Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Uh let's make a story together

I will start the story, and you comment what happens next.

"A man walks into a restaurant." Now you turn.

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  • > hewuwowu975 W h a t a r e y o u ?

  • > Kickboxxer1010 "The man explodes, and poop is now everywhere."

  • > Dinosaurbean "Uh oh, the man isn't wanting to take of his shoes. Let's fix that with a"

  • “A man walks into a restaurant. And when he’s inside he feels shocked as he sees mythical creatures inside the restaurant. It's an alligator cosplaying as a Dragon, The Man turns out to be a Demigod,a short lil guy walks up to the man, and then asks if he could borrow his shoes”