my friend accidentally stomped on my ipad at full force so oopsy doopsy now i cant draw i love life so much yall its not even funny 😍😍

Ello, Charlie here :D
Welcome to my art street-
I post whenever tf I want bc I dont have the brainpower nor commitment to come up with a proper schedule 🥰🥰
Hope you enjoy :>
- Work Place:Everywhere💀💀
- Gender:Charlie (nonbinary)
Future goals
Have validation from people on the internet and make money :D
Time spent online
All day. Every day. 🪱
Favorite music
Vocaloid i think
Clip Studio yum
Favorite color
g r e e n

bro is having a very sad valentines day
i think posting my inktober stuff is dumb so have a drawing of flower instead
> Jen Jen ty lol-
Yeahhh I’ve never done any of that Inktober stuff and I personally don’t find it interesting- Cool drawing tho XD
my ipad makes cronchy noise when i draw now bc i cracked the screen
also my artstyle changed a bit
and i forget that artstreet exists and i have no digital artwork that is finished
thats abt it
also im taking requests :D
> Jen Jen I’ll 100% start working on it :D
> CharlieCanDraw Of course!! I bet it’ll turn out great >:D Could you draw her? (I know this is the messiest ref in existence XD) it’s okay if you don’t want to or have the time to, don’t feel pressured to do it :3
> Jen Jen Don’t feel bad requesting ToT idk i was just wondering if there was anything i needed to work on (especially since im not sure if i want to finish the w.i.p and post it) but ty :D
B-But there’s nothing to criticize ;v; You’re already amazing at anatomy, your character designs are always amazing, and you’re really good with shadings- I honestly can’t even criticize if I tried tbh- and I would request but I feel bad doing that-
i have no idea how to do side profiles with my art style this is the first time i’ve felt i needed legitimate help with something ToT (if you have any tips pls send help lol)
> CharlieCanDraw yeah anytime!
> EllaTheAwesomeYT it actually worked really well and helped a lot tysm ToT
heres a thing for u:
at least I have next week’s art almost all done :’)
now if only I could remember what that one person looks like…
I totally didn’t forget that I was supposed to post yesterday and I’m totally not considering changing my schedule nope definitley not (no fr tho im sorry ToT)
ok so my ipad is working again (yay) and thankfully has some data (yay) from april 2021 (💀) so yeah its been working for a week or so but ive been re-installing all my brushes and apps and just kinda trying to uhm.. keepbettertrackofmystoragebecausethatswhatcausedtheprobleminthefirstplace but anyways yeah its all good now and ill be posting on monday :D
(if there are no more interuptions/issues :’I )
It wouldn't let me update it so I had to reset the iPad and basically delete all my data. When I try to open it, it tells me it sent a verification code to a phone number I don't have access to. If I try to add a different number to send instructions on "how to regain my account" or something it says that too many verification codes were sent and tries to send another code to the same phone number I already said I can't use. Either way, all my app data is probably gone so now I have to make a whole other drawing AND I probably can't post tomorrow. Tysm Apple! Love you guys so much!! <3
> CharlieCanDraw It’ll be okay at least you have art street— you preserved at least SOME of your art— idk what I would’ve done if it just disappeared from the face of the earth— I got over not having most of my drawings in like a couple days- it’ll be okay-
> Jen Jen Wonderful 🥰🥰
Oh that sucks… happened to me… I lost all my procreate stuff, but I still had some photos and most of my app data. Idk how mine got fixed since I uninstalled iTunes and kept putting in the wrong password— but yeah, when it comes to drawing at least, im sure you’re gonna have to start from scratch :/
"Send us your first comment to celebrate!" lol
So my iPad is stuck on the apple screen and I didn't feel like installing iTunes (plus the drawing is FAR from done) so unfortunately I have to delay the upload to Monday. Sorry for screwing up the new schedule :,)
> Jen Jen Ty T-T
Shit that happened to me and it was THE WORST :’) I had to reset all my crap, so I wish you luck with that—
I wanted to get this out of the way before i start posting again lol. I'm probably gonna post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I think it's just a better idea so I can come up with higher quality stuff with more time instead of working on one thing for a couple of hours just for the sake of posting something. So yeah this is a thing now-
Yeah i wanted to say this like, a long time ago but i kept putting it off and eventually forgot. Im not going to be posting until the week after school ends. I had some project that i finished at like 10:50 on 1% so that scared the crap out of me. I also got kind of super sick so yeah. Taking a big break :’)
Yeah so my drawing was taken down. I skimmed through the guidelines again to check if it violated anything and the only thing I could think of was “Content which promotes anti-social acts” or “ In the case of illustrations, artworks consisting primarily of text, photos, or screenshots” (the last one doesn't make much sense so idk). I'm not sure if I even did anything but now I know why my drawing disappeared :D
> Jenny_Jen <3 Ikr😭 They should at least tell you why they removed it
That’s so fucking dumb, the hell- You didn’t do anything wtf-
I literally just realized I haven't been drawing with any kind of pen-
Also Hi :D
> CJdraws<3 :D
Hi. :D
help i keep forgetting to put my signature on my art 😭😭