jaw bone and into the sockets of my eyes .
i spit , he spits back .
i can hear the smirk on his voice and feel it on my lips .
i can feel my eyes being dug out , he loves it .
he loves the way i scream .
what a pathetic fucking romance this is .
rnaodm line for a poem
"his sailor my siren , his boy my priest "
seaweed , rough against my skin .
seaweed , pinning me down , keeping me from moving .
slowly traveling up my arms and legs .
i hear my sirens song , hes here .
i feel his hand on my cheek , i look over to him .
he smiles , perfect like a sweet poison .
ive always listened to the song but never the lyrics .
my siren never loved me , hes a curse .
his eyes , his song , his warm hand on my cheek .
the seaweed travels further up my body , scratching my skin .
the seaweed has a grip on my neck now , squeezing .
seaweed covers my eyes and pours into my mouth , down my throat .
i was never his sailor but he'll always be my siren .
my perfect curse , my siren .
safety , protection .
his song is beautiful , perfect .
he drowns me in it , his promise .
the way the waves flow , they way his song pulls me in .
hes my siren , hes calling for me .
im the sailor he claims , helpless to his song .
i see him from afar , his eyes brown , almost loud .
pretty like a curse , perfect like a sweet poison .
hes a siren , a goddess , and im just a boy .
i bite into his love like an apple , its bittersweet .
it gets stuck in my teeth , i never brush so it stays , just untill we're ready .
ill wait for him , as long as it takes .
i finally have something to keep me safe , the bittersweet taste of his apple .
its called glorified soul
if u dont like me anymore will u just say it ? bc thats so fucking unfair on me so so fucking unfair i cant fucking do this anymore i hate u so bad all uve done it hurt me and make me feel pathetic and so fucking stupid . this is so unfair and u just dont fucking see that i hate that i still love u so bad , but u dont like me anymore and i just cant take it i fucking hate u
so ur upset with me for not letting u call me baby while we were dating
but now that we're not dating someone else [MY FUCKING FRIEND] calls me baby
i dont fucking care if u call me baby i actually would prefer for my friend to NOT call me baby bc he just makes me uncomfortable
fuck ur so fucking insufferable
if ur upset that we're not dating just fucking ask me out u stupid fucking cunt IM GONNA SAY YES like fuck cunt i hate u sometimes BUT I STILL WANNA BE UR BF
u guys annoy the shit out of me
a finger hooks a belt loop on my jeans, theyre too tight , he cant get them off. it starts, he tells me ill be ok, i believe him, normally id be scared, crying. he calls me pretty, its almost like he loves me. hes rough, it hurts like always, hed kiss me whn its over, soft, sweet
the r slur ISNT reclaimable
lmao ill just kms i cqnt do this anymore
please fuck can i kill myself
theyre fucking talking abt him and the guy he likes they know ill see it they just fucking want me to kms i hate this so much why cant i just die i never want to talk to him again i fucking hate u i hate u i hate u i hate u i wish u could see this so u knew ur fucking killing me
i wanna vomit till i fucking die
was never abt my health or his
he could of just fucking told me
lmao i swear ill kms
fuck i hate him so fucking bad
> Lala colors my most recent drawing of the character u made me 💜💜 if the link doesn’t work my @ on cara is starstruckterror https://cara.app/post/fdecf65d-9e1f-40b9-b2f6-21e662eb580f
> Lala colors i’m about to post some now 💜
> h I would love to see the art and story u've been doing for these two! 💛🩵 I'm sure it's really good☆ <3
> Sewer Monster it’s insane to look thru all my drawings of him and see how my style and the character have grown i’ve been thinking abt posting here again i might start with drawings of him 💜💜💜