Now i'm remembering my other boyfrien, which I will not name- giving me full enchanted netherite.
I love all my simps, they're so kind to me. ❤️😇

> Kurai
!: Don't have DID, Just talks in 3rd person!
Taken by the best!
(Kai and Nick)
I Identify As A Mistake! :D /hj
Mmm, I like anything that gives me energy- Coffee, Energy drinks, candy, sugar- Mhm mhm mhm.
Uh,My personality is kinda like a lost cat. I'm highly empathetic,I guess i'm nice? :O Uh,Yeah! I'm nice.Indeed. Though I have my moods, I can be dissociative, dry/monotone. :(
- Uh Idk Cartoon?
- Deppresing arts
- Gore (Mild gore it's fun to draw)
- Work Place:
- Gender:Male
-When You Collect Simps Like Pokemon Cards
Me during passing period: Vibing
My simp for a friend: Hives me a hot choclate
Me knowing they're some of the sweetest people I now,
Remembering that one of my two boyfriends, Kai, is the biggest simp- and my sugar daddy. :)💸
Music in the background: He love me he gimme all his money that gucci-
Why- ?
He’s go-lucky ,fun, considerate, and reasonable
-Understands when I pass out on my desk every couple minutes,
-Spreads Optimism
-Doesn’t assign unnecessary work
-Makes jokes to pass the time
“I-Is that the article I see Midwest on it-” <Nervous because all the other teachers make fun of you about it :)
“Maybe it is, *Picks both papers up and staples them* Those stinkers didn’t staple.”
“:] Hm hm!”
“I’m also giving out free piercings, *Holds up stapler* Want one?”
“No thank you.”
“No Thank You”
“No Thank You”
“No Thank You xD”
“Anywhere on the ear?”
“No thank you, I prefer not to get infected peircings! Thank you anyways! :D”
*He starts laughing*
Being on a call, and listening to them all play Minecraft is ok-
But when you try and talk and they ignore you. You cry.
"Can you guys here more or do you just not give two fVC|<s about what i'm saying?"
"I can hear you, I just don't care- I mean- focused on something else."
After taking 11 Melatonin, Drinking a good ol' green tea of wonder, thinking about the pressuring thoughts of daily life- and the fact I hardly got any sleep for the past couple days,
I think i'm tired enough to pass out. We did it boys. Cheers.
The picture I sent is the second picture:
"I want these shoes so bad-"
*Insert the picture*
> !~Kurai~! I try- Also, you have poggers style
> ☾✞ You just spit facts.
> !~Kurai~! Like who raised y'all smh I thought it was common sense to y’know not be rude
> ☾✞ Facts, Dude their words hurt-
It's 4Am,
ah h h
Imma go try and sleep, Night!
Taurus Steryotype:
My Taurus design:
Yep, I'm a gacha kid. Get over it. :)
> !~Kurai~! <3
> RedDoctor Yeh! I'm a Taurus! :O Leossss, perty, fits you!
Is that ur sign? Mine is Leo!
Art not mine, Nothing against who drew this- I freaking love it. *Happy sob* But everyone sees Taurus as b u f f boy. Though, What if they're just a calf. :Sparkles: Lets kill toxic masculinity, yayy! :D
I'm actually cryng over a math test. this is what we call crippling insecurity.
*Kurai when he only gets 16 out of 24 points
Why? He remembers both of his lover's timezone is 4 hours apart, so when he finally gets home at 6:30, they're still as school-
|*| Inhale |*|
Kurai --> About to cry
Why? --> He has to go to school.
S h e e s h
I'm swera imma cry,
My dreams are too vivid where most of my dreams are scary af.
My dream was about a serial killer, in the beginning of my dream- I knew about them, then they came to my town. They were found stab stabbing person on the lawn of my town, and were arrested by police- but i'm guessing they broke out.
Guess what happened? They came to my house next. Now most of my dream consisted on a school day, where I had kept to myself, but made a new friend who did something with the guidance counciler (I forgot).
So I started riding the bus-
I guess I used to be in a gang or something- cause I recognized three of the peeps- WAIT I REMEMBER NOW. The serial killer was an old gang member- ANYWAYS, they told me they left the gang like I had cause once they saw the bloodthirst and true intentions that carried on, they dropped out.
Before I got off, I watched as the bus triver opened this saftey compartment in the seat (Weird right?) So I did the same with the seat behind it...
There was a g3n.
I had this horrible feeling in my gut, and then he rolled up to my house. It wrenched of disgust, and I could feel my gut flp upside down, on god. I kept the pew pew faced at the ground as I asked him why he had these out, and about the killer, would I be alright?
He gave a weak smile, "S-She's here.." he gave a sickened laugh, and as I looked to the side- I see a puddle of red on my sidewalks, and a truck trying to hide the body as quick as possible. They were going ot harm my fmaily and I, that was their motive. If they weren't spotted and killed, i'd be dead. Not that I mind, rather that's definitly not the way I want to go out..
I remember watching dull eyed as the people cleaned up the scene at my house, the serial killer's organs layed out upon my front porch...
God why are my dreams like that, i'm going to throw up. It was all realistic too!
Kurai Go Offline Now.
Nobody he's friend's with has messaged him in a bit, so it's safe to assume they're all ok and asleep.
Kurai-Kun go nini, I guess. Goodnight. :) <3
- !~Kurai!~!
I'm so tired of crying when fricking Rick Montgomery songs come on-
Line Without A Hook is my Ex's and I's anniversy song.
|*|Insert cri|*|
I'm writing a song rn- these lyrics swag or nah?
"I know the sayings 'Live,Laugh,Love' but nowadays it's 'I give up.'"
Ya'll ever just be sittingat a buffet and this scene happen?:
Kurai: I wanna be like- a genderbent Harley Quinn for Halloween or something
Mom: You do know you aren't a boy, right?
Kurai: Goes silent, and irritated
Mom: Now you're getting ll P!$$y! I know what it's about, and it's true.
Then she won't let you go to the bathroom because she's to afraid you'll make yourself throw up, so she says if you want to go then she goes in there with you! :D
So when you're almost home, you ask if she can drop you off down the corner so you can walk home, and she does.
|*|Insert quiet sobbing|*|
Kurai-kun is being forced to go out to eat, he's even been forced to change out of his big hoodie.. He's angry.
Bye bye, be back later.
This is the oc I use! This is when I use Kurai- so this is for the groupchat rps, or when I rp with Basil, mk?
Oi oi 👌🏻
Guess what today is,
best boy's birthday! Aka, Oliver.
Wish him happy Birthday :O
Kurai when he's to sleep deprived to think:
My god I love Dream XD animations.
Should I be thankful? Cause I am- but i'm worried what they meant by that. 😭🖐️
Kurai-Kun is going to go go watch TV until he feels tired now, night night! <3
<3 Rice ball animals <3 Lovin's the phrog
Lmao, I love him so much- My favorite teacher.
I was sitting in the hall,working, and he comes behind me and just goes-
"[Deadname] you need to calm down,"
I was confused and said sorry- then turned back around to continue doing my work,
"[Deadname], Calm,down."
At this point I was laughing, and put my hands up in the air,
"I'm calm, i'm calm." I protested,
"[Deadname} you're acting really hostile right now! Ahh, Don't lunge at me-!"
"Dang right! I'm very scary." I turned back to him and said, then he started doing the same thing to the person sitting next to be.
"[Classmate] don't raise your pencil at me-"
> TOXIC <3
> !~Kurai~! Oki ,dear <3
> TOXIC Bunny! Bunny!
> TOXIC Call *
Just started school, first period.
Bell j u s t rang, and i've already heard 6 kids go,
Tw: Mention of s3xv@/ action :)
"Can I put my balls in your jaws?
Imma flip, my god.
> !~Kurai~! Yay
> Anonymousartist05 All i can offer is my hugs |*|Kurai hug|*|
> !~Kurai~! Ohhh you don’t knowwww yetttt- 😪 …Need hugs…
> Anonymousartist05 Awww, it's ok :(
Eyo, He/Him please.
> !~Kurai~! 🙃🃏♥️
> Anonymousartist05 😊🖤
> !~Kurai~! Okie ^-^
Yay ☺️ My beautiful-child-
Gives* I'll ever know* My grammar is truly immaculate, eh?