Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy I do not take request (unless you are my friend)

Actual conversation I had with my irl friend:

Friend: *sees drawing of a heart on my arm* oh why do you have a heart on your arm? Do you love yourself?

Me: nah man, i just got kinda bored and drew a heart because it’s cute but like-

Friend: soooo- do you love yourself?

Me: *laughs* I mean, i don’t really know I like myself some days more than others but li-

Friend: you don’t love yourself?!

Me: well it’s not like-

Friend: *points out bracelet on my left hand* who gave this to you?

Me: uhh my friend who left the school but like-

Friend: you love your friend right?

Me: yeah but-

Friend: *points out rings* who gave you those?

Me: oh that was my mom-

Friend: you love your mom right??

Me: yeah of course I do but-

Friend: *points out bracelet on my right hand* who gave you this?

Me: uh my mom too but-

Friend: who gave you this necklace?

Me: oh uh- my mom too- why the questions-?

Friend: wait- who gave you the earrings?

Me: my uh- my grandma-

Friend: don’t you love your grandma?

Me: I do but like-

Friend: how come you have so many things from people you love, but you can’t love yourself?

Me: …

I honestly don’t know how to feel abt that man-

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  • > 𝔻𝔼𝔼ℝ ℙ𝕌ℙ My fam could never X’D But damn ye

  • Bro my family do this- and dang- kid throwing pure facts at ppl💀 Tho I will never have selflove but kids right ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • That one friend be like “blablablabla”

  • > TheEpicBean Fr The girl left me speechless-


Tell me what ya think :]
I spent almost an hour on this sketch X'D
My irls rlly loved it :0
I need to decide on a color palette tho X'D

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  • > TheFanartFREAK🦃 thank youu ! :0

  • Gasp :0 You're improving so much :0

  • > Muna Sketches PPFFF ye ik it’s SUPER weird for me but I felt like tryin’ to improve on somethin’ today I guess lol- also- THANK YOUUU :’3 💗

  • OOOOO- Gurlie you've leveled up BIG TIME- XDDD Full body poses now?! HUH?- XDDD I absolutely can't wait for the results! <333


XD im nene lol-
So cool ✨✨
Everyone in school loved my outfit lol-
The wig was kinda painful to wear, but it was totally worth it, the cosplay is slay uwu
Photography credits to Charlie who took these pics of me at school XD

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  • > Jen Jen The Philippines 💀 We have conventions here, though I doubt I'll ever get to attend one :( You know, budget stuff

  • > 🇵🇭 Yuzuki. 🍤🍙 AAA THANK YOUU And also u can’t cosplay?! What kind of prison do u live in?!?!


  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 TY!! XD And nice ^^ Also that bracelet was from the school it says “costume” bc I’m supposed to pay to get dressed for Halloween so they put that on me to know I payed- Also it’s CHARLIE XD she’s the person u refused to follow >:0 This is why u don’t have kneecaps CA XD And sure!


I’m finally getting to making an ACTuaL Halloween drawing bruh-
Today was kinda crazy and packed lol-
But like hru? Im deadly bored rn so I wouldnt mind if someone started some small talk…- nah? It’s okay ik im not good at convos lol-

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  • > Log-In-The-Woods Thank youu :D

  • This looks so cool already!!

  • > Muna Sketches XD true- tho I’ve hated art for the past week I care for it again lol- And yas ✨

  • > Jen Jen ARt is LOVeeEE- XDD Ya always come bacc for it OWO pft- WOOP WOOP lemme DANCE DAT BOREDOM AWAYY-

What a hell of a day, I spent 5 hours at a party I didn’t wanna go to but-
At least my outfit looks kinda slay(?)

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  • > Jen Jen Oo dat is very good :D me is good I am working on a drawing too :D

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 a dw I am too lol- I am doing gud, I’m currently making a drawing I’m very proud of :3 Hbu?

  • > Jen Jen CA iz messed up UwU * cri * So how are you UwU

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 :0 what r u watching CA XD

Here’s a positive message for anyone who needs a lil boost rn <3

It’s okay to not feel okay, you’re doing your best with what you have :]
Even if someone gets mad at you, even if you lose a friend, just remember to love yourself. Don’t focus on those who leave you, focus on those who love you- even if it’s not many people, there’s always someone, someone out there who will care for your feelings

Keep doing your best, and although sometimes life gets really bad, trust me, it’ll get better someday
I’m hoping the best for you ^^
Go out there and be yourself, keep doing your best with what you have, regardless of what people say

Don’t hurt yourself, don’t beat yourself up over small things, things will be okay.
You got this, I believe in you <3

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  • Aw :D I rlly needed that , I was feeling down lately and I rlly needed that ! Thanks! Your one of the kindest friends I’ve ever met

  • Awww tysm <3 I am going through a lot right now and really needed this

  • awwww, this is so nice, Jennyyyy ;w; tyssmmm <3333

  • This is beautiful, thank you :)

Some art u should go like and fav :)

These are some works made by my friends, I’d be incredibly happy if they were leveled up :D

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  • THANK YOU !!!!! :D

  • Liked and favorited! Well all of them except mine lol.

  • I liked all of this I knew none of them were going to be mine idk why I thought that maybe I would get promoted-

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 XD c’mon u deserve it- Although it might not help much- imma try :3


I had to reset my iPad again—

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  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 I hate the reset thing :[ I last did it 5 months ago and I didn’t think I’d have to again… I’m kinda sad ngl..

  • > Jen Jen :( one time I had to reset my tablet:( but then mah parents felt bad so they got me medi

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 ye… this is the 2nd time too.. But this time I can’t even get myself to change the wallpaper I want all my stuff back :(

  • NUu :( RIP Jen’s tablet 🪦


Me wearing my bro's hoodie without permission cus im cool like that lul-

Imma go eat dinner now--

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  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 XDD TYSM CA :0 And yes rebellion is always the answer ùwú

  • OMG- YA LOOK AWESOME! I love how ur wearing your brothers Sweater ( ❛ ͜ʖ ❛ ) YAS XD- GOTTA JUS BE REBELLIOUS SOMETIMES

  • > Jen Jen Ok I'll tell you onice it's your turn ^^ Hope we can talk mote TwT

  • > 🎃🎃🍁🍂Saero_308🍂🍁🎃🎃 yeahh same T-T and sure, I'll join as soon as i can!