イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

カツカツです。 I do not take request (unless you are my friend)

You’re so… I don’t like you…
And no I don’t forgive you, hell no. You’re a terrible person, I can’t believe I never saw that in you-
You’re just a red flag… you’d just talk abt your (not kid friendly) interests and vent constantly without taking consideration for the way I felt-… when I told you my mom didn’t want me talking to you, I was sad bc I wanted to be ur friend.. but now that i saw who you are and how you act… I don’t like you anymore… I cried and cried bc of you and I’m still crying… your apologies are fake, you’re racist. Get. Away. From. Me.
Block me, hate me, replace me. I don’t care. Just delete the drawings you made of me. Delete everything. I hate you and everything abt you. You don’t deserve forgiveness from me, you don’t deserve to talk to me… I’m happy my mom pushed me away from someone like you-

I hate you. I’m never gonna talk to you. Ever.
Those are old messages, but ik you’re still the same person deep down there- get away from me.


  • > 🇵🇭 Yuzuki. ❀☆ Yeah, tbh they weren’t that mean before but for some reason they really snapped that day- And uh that was a hell of a red flag if you ask me-

  • Oof, that's really horrible It's good that your mom stopped you from talking to that person, and yeah, you shouldn't be talking to mean people

  • > Jen Jen Okay, you can tell me (Sorry this is late I usually wake up at noon)

  • > 🍁🎃𝚃𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚁🐻𝚂𝚂🎃🍁 I’ll tell you on DMs

re-draw WIP!!

If you remember the old one, you’re a true fan XD
Its sooo ugly XDDD-
But hey, at least u can see some improvement :3
The character needs a redesign either way lol so here have a sketch !! :]


  • > ●Fro0ggyIsG0N3● Ty! <3 Also that doesn’t count tho cus you didn’t know me back then XD

  • :000 So pretty! And ya I remember the old one because I'm a creep and like to look at peoples old art

  • > Jen Jen Yeah..

  • > Eclipse_SB Maybe right now, but eventually after a while of trying you’ll get something that you like For me, I wasn’t BORN good (well I’m still not the best but anyways-) I had to try for years and years until I started getting what I wanted- If you look back at my old works, maybe you’ll see what I mean XD

Here’s more of these things

Bc yes XD
They’re so fun to fill out :0
Really gets you to think abt things in characters you hadn’t really thought about before XD
Here are some of my other characters, and yes my Kusaka OC finally has a name! :D
Her name’s Aiko XD
What do ya’ll think of my OCs? :>


  • > Jen Jen :))

  • > Dreamy_Mocha Thank you!! <3 And she is in fact, my OC :3 I’ve drawn her way more times actually XD Astra reminds me of rin too :0

  • Heyyyy very cute! I didn’t know that Cupid was one of your characters, I thought they were just a drawing for your DTYS, cool! Also, Astra reminds me of Rin:)) so cooool

  • > Muna Sketches YA WELCOME XDD


I love you
You’re so good
And ik you’re asleep rn, but idc
You’re the best bf ever, and even if you don’t see this, I just want the world to know how good he is.
He’s saved people and animals, he’s gone through so much, he deserves so much more credit than he gets. Happy early birthday love, also happy early 6 months <3

(Him <3: https://medibang.com/u/JenMyBeloved/ please go support him if you see this <3)


  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 awww tysm but like this is how I feel abt him <3 And it’s alright, people sometimes need to wait for the right time to find someone who’s right for them XD

  • aaaaaaaa this is so cutte <33333 i dont have a special someone and i probably never will until i'm like 25 or something XD-

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 I love him sm <3 He’s sooo good So good to everybody, always there for comfort He means so much to me, my life wouldn’t be the same if he wasn’t there

  • Aww True love

Hey look I’m so cool-

I did a collab thingyyy XD
Okay I actually said that when I played chess with my brother that 1 time tho XDD-
Also, idk how to play chess at all lul


  • > Jen Jen XDDDDDDD- PFFt-

  • > Muna Sketches XD idk any of the rules- I played with my brother once (online) and I just randomly placed the pieces, but I kept getting angry and telling him that he wasn’t allowed to win XDD

  • I know how to play chess but I aint too good at it- XD I used to play with my dad ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the time- XD

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 :D


Hellos how are youu??? I just took these pics of myself and I'm very happi cus no skool lul


  • > Jen Jen *GASSPP* I am literally going to try to track ur location and come to ur house and talk to u

  • I’m stuck in school so i wish that i had no school

  • hi I'm good how are you no school i wish i had no school

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 XDD dudeee- CA move to Miami, we having too much rain soo the county decided it was too dangerous to go to school uwu


It’s raining really hard- uhm- the lights are kinda flickering- wouldn’t be surprised if the internet left me rn lol


  • > 🎃🍂🍁Sebaschain🥀🌹🎃 :0 For me I like the rain cus I don’t have to go walk but it’s annoying if it gets rid of my internet -w-; I think I should be fine ,’:0 But there was a hurricane going around so a- It’s not really rare, but hard rain is kinda sus

  • I love when that happens to my area XD idk I just find it cool- anyhow r u gonna be alright :0 raining is kinda rare over there right?

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 XD YESSS


Did my nails✨✨

Idk what to put here :P
How u doin?


  • > Muna Sketches XD gurlie, you dont have to try to look nice for me- I’m sure you look nice without even trying :3 And YOS >:3 very very top person for me uwu You’re really comforting and amazing for me <3

  • > Jen Jen Aww thankies <33 I just need a good selfie and then I'll look pretty enough- XDDD =OO REALLY?? AAAA- XDD Ur at my TOP list >=3

  • > Muna Sketches You areee I can just bet =3 Plus, little you had some nice features XD I bet you look nicer now <3 And you’re like right up there next to Seb in my list of favs <3

  • > Jen Jen i HoPE sOOo ;w; Awww thank yaa! <33 I'm happy to be one of your favourite people! Hey same goes to you! <33

Ayo look :P

I'm 43 on the rookie rank thats cool tysm
btw, good morning!! How's everyone? :3


  • > 🎃🍂🍁Sebaschain🥀🌹🎃 :0 same But I’m gonna do it later XP Cya later babe love u <3

  • > Jen Jen Yeah kk I'mma take a shower and wash my hair XP

  • > 🎃🍂🍁Sebaschain🥀🌹🎃 :0 Muna & me are besties so we talk here very often (whenever we’re both available to ofc) But it’s okay sometimes I just randomly pop in to check how everything’s going without posting a single thing :P

  • > Jen Jen Kk and yea I usually just talk to biscuit Buggy on here- Muna doesn't talk to me so idk XP but ehh posting itself is hard-

Current WIP :D

Hi hi how’s everybody’s day goin’?
Thought I’d pop in for a min and check how everyone’s doing ^^
Here’s something I’m currently working on, what do ya think? ,’:3


  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 XD dude look, i wouldnt know how lonely she is, I haven’t even looked her in the eyes this year- And tbh idc who she hangs out with or if she hangs with anyone at all Just hoping she learnt her lesson. Wishing the best for her, even if I do have a burning hatred for her, hope she learns that what she did was wrong.

  • > Jen Jen YA IT BETTeR STAY LIKE THAT *in mind* “cuz I found out her home address and treated her with vector and gru by my side” ANYWAY Is she all alone? :D gosh that emoji was so wrong with that sentence

  • > 🎃👻⼕闩尺〸ㄖㄖ𝓝 闩𝓝讠爪🝗👻🎃 XD WHAT ELSE?? I’m honestly confused :0 But like dude she dont talk to me no more XD THANK GOD hope it stays that way uwu

  • > Jen Jen UwU


This looks absolutely terrible :D
So here have it in topics cus I don’t wanna see it-
I hate it but whatever it’s for class anyways-
ik the lighting is the absolute worst not bc I actually know how it works but bc I don’t know lighting so it’s automatically wrong- agvahvabha sorry, can you tell my mood is crap rn?


  • > Jen Jen Uh also I need to tell u sum

  • > Jen Jen It's gone now owo


  • > Cartoon anime Ty but I hate it lul