イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

Gone a Bit Crazy w Tattoos

I feel the need apologizes, I wanted to post something last week but I end up feeling a bit under the weather. So I decided to lock in with this one and take my time. It's only 1/4th of the full image but what are y'alls thoughts so far?


  • > rei(kwosukn) YES. A rubber room with rats! And rats make me crazy!!

  • > StarlikeNebula WITH RATS?????

  • > rei(kwosukn) Thanks, Y'know the drawing is going great. I would share another peak but they locked me in room. A rubber room

  • Crazy? I was crazy once- the tattoos are cool!!

Merry Christmas Everyone !!

Just wanted wish everyone a merry christmas and say thank you for everything, it's been quite the year. I originally wanted to have something out before the end of the year, I'm not sure if I will. And that said, I'm not sure where the new year will lead us but this I promise. I will have a lot more drawing to share with y'all.


  • > rei(kwosukn) I appreciate it and I also look forward to see more your art in the next year

  • Merry Christmas Star!!! And same! I wanted to do like an endpiece for the year but naur :( Looking forward to seeing your art next year! ^^

So Any of Y'all Remember This Sword?

So this is what the full sword looks likes. I ended removing it because it wasn't fitting in, but it might make a return one day.


  • > rei(kwosukn) Oh it's free? Then I'll definitely give it a read. Thanks for letting me know! !

  • > StarlikeNebula *laughs evilly* It's free actually! It's a webnovel mwahahahaha (but you can buy physical volumes) and good luck with your very epic and swag drawing >:)

  • > rei(kwosukn) I'll try to draw an epic scene hopefully. B^) The Wandering Inn? I might get it one day, when I'm able to afford it.

  • I do indeed remember this sword *^* The line art for it looks good, what do you think you'll draw with it? :0 (also also your art reminds me of The Wandering Inn so much (or just of fantasy in general), you should try reading it! I think you'll like it :D)

Art Fight

Haven't heard about this until recently and it has me kinda interested, but I'm not sure if I want to commit or not. Any of y'all been in sorta event before?


  • > StarlikeNebula It starts July 1st I think? I'm not really sure, I looked into it a little and apparently at any time you can chose to participate or just spectate no matter whether you've already submitted stuff or not.

  • > rei(kwosukn) Still haven't decided whether to do it or not.

  • Same!! I think I made an account once and didn't know how to start and couldn't find anyone to trade with :') I'm not of any help on this, but I hope you find out TwT

So New Profile and Banner just Dropped

This has been a project I been working on for like the past month. So if you're interested in seeing it, you can see the new banner in my profile. Also I might be a bit late in saying this but to all of 15 that decided to give a follow, thank you for stopping by. I appreciate it.
PS: I might start to post more soon


  • > PaperLilaz Thank you!! Making this banner really helped me figure out new ways to do things. Glad you like it

  • The banner was also beautiful!

  • It was really cool! The lights and shadows were great!

  • > rei(kwosukn) Thank you! I worked so extremely hard on it, I'm glad you liked it.

Give Me Six Characters to Draw

Considering topics got updated and you can now add hashtags, I thought I might this challenge a try.


  • > PaperLilaz Yeah it can be any type

  • hey! can it be any type? Some ideas:hutao (genshin), Undyne (Undertale or deltarune) and Coraline ( Coraline and the Dark World). I hope this helped and that you like these characters.

  • > rei(kwosukn) Sure, got any others you would like me to draw?