Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m sorry for my previous topic.

I was triggered and upset which caused me to make it. I am so sorry for talking badly about religion. I should have just turned off my devices and calmed down but instead i made a rant that made others uncomfortable. If your religion is what you believe then that is completely fine. I have met people whose religion has helped them through dark times including my close friends and even my mom. I should have known better than to make that rant.
Once again I am so sorry and I will not make another rant like this again.

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  • That's okay, I forgive you :>

Phia is a name left a comment!

If i burn in hell so be it

This topic was originally gonna be about how i won the 50/50 on klee’s banner so that why this image is here.

So first off I don’t care what people identify with or believe in as long as it doesn’t negatively affect me in some way. This is why I’m fine with trans people and poly people, because even though I don’t understand it I have no reason to hate them. I love making art and ocs because its what helped me when I was in dark times. I tried praying to whatever god would listen but praying in self pity didn’t get me anywhere. No god got me therapy. No god “gifted” me with my looks or so called “talent”. No god went out and found people who i could relate got and understand after years of feeling alone. I did those things. I went out and got therapy. I practiced my skills and kept myself healthy. I went out and found friends. God didn’t do anything to help me when i felt like death would be the best thing to ever happen in my miserable life.
I have taken steps to coming to terms with my trauma with art being a major help. Art has helped me express myself and sexual identity.
I am proud to say that I am an Autistic, Bisexual, Panromantic, Gender-fluid Artist.
However if my art and identity will end up with me burning in hellfire so be it. Because I would rather burn in hell than be in heaven with people who would’ve killed me if it was legal.

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  • > patchworkcorpse Yeah, hell doesn’t sound very bad. Like people say that being gay is what the devil wants. But I’d be chill hanging in hell sense the devil seems like an ally for us gays.

  • > Eminoa I’m not necessarily targeting Islam just the vast majority of religions in general. However I was triggered by someone who happened to be Muslim. Most of my family is Christian (and most are homophobic, transphobic etc) so I have more hate towards my extended family because their beliefs make them hate people like me. Even if they wouldn’t kill me they have several people that they consider friends who would.

  • Ngl, I feel you here. I suffer from religious trauma, and this hits really close to home. I'd much rather burn in hell with people like me, than stay in heaven where rapists and serial killers can go because in their last moments they "accepted god into their hearts" or whatever. I'd rather burn in a hell with fellow queers than stay in a heaven with the very people that want my rights ripped away from me

  • The end kinda feels islamophob tbh-... Its not because we believe in a god that made women and men that we have this burning hate for ppl who dont follow our path Religion for most is what bring them peace, it might not work for some sadly but it doesnt mean we are animals who will kill every atheist we see So fed with ppl ignorant like that Like im genuinely offended by the end u didnt had to

Phia is a name left a comment!

If i burn in hell so be it

This topic was originally gonna be about how i won the 50/50 on klee’s banner so that why this image is here.

So first off I don’t care what people identify with or believe in as long as it doesn’t negatively affect me in some way. This is why I’m fine with trans people and poly people, because even though I don’t understand it I have no reason to hate them. I love making art and ocs because its what helped me when I was in dark times. I tried praying to whatever god would listen but praying in self pity didn’t get me anywhere. No god got me therapy. No god “gifted” me with my looks or so called “talent”. No god went out and found people who i could relate got and understand after years of feeling alone. I did those things. I went out and got therapy. I practiced my skills and kept myself healthy. I went out and found friends. God didn’t do anything to help me when i felt like death would be the best thing to ever happen in my miserable life.
I have taken steps to coming to terms with my trauma with art being a major help. Art has helped me express myself and sexual identity.
I am proud to say that I am an Autistic, Bisexual, Panromantic, Gender-fluid Artist.
However if my art and identity will end up with me burning in hellfire so be it. Because I would rather burn in hell than be in heaven with people who would’ve killed me if it was legal.

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  • > patchworkcorpse Yeah, hell doesn’t sound very bad. Like people say that being gay is what the devil wants. But I’d be chill hanging in hell sense the devil seems like an ally for us gays.

  • > Eminoa I’m not necessarily targeting Islam just the vast majority of religions in general. However I was triggered by someone who happened to be Muslim. Most of my family is Christian (and most are homophobic, transphobic etc) so I have more hate towards my extended family because their beliefs make them hate people like me. Even if they wouldn’t kill me they have several people that they consider friends who would.

  • Ngl, I feel you here. I suffer from religious trauma, and this hits really close to home. I'd much rather burn in hell with people like me, than stay in heaven where rapists and serial killers can go because in their last moments they "accepted god into their hearts" or whatever. I'd rather burn in a hell with fellow queers than stay in a heaven with the very people that want my rights ripped away from me

  • The end kinda feels islamophob tbh-... Its not because we believe in a god that made women and men that we have this burning hate for ppl who dont follow our path Religion for most is what bring them peace, it might not work for some sadly but it doesnt mean we are animals who will kill every atheist we see So fed with ppl ignorant like that Like im genuinely offended by the end u didnt had to

If i burn in hell so be it

This topic was originally gonna be about how i won the 50/50 on klee’s banner so that why this image is here.

So first off I don’t care what people identify with or believe in as long as it doesn’t negatively affect me in some way. This is why I’m fine with trans people and poly people, because even though I don’t understand it I have no reason to hate them. I love making art and ocs because its what helped me when I was in dark times. I tried praying to whatever god would listen but praying in self pity didn’t get me anywhere. No god got me therapy. No god “gifted” me with my looks or so called “talent”. No god went out and found people who i could relate got and understand after years of feeling alone. I did those things. I went out and got therapy. I practiced my skills and kept myself healthy. I went out and found friends. God didn’t do anything to help me when i felt like death would be the best thing to ever happen in my miserable life.
I have taken steps to coming to terms with my trauma with art being a major help. Art has helped me express myself and sexual identity.
I am proud to say that I am an Autistic, Bisexual, Panromantic, Gender-fluid Artist.
However if my art and identity will end up with me burning in hellfire so be it. Because I would rather burn in hell than be in heaven with people who would’ve killed me if it was legal.

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  • > patchworkcorpse Yeah, hell doesn’t sound very bad. Like people say that being gay is what the devil wants. But I’d be chill hanging in hell sense the devil seems like an ally for us gays.

  • > Eminoa I’m not necessarily targeting Islam just the vast majority of religions in general. However I was triggered by someone who happened to be Muslim. Most of my family is Christian (and most are homophobic, transphobic etc) so I have more hate towards my extended family because their beliefs make them hate people like me. Even if they wouldn’t kill me they have several people that they consider friends who would.

  • Ngl, I feel you here. I suffer from religious trauma, and this hits really close to home. I'd much rather burn in hell with people like me, than stay in heaven where rapists and serial killers can go because in their last moments they "accepted god into their hearts" or whatever. I'd rather burn in a hell with fellow queers than stay in a heaven with the very people that want my rights ripped away from me

  • The end kinda feels islamophob tbh-... Its not because we believe in a god that made women and men that we have this burning hate for ppl who dont follow our path Religion for most is what bring them peace, it might not work for some sadly but it doesnt mean we are animals who will kill every atheist we see So fed with ppl ignorant like that Like im genuinely offended by the end u didnt had to

Phia is a name left a comment!

@Friends.. (again)

Ok hear me out...

Im gonna completely leave medi.
Don't get me wrong i literally saw you CAN'T even support people's art because I'm literally encourage people to do something really bad.. I can't draw and i can't support so what is the point of being here!?????

Let me tell you.... The people who are drawing are gonna sent to Hellfire and the characters you drew Allah will put soul in them and they will attack you and punish you.. But if you left drawing forever and ask Allah for forgiveness( with regret) he will not punish you.

Anyways.. If you ever want stay away from hell fire then become a muslim.. Im not gonna force anyone to join Islam im just warning people as a Muslim.
You are free to join Islam

And if you want to join Islam and accept Allah as your only Lord.. then welcome to Islam :] even your still will be the same but a lil different but it gonna worth it trust me!! here are the best channels to become a good Muslim👇

Noaman Ali Khan official- Bayinah
He is good at explaining life situations and he is pretty fun to listen!!

Free Quran education
They make art and explain good stuff and they will help you in life too ( if you remember art is not bad ( haram) if it's for learning) oh and they make cool animations too!

Mufti Menk
He is also explaining good stuff about life and other things. If you want watch him!

That is all. Remember I'm not forcing anyone to join Islam it's up to you.
Good bye y'all! 👋☪️✨💖

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Phia is a name left a comment!

@Friends.. (again)

Ok hear me out...

Im gonna completely leave medi.
Don't get me wrong i literally saw you CAN'T even support people's art because I'm literally encourage people to do something really bad.. I can't draw and i can't support so what is the point of being here!?????

Let me tell you.... The people who are drawing are gonna sent to Hellfire and the characters you drew Allah will put soul in them and they will attack you and punish you.. But if you left drawing forever and ask Allah for forgiveness( with regret) he will not punish you.

Anyways.. If you ever want stay away from hell fire then become a muslim.. Im not gonna force anyone to join Islam im just warning people as a Muslim.
You are free to join Islam

And if you want to join Islam and accept Allah as your only Lord.. then welcome to Islam :] even your still will be the same but a lil different but it gonna worth it trust me!! here are the best channels to become a good Muslim👇

Noaman Ali Khan official- Bayinah
He is good at explaining life situations and he is pretty fun to listen!!

Free Quran education
They make art and explain good stuff and they will help you in life too ( if you remember art is not bad ( haram) if it's for learning) oh and they make cool animations too!

Mufti Menk
He is also explaining good stuff about life and other things. If you want watch him!

That is all. Remember I'm not forcing anyone to join Islam it's up to you.
Good bye y'all! 👋☪️✨💖

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Theory time

What if this guy is grand master Varka of the Knights of Favonius. Varka is the knight of Boreas and in the game Boreas is a giant wolf and this guy has wolves on his outfit. Also according to a leak (but not a reliable one) Grand Master Varka also has chains in his design. And even though his design doesn’t feature a vision or the knights symbol, this is the only shot of this guy’s official design we see. Either way I am going to start saving for him cause he sure left an impact on me ehe-

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Phia is a name left a comment!

Art fight account
Gonna be going to therapy in a little bit so I won’t be online for awhile

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  • > patchworkcorpse I used to go there too alr I just didn't know what kind of therapy she's talking about--

  • > 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘪🎭トルテリーニ It’s just therapy, I mostly just talked about video games today

  • > 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘪🎭トルテリーニ Some people go to therapy, Janice, it's normal

  • Therapy ???? Is everything alright ?

Art fight account
Gonna be going to therapy in a little bit so I won’t be online for awhile

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  • > patchworkcorpse I used to go there too alr I just didn't know what kind of therapy she's talking about--

  • > 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘪🎭トルテリーニ It’s just therapy, I mostly just talked about video games today

  • > 𝘛𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘪🎭トルテリーニ Some people go to therapy, Janice, it's normal

  • Therapy ???? Is everything alright ?

Phia is a name left a comment!

What I think of people

I've done this before and I'll do it again
because it's Saturday
and I'm feelin awesome, awesome enough to bring back a trend-

TheFanartFreak: You're an awesome sport and honestly a HUGE part of our dilapidating Artstreet community! Your memes are pretty funny too ahah-

KimbariShiruba: You are so sweet to everybody! You are also very creative with your art, and you bring such good positivity to this place <33

astro: I don't talk to you much, but I feel like I've known you for a year- and maybe I have XD- But yeah, you seem pretty cool!

Phia: I am jealous in a good way- XDD CAN I TAKE YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNING SKILLS? Borrow at least? XDD- jkjkjkj- But yes you are very amazing at designing characters, and just drawing in general! You make character designing seem so easy, then I try and design, then fail- XD But you are also a super cool person! Let's not forget that-

Madz: You are also a very big part of Artstreet! Though for some reason I don't talk to you as much?- Maybe you aren't as active, but you seem so cool to chill with!

JenJen: (=ↀωↀ=)
If I talk about you, it will be a whole other topic. XDDD- YOU'RE BLOODY AWESOME!

Eminoa: A bit of a scary gal, your confidence overwhelms me but I accept it- XDD Your art tho might be the CLOSEST artstyle to mine XD

Kebby: The cooliest of the cool, but I am scared to talk to you sometimes- Yes we are getting into the SCARY PEOPLE CATEGORY-
But it's probably just me, I'm just shy, and weirdly... scared of you- Your coolness is scarily cool

Though I think I've improved apon it, and I'm more scared of Kebby than you. Becauuussseee I've probably known you for longer. But I think it's just that you're as cool as Keb, which is VERY high coolness..

Tortellini: You are FUN! I think you are so lovely to be around and also, I LOVE seeing your art improve again and again! Awesome artist >=3

Ev@: I think you've really grown up since last year! Last year you sounded pretty young, but now you are cool to be around! It's pretty nice talking to you!

Saero: You are one of my BESTIES! And I don't have many besties y'know- XD You are so positive and really lovely to be around! Good luck on your Youtube! <33

Sam: wHErE aRE uUUuUU! Q^Q

Cartoon Anime: This, this is one AWESOME person (and artist) to talk to, and be FRIENDS WITH- She's such a good sport to be around! She's slightly crazy but I love the craziness- XD

That took so long- XDD
I 100% didn't talk about EVERYBODY that I wanted to talk about, but this topic is already so long (or feels so long-)
Part 2 maybe?.. Not sure- I'll just see how this goesss

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