Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Extremely busy I do not take request (unless you are my friend)

Hello everyone I am staying home from SKOOL today bc of ✨siCkneSs✨ ahaha-
And I have like 2 tests today that I’ll have to make up when I get back ssjnjsbbhbjnjkn-
Oh well I think I have the stomach flu or smth aaa i was throwing up all night- anyways, how are you? XD

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  • > Jen Jen Check my most recent topic :3

  • > Cartoon anime oo oki uwu

  • > Jen Jen OKII we can chat Uwu

  • > Cartoon anime Yus yummy uwu And noice my elementary school used to release us an hour or 2 early on Wednesdays- (not anymore tho cus I’m in middle XP) And sure I’ll chat!! Tell me when ur ready :>

. . .

Damn, I just threw up- AGAIN-
Second time this month, wow-

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  • GO TO THe DOCTERRrRr I think you might have food poisoning Plot twist: YOUr TOXIC BESTIE HAs BEEN FOOD POSIONINg UU :OO

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Same ;w;

  • > Jen Jen oh oof- maybe you should visit the doctor or something, maybe you're sick or stressed, idk i'm not a doctor XD

  • > Natsumi CH Gracias Natsu :’3 Estoy muy preocupada por mi salud, espero que todo se arregle pronto


Is it bad that I kinda feel like throwing up again—?
Not feeling too well right now ngl-

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  • Oh NUu :( I hope everything is going ok rn! Maybe you have been getting food poisoning? If you buy lunch from school it might be that- Or your toxic friend is poisoning u >:0 But if you haven’t tell your parents about how you don’t feel well It could be something serious But I hope you will feel better!

  • Awwww that really sucks :( I hope you get better soon qwq

  • Oh no! I hope you feel better soon :(


A message for anyone who needs it rn <3

Your skin isn’t paper, don’t cut it.
Your neck isn’t coat, don’t hang it.
Your body isn’t a book, don’t judge it.
Your heart isn’t a door, don’t lock it.
Your life isn’t a film, don’t end it.

You are beautiful <3

These aren’t my words, I am just part of the 1% that decides to spread the message, hope you do so too. Hope this made someone’s day at least a bit better :)

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  • * last and third one Good night btw :)

  • I really needed to see this. The last and second one really hit close to home, thank you for posting this inspiration message <3

  • > Jen Jen ty :]

  • > sᴡᴇᴇᴛᴇ☆ Right back at ya! :]

Lineart done :P

I bet this'll take me like at least 5 hours XD-
Already almost 3 hours in-- anyhow imma continue workin' on it >:3

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  • > ●Frog● THANK YOU XDDD


  • > Jen Jen Uno, tres, dos, tres y dos. ESTAS CONFUNDIDAAAA! basicamente hay confusión a neustro alrededor! y la confundida es una NINITA! y su nombre es JENITA! Ohhhh que una confundida ella esss. Ella es una niña LOCA~! Estoy confundida! Porque Jenita es una niñita confundida! Ohhh la confusión.. It happens when I don't use a translator! It happens when I try to speak Spanish myself. Thoughhh I'm still learnin~! From mi profesora! But she's so confused, aren't I confused? We are all so confused Ma ora parlo italiano! Lei è così confusa, scommetto! E ora sai come ci si sente ad ascoltare una lingua che non conosci~, scommettooooo! Confusa così confusa Confusaa~ ESTAS CONFUNDIDAAAA! Basicamente hay confusión a neustro alrededor! y la confundida es una NINITA! y su nombre es JENITA! Nosotras estamos confundidas! Y sí tuve que usar un traductorr~! Porque somos ninitas confundidas! Confundida Tan confundida! Confundidaaaaa~

  • > Muna Sketches wukibfkhbg kefwnc kfwj XDDD OMG I FORGOT HOW DOES THE SONG EVEN GO AGAIN XDDD-

Sketchhh :D

Yayyy finally re-drawing Jen's ref cus the old one was ugly XD-

I'm actually sooo proud of this so far bro :00
I hope u like it too bc it took me 2 hours XD

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  • > Jen Jen Aww eheh thanks (≧▽≦)💞 Also ofc you can call me that :>

  • You have improved so much

  • > ●Frog● jyfcgbtu vnfdryjhrdysxguiiqwertyghnbn TYSM FROGGY :00 KUDUKURQIFKJWE YOUR COMMENTS NEVER FAIL TO MAKE ME SMILE LIKE BRO--

  • JENNI HOWWWWW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT ART?! THIS IS SO CUTE AND I LOVE ALL THE DETAILS AND CUTENESS AND AAA (get ready for super long comment on the finished art)

guess who just threw up~~

meee ahaha

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  • =OOO Wait.. Guess who threw up too.. ME- Dude it was almost a day ago right NOWW (1 AM it happened, it's nearly 9 PM right now) but I vomited because I ate a Mcdonalds soft serve which I havent had in YEARSSSSSS! Mate too much sugar and fake stuff in that ice cream- XDDD I was sleeping over at my Aunt's and she got me ice cream at 11 PM ;w; But yeahh- XDDD CRAZY THOOO- We both threw up! =D pft- I'm sorry about that though.. I know what it feels like... cause I literally threw up today-

  • Aw I hope you get better Jenni qwq I know how it feels.

  • Last year I threw up in the car three times in the same day, and to this day I still don't know the cause

  • > Jen Jen FEWL BWTER

Elaboration on my grounding situation

Uhhh so I can't use my iPad for anything fun except art, I can use my phone but Discord is blocked, andd I can also use my PC but discord is blocked there too- so no discord for a while, but I will be posting some art. I won't be talking too much tho,, typing on anything other than tablet definitely gets annoying for me-- I'll update you when I get all my stuff back ^^

If you need to contact me, do so via ART street's DM's or Insta DM's. I probably won't be online past 10 PM.

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  • Oof

  • YAA YoUR BAC! Bruh :/ why no disc :( dat mus suck . But I am glad you can make art!!,1!,1 Hope we can still talk ! Also why did you get grounded? (Don’t need to respond!)

  • Oof- you were grounded? Well, it happens. I hope you get your stuff back soon!

  • Morning Jen yes I'm still up


When I’m at school I feel like I’m at a completely different world… I don’t like that world.. and it’s not even the subjects or the school I’m in or my grades that are upsetting me- its more the- I’m too chicken to say it- too chicken-
Anyways I think I’ll go now sorry for wasting your time XP

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  • > Jen Jen XDDD- I THOUGHT YOU MEANT- nvm-

  • > Muna Sketches wHat?? XD Idk what ur talking about lmao

  • Gurlah i thought it wasnt a problem for you because you never got any pains- Did it change now? O-o-

  • > cartoon anime Yeah thank u CA.. and it’s not only that but like- *sigh* if you know, you know :P

When you when you when-

When you look back at old art from when you were 10 and scare yourself:


There’s more of them but I included the worst ones for laughs-
I mean- heyyy I still have the same(ish) sona- not much has changed- uhh well actually I HAVE changed a lot since then but whatever XD-

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  • You improved a lot! You should see my art when I was 10 lol (btw, I’m the same age as u)

  • > ●Frog● XDD LAUGH ALL YOU WANT- Tbh I don’t like it when people compliment my old art and it feels good when people roast it XD

  • How... interesting. I'm not gonna lie, I'm laughing at the hand on the last one, I'm sorry qwq

  • Joookes on you because I cringe at my art from two months ago (: I think the only human I drew when i was ten was stargirl…