イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

カツカツです。 I do not take request (unless you are my friend)
life recently ☝🤓

idk chat im just messing around and posting things cus im a lil bored !!!! do u guys like my hello kitty plushie :3


  • > Jen Jen My family is worried that I will be in danger when I am in a foreign country and have difficulty communicating,owo

  • > Muna Is Sketching... It’s like a “NO I BARK BETTER >:000” and then a “NOAWW I SCARE THEM MORE >:O” And then to us it’s just a bunch of barking- I have a lot of big dogs in my neighborhood 🥲 I have 2 lil stories :p Ok so recently my mom was taking a stroll in the neighborhood as she does everyday and there are these two dogs that when I was 4-5 we would call them the grumpy toads :’) because they bark at everyone that passes by them and one day when my was about to pass by them they were jump SUPER HIGH above the fence and my mom was so scared she called my dad to pick her up 😭 I have other reasons that just scare the heck out of me :[

  • > Muna Is Sketching... theres so many things i want tbh and i have none of them cus that shit is expensive 😔

  • > Jen Jen Well I CANT FIND IT SO ILL CRY- XD jkjkjkjk- I already have too many clothes that I in fact DONT use because I don't go out enough-


The new year is very nearby (and i believe for some people its already 2024) and the changes may seem very scary to go through, and maybe this year was very rough, but I’m here to let you know everything will be okay 🩷 it may get hard sometimes but it gets better and no matter what bumps you hit along the way this new year its going to be okay and you will always get another chance 💕 have fun this new years and be safe, i hope everyone gets a nice time and the fresh start that you deserve 🫶🫶 you are loved


  • > Jen Jen Thank you!

  • > DEXIMUS🦴🥩 aw of course! and same with you 🫶

  • Thank you, Jen Jen. I haven't seen you in a hot minute, I hope all is well with you! ^_^

  • > Cartoon anime I think its happened for everyone now, mostly at least, & this topic was posted maybe a few hours before the new year lol- and yes i hope this year turns out great! happy new year and awww i love u too /p 🩷


thank you so much like genuinely I thought I wouldn’t ever get this far 😭
even if ppl don’t remember that today is my birthday this is one of the best things to receive on a day like today I don’t need anymore gifts I just love y’all 🩷


  • > Dreamy_Mocha Thank you ! 💕💕

  • > Hope299GAMES Thank you hope! And yeahhh I’m not as excited to be a teen as I was when I was little or even last year but yk- I hope this year will be better than the last :]

  • Congrats!!!

  • OOOHHHHH MAH GAH CONGRATS JEN!!! Very well deserved :] Also happy birthday!!!! Oh boy welcome to teenhood it's confusing but fun o-O lolol


check out my dolls
I painted them when I was 9 💀💀
lemme introduce you to both of them (they don’t have actual names)

we have pink hair and purple hair- im pretty sure pink hair was originally some kind of howleen doll? and purple was definitely a clawdeen- I remember when I got these from the thrift store just to paint cus I was WAYY too addicted to those ‘doll makeover’ vids back in 2020 😭😭

pink hair was just a simple face repaint with an outfit my mom sewed together and I added a “belt” (string) with a green button to compliment her eyes- but purple hair was more complex, she got an entire REROOT done on her head with yarn and her outfit was just a repaint of an old doll fit I had- and she also got a face repaint— looking at them now they don’t look as bad as I thought they would but definitely not good 😭😭😭


  • Oohhh they look cool where can i buy these?

  • > Jen Jen I probably had over 100 dolls :')



life update ‼️‼️🌈🌈

hii art street people!! just an update bc I haven’t existed in a really long while- I finished school and stuff, im still not gonna be online much, just here to talk to Muna and that’s all, if I miss birthdays I celebrated last yr or smth im sorry this place just isn’t in my priorities anymore/there’s too much drama for me to do anything at all 😭😭 but yeah I have pictures of me cus idk I like my rainbow jewelry and stuff and I don’t get to show it off often- but I hope y’all have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night!! 🩷


  • > Jen Jen mhm yeah medi can be exhausting w the drama n everythibg , hi !!!!! same n ofc :D

  • > 👁️💜Clau_loves_Weirdcore💘👁️ aww youre so kind ! thank you <3

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ thank you so much !! 💗

  • > krys…🍣 ahh yea i always kinda leave a bit and cone back- but hii krys! I missed youu- btw tysm! ur rlly sweet 🩷🩷


honestly what the fuck am I even doing? why am i the way i am?? Im not even interesting as it is. I just wanna be able to dress the way I want but I can’t even do that. Fuck I look stupid as hell, why am I not like any other girl? I get I look stupid and my voice is annoying but what can I fucking do ? I mean i guess i practically asked for it all but I just wanna be me. cus apparently I have to look a certain way, im sorry I look like I’m fucking 9 years old. I wish I was better I wish I wasn’t so fucking ugly and I didn’t look like a skeleton I hate myself and my body so much. I wish I was dead.


  • Also, people have to be stupid to not take you seriously because of the way you look/sound, hopefully they'll learn better someday, but until then, their the fools who shouldn't be taken seriously. Also, sorry about the late, long comment.

  • Hi, Jen Jen, I've felt that way a lot my whole life, I was always the stupid, ugly, fat one and I struggled with a lot of self hate. what's changed it for me was trying to focus on things I could feel good about, and also paying attention to people who I could admire, who reminded me of myself in some way, or even had a characteristic that I hated in myself, being able to see that characteristic in a person who I saw in a positive light, helped destigmatize it for me. I still look about the same as I did when I hated myself the most, but I don't hate myself for that any more. I don't know if that'll help you at all, but I think your an amazing artist and a very cool person and I hope things get better for you soon♥

  • Jen Jen, some people are just self - obsessed, and think everyone should look like them/a certain way, but you shouldn't listen to them, everyone has their "imperfections" , but honestly, everybody is beautiful, and if someone thinks you aren't, then they are most likely a stupid idiot. I have dealt with many people calling my voice weird and making comments about the way I look and act, but I really try not to take it to heart. I hope you will feel better about this soon ❤

  • I used to feel like that two, before I transitioned and started dressing androgynous and using different pronouns I felt ugly, I felt different, and those feelings are perfectly normal and everyone has their own insecurities and focusing on those insecurities just makes them worse, one of the things that helped me through that time was each day I would name three things I loved about myself and three things that I was looking forward to and three things that I'm proud of myself for doing. I rly hope this helps but yk that's just what helped me

bon bon!!!! <333

she’s in my latest drawing —> https://medibang.com/picture/x12304270414577770022623251/
she gives me so much nostalgia from being a kid, i always wanted her and when I finally got her and her ice cream play set as a kid I was sooo happy- I miss the days 😭😭




  • > Jen Jen For a second I thought they made a Live Action remake- PFFFT-

  • > Jen Jen It's not a DONKEY, they are PONIES I hope you get that joke- PFFT-

huhhh ???!??!!



sorry I’ve been a tad inactive lately 😭😭


  • Hoya!!! :D OK SO UM Thai may be kinda awkward so srry 😭 But I’m I kinda wanna spread awareness on dis https://medibang.com/topic/572304140603042440024798136/ So idk if you could help out 😭😭😭

  • Hmm I want to rewrite my comment because the grammar looks strange- BUT IF I DELETE THE COMMENT THEN I'LL FEEL WEIRDDD- Ah well.. imma just ignore it- PFT-

  • WOOO POPULAR GURLIEE- XD pop pop pop POPOPOPULAR (popop, poppop!) pop pop pop POPOPOPULAR-

  • > Ciana_forger THANK YOUU :DD

everyone (important?)

maybe this is kinda controversial and maybe I shouldn’t speak on it but- just leave the retribution and tora/ghost situation be- I get that some of you guys are probably upset but ghost didn’t really deserve all the hate, and no I don’t associate with retribution or know them, but even if they “do it to everyone” it’s not very nice- me and ghost aren’t what I’d call best friends but I keep seeing this on my timeline and I just don’t wanna see everyone having a bad day bc of this- feel free to ignore this topic if you disagree or wanna start an argument, have a great day ^^


  • What did they do? (I just wanna know cuz i don’t follow them)

  • > Ðex I honestly completely understand you! I’ve never met Retribution and for me and ghost, idk if he considers me a friend- so maybe I don’t have much room to speak on this

  • I didn't know this was even happening. I'm not going to say anything about it though, I strongly dislike both people in this situation.

  • > Jen Jen shADDuuP whY AM i aLWAyS SiLLyYY- XDDD


happy international trans day people!! I wish all trans people the happiest day ever :D
regardless of your gender identity, I support ^^
I drew a lil something- it’s just a random lil character I came up with on the spot but I hope it’s okay!


  • > Jen Jen Thank you!

  • > Jen Jen hdhhshshshsjsjxjn tysm jen ure actually the sweetest even if u think ure just being honest !!!!! ty and same w/ u, u can always come to me abt anything :D and ily2 <3333 /p

  • > 🏹 krys ! [ ✶ ] honestly I’m just saying what I think! and thank you so much as well!! <33 i just want you to know even if I’m not always talking with you, im here for you! you can talk with me anytime! love you krys !! :] /p

  • > ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising Oh! Have a great month then :]

guysss 🥺🥺

should I redesign my main oc/sona??? I feel like she doesn’t rlly fit my personality anymore idk 😭
plus her design kinda stinks- tho I still kinda love it bc Jen (my oc) was like my comfort oc on medi but not rlly anymore-


  • It’ll be great, probably, i rlly wanna see her new design

  • Sure! I'm excited to see it :D

  • Yeah! That'd be something to see! I'd love to see the new design and everything

  • > Cartoon Anime ™ yayy !! I hope the redesign will turn out better than my current oc 😭 and oooo :0 I bet it’ll be cool!

I hate the feeling of someone I dislike being able to view my profile/comments, like why tf do you even follow me like I’m sorry I fucking hate you 😭😭 i wanna block somebody so fucking badly but omfg knowing the person they’d probably make a big deal out of it or smth, I just feel uncomfy with them viewing my shit— what do I do 😭😭😭😭


  • Yeah ikr idk why I didn’t develop the feeling to hate somebody but yeah i jus rlly annoying like yah rlly like you wanna block em so badly but you don’t wanna hurt their feelings

  • > KimbariShiruba es verdad! y tu también eres muy amable muchas gracias 🫶

  • > Jen Jen Gracias a ti por seguir la conversación conmigo!. Fue una charla agradable a pesar de la situación que no era buena para ti. Eres muy amable! 🤭☺😊💕💖🌸💮

  • > KimbariShiruba Me pasa igual 😭😭 gracias for hacer conversación conmigo :>>

lil wip + ty :]

also tysm for 2nd place on the ranking and 80 likes, y’all are the coolest :>


  • > Hope299GAMES aahhh frr!!! Time is meannn

  • > Jen Jen We need a couple of more hours in the day cmon it wouldn't hurt lolol I'm sorry tho, i enjoy being here too but its also like...time just sucks ehh. Thank you for the hopes heh


  • oHHHH- Jen is brewing up somethin LEGENDARY HERE- And we peasants, have the privilege to SEE IT IN ACTION- XDDD


my friend let me borrow their uke bc I said I kinda wanted to learn how to play one so awww 😭😭
kinda fun tho


  • you are not wrong ukelele is very difficult i tried it and it was too confusing so i just started the recorder and you are very pretty btw :D

  • > ♡CJ♡Mixu♡ oh? this is your first time? well damn thank you so much, this is an ugly picture but there’s a lotta better ones on my other topics, but ty 😭😭 And reallyyyyy??? :0 I didn’t know u did instruments CJ, that’s cool! lmao I have no idea how to use the thing :,)

  • First time I’ve seen your face, my reaction: :0 then :D You are very pretty <333 I’ve been learning uke for 6-7 years, it’s not that hard… okay that’s a lie, it can be hard sometimes

  • > Jen Jen XDDD- YAS I WANNA SEEE- Also sos if I dont reply for a bit.. Internet is being a jerk- XDD


If you don’t know abt the drama that happened or weren’t involved, feel free to skip ^^
I’m sorry to Gregory and ghost, and everyone who was involved in the drama. I didn’t intend for it to get this big, and I get it some people might still be annoyed/angered by me or just not like me at all, but I’d like to say smth. I know I was mad at greg and stuff, and I do have to say at some point I did take it too far with my insults and my cursing, I apologize deeply for that and to the people I’ve hurt in the process, honestly I feel really immature for doing that. I can’t say that I’ll be friends since the gc thing and talking to these people makes me kind of stressed now, but I can promise I won’t bother anybody anymore, and I hope it’s the same on both ends. There was a lot of misunderstanding throughout this whole thing that I’d rather not speak abt, after this topic I won’t be talking abt this drama anymore. I promise I won’t do it again, it’s okay if none of you guys forgive me or if you think this is dumb, I js want the drama to stop but please I hope everyone that was part of it takes some time to recover and takes good care of themselves,, despite our differences we’re all human and deserve respect. Have a good day ^^


  • Thx, sorry for causing all of this— just really felt like I had to do something yknow? Thank you for apologizing bro

  • > Hunter'sGrave Thx ^^ like urs two

  • Honestly, you were very mature. Thank you for bringing light to a lot of allegations.

  • AyJen Jen no need to apologize I get it :(( I me@n it makes sense Despite the horrible things Gregory has done And the fact you did all those things It makes sense why you’d be so upset abt it And this topic will never be spoken abt ever agian


glasses <3
yes guys I got glasses bc I’m blind af lmao
1st two pics are from today (rocking the pigtails heck yeah!! >:D)
and the other two are from yesterday :>
I got complimented smmm todayyy in school aaaaa :,3


  • > Muna Sketches ahh im sorry.. idk if o should talk abt this in this new topic or wtvr, idk I just feel rlly horrible :( I don’t wanna hurt your good mood though you seem happy

  • > Jen Jen I hope you get better and refreshed when you sleep! <33 Or if you ARE sleeping.. If you are sleeping, then I shall wish the gods of sleep to MAKE UR SLEEP ABSOLUTELY AMAZING- XDD-

  • > Jen Jen Umm.. okay anyways- XDDD CONTINUE ON- Has something happened or is it a lingering thought? Or both- pft-

  • > Jen Jen Hang on I gotta brb- ollie found something SUS at her door.. I dont know if the bigger dogs that we are doggysitting did it but it's a puddle and it doesnt smell like wee yet it is WEIRD AND CURSED?- idk- brb-


a positive message once again for anybody who may need it rn, it’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these so please read if you’ve been having a hard time lately :]

why are you putting yourself under so much pressure? do you really think you’re not working hard? is it because others are making you feel as if you’re less? cmon, you deserve better than that! I see how hard you’ve worked, I see you’re trying! please don’t hurt yourself, even if it seems like nobody cares at all, im sure someone out there cares, I care for you :(

I know maybe we haven’t met or barely know each other, maybe you just follow for art but- even if we don’t see each other again, I promise you, I’ll always have your back, im sure others will too! I love you, no matter who you are. Stay safe and healthy, I hope you’re doing well! If you’re not, feel free to vent in the comments, everybody’s here to support you! we love you, stay safe, eat, and make sure to drink water & take plenty of breaks ! 🫶


  • > ❤️🌸C L A U D I A 💜🤍 mhm! of course! and yeah agreed, also im happy this helped :]

  • Awww thankuuuu for the message Yeah I TOTALLY agree I don’t post art when I don’t feel like it Annddd if you have a follower who jus follows you becuz they wanna see your art and if you don’t post for a long time then they keep rushing you to do requests, block em, jus block em But this message helped me alot, thanks

  • > Ev@😈 aww im happy it does ! 🫶

  • I reall Love that message It makes me happy