Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Good Morning!

Ello Ello and good morning/afternoon/evening pepperonis! How's your day going? Tis the weekend and I'm still working on school, gotta love AICE :') I'm also working on a speedpaint for the pink mushroom lady so that's good I guess XD
Fun Fact: On this day (w h e e z e s, this is going to be good) Albert Hofmann (1943) would be the first person to take an acid trip (the good good, LSD, artstreet please don't ban me I do not support these things w h e e z e s) from absorbing grain fungus, something he was experimenting and researching on. He would take a 2-hour-long hallucinogenic journey. Bonus fact, Mr. Hofmann created LSD to prevent mothers dying from post-partum bleeding after giving birth. As he called is, "LSD: my problem child".
Song to broaden your tastes: (Kids Again by Artists Vs Poets)

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