Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m only on MediBang Paint and hoping to get a DevainArt account, commission me on MediBang please! Thx!
Story time g

Okay so it was a normal day at school but like we have to stand outside until its 7:55 and then we go inside so when the bell rang there’s this boy his name is gonna be Jake for this story and so he likes me I’m pretty sure he acts like it though he’s “dating” another girl named Peggy (not her real name, just for the story) lol. And so coincidentally when we were in different lines (we’re in dif classes) he’s right across from me and so he gets closer and he puts my arm around me shoulder and then he crossed his other arm around my chest and I was annoyed so much and angry but before I could say anything which I was scared too, another girl in my class who was my friend tells him to stop, and I’m SO HAPPY SHE DID THAT. Anyways I don’t like him, Jakes pretty annoying. I wasn’t at all flustered, tbh if I had to I’d never date any of the guys in school but SOME act like I like them and they stare at me and hover over my should and it sucks but still.

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  • > LAIAXRT ty! ^^

  • Bien hecha la historia, eres muy buena redactando


Ig I wanna try to redraw/fix you art in my style… if u don’t want to do that that’s fine ^^ but put a link to that art in the comments Ig

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  • > 🐾 𝕠𝕝𝕝𝕚𝕖 🐾 I’ll try to do the second and third one! (Killer your eyes + dessert bunny)!! ^^

  • you dont have to redraw any of them if you dont want to

Stuff B)

Country: America (Colorado)
My height: eh I never check
Zodiac: Virgo but I act like a Scorpio
Favorite Colors: any colors my OCs are
Favorite Food: idk
Favorite Drink: mango, pineapple, or orange juice
Favorite Season: Fall
Hobbies: Art, music, failing at school, watching YouTube, being a couch potato, staying in bed for 11 hours straight until I’m about to die of hunger
I don’t like: ppl who judge furries, tiny eyes on a cool Oc, slime ASMR vids where they don’t squish the slime agressively, ppl failing to do that asmr thing with the tweezers, meth, tests
Languages: American, Arabic (a little)

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I just got a new Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) and I’m trying to pair it with my iPad. I’ve forgotten the lost Apple Pencil, tried restarting the device, and other ways, but it still won’t connect. I’m not sure if it has to charge before you can pair it, or if there’s just some sort of long delay, but could you help if you have any other suggestions?

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  • > LAIAXRT Yeah it is so now I gotta pay for my own Apple Pencil :’)

  • > ✨𝕮𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖎✨ Debe ser por que tu iPad es de una generación más antigua que te tu Apple Pencil


  • > Clover1 It should be, but idk I’ll go check

Falling Feathers - CrowxFeather AU

Chapter One, Part Three
Feathertail had to have two to three doses of poppy each day. Her main where her back leg which got fractured, sprained, or paralyzed in some way. She could still walk, but with an extremely noticeable limp. Crowfeather wondered if he’d ever have the chance to take Feathertail out for a walk and out of her confinement in the medicine den. He slightly snarled to himself, Stop it, you mouse-brain! What are you talking about, “taking her for a walk”? That would never happen, never! He internally yowled. His rage was also on the medicine cats. They didn’t even get her the smallest mice to eat! And not only that, but they probably spend to much time looming over the kits and injured cats! And suddenly, that feeling came back. What was it he was feeling? He shook his head and left the camp to go for a walk amongst the vast plains. Along the border of WindClan, and across the Thunderpath, Crowfeather could make up the shape of a sleek she-cat. Leaning closer towards the border, he could make out details: a mainly brown tabby she-cat with a white underbelly and amber eyes. Assuming she was a medicine cat, due to her collecting herbs from what Crowfeather could see. Another she-cat, a larger one, was barley visible, and looked like a shadow. Until he saw her blue eyes, he realized she just had a blue-grey or gray pelt. Apprentice and mentor, he thought to himself. He didn’t have much to do, and turned around and headed back to camp, hoping Feathertail was awake. Maybe she knew these cats?
I’m still working help me pls :’)

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Falling Feathers - CrowxFeather AU

Chapter One, Part Two
“Hello!” Mewed Barkface, who was just now entering the medicine den. Kestrelflight wasn’t far behind. Crowfeather groaned silently. “Is it time for Feathertail to have the herbs?” He asked with a hint of disappointment in his eyes. As Barkface restocked the herbs, he shook his head. “No, just returning from a mornings herb collecting. I should go help Kestrelflight with the injured cats now,” He meowed. “And I’ll leave you two alone,” he added, with an envious glint in his eyes. Crowfeathers fur bristled slightly as his skin grew hot and he started blushing. Barkface though they really had something! Crowfeather saw Feathertail as a very close friend, but he couldn’t say the same about Feathertail. Perhaps she saw him as something… more? He pushed the thought away. “I’ll be right back,” the tom said, then padding out of the medicine den and into the open clearing. He walked over to the fresh kill pile and picked up a large hare for him and Feathertail to share, still remembering that glint in Barkfaces eyes. He knew medicine cats were forbidden to have mates, so Crowfeather didn’t wonder why he had that glint. Again, pushing the thought out of his head, and padding back to the medicine den. “Do you want to share this?” He asked, dropping the hare. Feathertail nodded. “Oh, yes! I’ve been starving all morning and Barkface was too busy taking care of the other cats, and I can’t leave the medicine den without someone to support me!” Prodding a paw at the prey, Crowfeather mewed, “You can take the first bite. You’re probably more hungry than me,” he said. Feathertail nodded gratefully and took a large bit out of the prey. Crowfeather then took his bite, and they repeated the process until the hare was gone. Stifling a burp, Crowfeather licked his whiskers and saw Kestrelflight padding into the current room they where in. He reached for the poppy, and Crowfeather immediately stood up, and flatly mewed, “I’ll go now.” Kestrelflight nodded in approval, and as Crowfeather left, he could hear Feathertail saying awwww as Crowfeather left. He chuckled, thinking it was cute how she reacted. But with a sorrowful pang, he remembered that they were from different Clans. How could they see each other, or even be together? Crowfeather wondered. He didn’t know what to do, so he headed into the spare den used for the warriors nests and tucked his paws under his chest in a comfortable loaf sit. He felt something strange for the she-cat, but assumed it would pass quickly. After all, he only saw her as very, very Close friend. And… nothing more, right?
I’m working myself help I can’t stop :’)

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Falling Feathers - CrowxFeather AU

Chapter One, Part One
Crowfeather woke up, gasping for breath. He had had the reoccurring nightmare of if Feathertail died from the fall, which she didn’t. He was grateful for that. However, Feathertail had mild injuries from the fall and had to recover in the Medicine Den for a while. Squirrelflight, Tawnypelt, and Brambleclaw already returned to their Clans. Stormfur stayed with Brook, a tribe cat, and Crowfeather visited Feathrtail every day in the medicine den, until the medicine cat had to feed her herbs to help her sleep, and he had to leave. Padding down from his nest, he pelted across the open camp and into the carved medicine den. Feathertail was already awake, with her paws tucked under her chest. Her eyes lit up as the lean smoky-black tom walked in. “Crowfeather!” She purred, and her tail curled up over her leg in excitement. “H-hi,” Crowfeather managed to stutter, sitting down next to her. Feathertail noticed his stutter, and she looked up at him with concern. “Nightmares again?” She mewed with concern. Crowfeather looked away, nodding his head. “I know you’re here right now, but… the thought of losing you…” He broke off and shuddered. He was lucky that the medicine cats, Barkface and Kestrelflight were out collecting herbs, and most of the Warriors where hunting or patrolling. Only Onestar and a fair amount of cats remained in the camp, including the queens and kits, and well as the elders. “Well, I’m here now. You don’t need to worry!” She mewed in a soft, comforting tone. Crowfeather softly smiled with affection to the she-cat, and saw the concern and happiness in her eyes. He saw something else, too.
This belongs to me! This is an AU where Feathertail survived, and I’m hoping Chapter One will be published on WattPad soon! More parts coming! <3

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“When Stars Fall” - The Declaration

Rosesong padded through the long, green grass as rain poured down on her Clan. It was strange how Firestar, her brother and the leader, left no cats back at the camp for protection. He insisted that all the cats come, leaving their camp vulnerable. Heading towards the Clanplace, the sound of thunder rang in Rosesongs ears, and she was half buried in the green grass due to her small size. Ivysong wasn’t in a happy, bouncy mood. Usually, she attended Gatherings to meet up with her mate, a she-cat rogue named Jade. Without all the Clans at the Clanplace, Ivysong would be noticed trying to go to the barn where Jade and a few other rogues and loners lived. Lizardstar, the leader of OakClan, just wanted MysticClan to attend the Gathering with her Clan. Rosesong hoped that Lizardstar didn’t bring her deputy, Shadesoul, because he was always rude to her or teasing her. Luckily, she had Demonwing with her, Rosesongs mate and closest friend. Demonwing always showed sympathy for the small-if not tiny- she-cat to a point where they both fell in love with each other and became mates.
At the Gathering, Lizardstar waited for the cats to get situated and didn’t waste a single second. “Fair cats of MysticClan,” she began, giving a quick side glare at Firestar as he scrambled up the tall oak tree to sit besides Lizardstar, “I have a proposal. I’m sure we all witnessed HeatherClan and DireClan stealing our prey,” she began, and the cats of OakClan yowled in agreement. “So I propose we wage war against the two other Clans. I made a deal with Firestar, that we would supply each other with resources that we need for survival.” Rosesong noticed quite a few cats narrowing their eyes in slight disapproval, but stayed quiet. Lizardstar opened her mouth to speak again. “We won’t turn against each other, or it’ll be every Clan for itself…” As some cats opened their mouths in protest, Lizardstar shot an ice-cold glare at them, before snarling, “…And we wouldn’t want that, would we?” The cats shut their mouths again, struggling to strain themselves from fighting Lizardstar. When she was done speaking, it was Firestars turn. “We have plenty of sites to retreat to,” he added. “For example, one a patrol of cats and me named one behind the Spring Mountains ‘Fort Catori’. And the Hidden Springs will make a great addition as well. We’ve prepared the Canopies for suiting cats of all sizes, with prey and moss, as well as herbs. We’ve reinforced some of the vines hanging from tree to tree as a walkway for cats and possibly a site for nests.” Firestar mewed, and curled his tail around his paws, glancing back at Lizardstar.
Narrowing her eyes, she mewed:
“And so it begins.”
Okay, hi guys! This might become a things, idk yet, but I hope you guys liked this! These might just be short excerpts with chunks of the actual chapter taken out of it, and I timeskipped a few chapters, maybe 3-5. Should I continue to do this? Also if you made it to the end thank you ☺️

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  • > Clover1 Thank you! It really helps that you like it, and I might just continue to do these posts maybe once or twice a week when I have the time and make the length abt this long Also I haveta go to school tommorow after a quarantine Bc my mom got a positive Covid test :’)

  • OOH, THIS IS SO COOL!! I’d love to read more if you want to post it!!

Rant kinda lol

To those who read warrior cats:

1.Can we just acknowledge how graystripe says Fireheart didn’t trust him because Fireheart he would betray his clan when he literally is MEETING WITH A SHE CAT FROM RIVERCLAN AND BREAKING THE CODE?!

2. The irony in rainflowers death:
She judged crookedstar Bc of his injured jaw, and ignored him because he broke his jaw on the rocks of a river or something and rainflower gets killed from BANGING HER HEAD ON THE ROCKS. Wow. Just wow.

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  • > ~ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔢~ Lol but it’s so true tho-

  • 1. YES!!! Like bruh he was really taking fire boi for granted like you cant do that to your bestie!! and especially since he was hiding HIS secret- 2. I never saw the scene that she died in, but i have seen drawings and all i have to say is karmas a jerk-


15-20 Followers - Request/Commissions
25-30 - Free Sketch of OC
35-40 - Meme Collab
45-50 - Private/Public Collab (Opt)
55-60 - Q&A (Based off of Clover1’s Post)
65-70 - Banner Contest (Tho that might be sooner)
75-80 - Zodiac Sign Meme Collab (Opt)
85-90 - Vote/Poll
95-100 - Q&A Again + Vote/Poll

Hello guys again so I’m working on more art so I’ll post soon also I still don’t have an Apple Pencil lol :’)
Anyways I’m gonna do a banner contest now I guess lol or profile pic contest but if u want to participate then follow these rules:

-No r34 or inappropriate content
-Either OC or freestyle art based off of mine
-No racist/hate content
-Either sketch or full-colored
-Title specifically if u want to enter
And that’s all! Pls follow me lol

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  • This is still open right?

  • > ✨Catori✨ Ah okay

  • > ~ℜ𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔫 𝔖𝔠𝔶𝔱𝔥𝔢~ Either one, but if you’re doing one or the other, title the art “Submission for Catoris Banner contest” or “submission for catoris pfp contest.”. Something like that

  • So is it a banner or pfp contest? I can do both but still, just incase.

10 Follower Pre-Announcment

Hello peeps! Thanks for the eight followers, just two more to go until I reach 10 followers ^^ and I AM doing a face reveal + special art, and it will be a collage if you want to participate! Inspiration came from RAMOSXGR, so thank you! If you’d like to participate, you may either draw one of your favorite arts (fav OC, etc.) or an art of mine! I will be putting two artworks I made myself in the collage, and it will be posted on MediBang! Everyone who has participated will be credited, and if you’d like to participate title the art as a commission, and I am also considering doing a request-adopts batch for all my followers + send me a picture of ur Fursona/oc and I’ll draw a sketch of them for free! Have a lovely day ^^!

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  • > RAMOSXGR I would like that, thanks! (Also Srry for not posting I’m doing sketches sooo)

  • Y gracias por acreditarme

  • Si quieres te puedo promocionar para que varias personas sepan tu gran arte

  • > Rosefur1 Thanks! My goal is 50 followers so I’m going for 10 and then 20, and so on. You’re art is amazing also!

Thank You!

Heeellooooo everybody! I just wanted to say, thank you for 6 followers! I know it’s not a lot but I’m rlly happy on how much you guys have been supporting me! I’m thinking of doing commissions for all my followers, so if you do want me to commission you, post a sketch, draft, or artwork of what you want me to commission! Anyways, can you comment if you want me to do a face reveal at 10 followers, a special artwork, or both?? Comment below! Have a lovely day ^^!

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  • > RAMOSXGR Sure, that sounds good! :)

  • Perdón no conozco mucho de arte

  • Hola, qué tal si haces un collage y nosotros tus seguidores participamos ( es solo una pequeña sugerencia) Y que es una revelación de cara +arte especial

  • > Rosefur1 Thank you! I am planning on doing a face reveal + special art, but I’m just still thinking abt it lol

**Coming Soon** OC Adopts!

Hey guys! So the reason I haven’t really been posting is because I’m working on a OC Adopts thing, they are all free, just ask if you can use them! !!Disclaimer: None of the Art/Figures are mine! Only Designs belong to me!!
-Some OC’s will be limited and won’t be around for long, I’ll take them away when they’re all out
-Custom OC’s are open, but I’m going to make another post for that
-This is still soon to come, so be patient! 🔔
✨What You Can Do With Your Adopt:
-Create Pins or Buttons
-Add Accessories/Customize
-Trade on DevianArt or another app
-Create miscellaneous items
-Add Backrounds and use for other artworks
-Create toys/stuffed animals and sell✨
🙅🏽‍♀️Do NOT:
-Re-Do the color palette
-Sell on another app (DevianArt, etc.) unless you’re using this OC but putting it in a different position
-Take this OC Away automatically, I will commission you and give you the OC you want 🙅🏽‍♀️

Coming Soon, so keep your eyes open! Also follow ✨ m e ✨
If you’re interested, simply comment on the post with the adopts and I will commission you! Thanks!

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