Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

!~Kurai~! left a comment!

:) I love my 1st period teacher-

Why- ?

He’s go-lucky ,fun, considerate, and reasonable

-Understands when I pass out on my desk every couple minutes,

-Spreads Optimism

-Doesn’t assign unnecessary work

-Makes jokes to pass the time

“I-Is that the article I see Midwest on it-” <Nervous because all the other teachers make fun of you about it :)
“Maybe it is, *Picks both papers up and staples them* Those stinkers didn’t staple.”
“:] Hm hm!”
“I’m also giving out free piercings, *Holds up stapler* Want one?”
“No thank you.”
“No Thank You”
“No Thank You”
“No Thank You xD”
“Anywhere on the ear?”
“No thank you, I prefer not to get infected peircings! Thank you anyways! :D”
*He starts laughing*

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