일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

자유로움 - beware this big (and sexy) bun...
Atanomy Of Myself ;-;

This is a bunno, also called a bun, and occasionally called a "wabbit". But what's most important is to understand bunno anatomy. We start with the floppity-loppities. Some bunnos have very floppity-loppities, others have not-so-floppity-loppities. Then there's the blinkers, and the booplesnoot, which is also called the "wiggle-sniffer". Moving down, we find the lickity-tickler and the nibble-noms. Bunnos use these to eat the pellets and the hay. Next, there's the fun fluff. When bunno is tired, it makes an ideal headrest. Then there's the lil' front stubs, followed by the thumper-jumpers. And finally, we make it to the general fluffer-buttle region, accented by the floof-poof.

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  • > _Ной_ :) hehehehehehe

  • AAWwwwww

Something Happened On The Bus Today...

As always, I sit in the back seat on my school bus. I get up at 6:00, get on the bus at around 6:50, enter school at 7:20... then later on, get out of school at 2:10, buses leave at 2:20, I get dropped-off at around 2:50. Well, the bus ride on my way home was hilarious. And like I said, I always sit WAYYY in the back of the bus. Out of nowhere, I decided to yell "raise your hand if you're gay" and everyone (except two people maybe) immediately raised their hand. My friend in the seat next to mine started giggling and it became hysteric XD Well, terrible mistake I guess, (although you might find it funny), some kid started playing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYWINwURoRc and it got EVERYONE (including me of course) cracking up. I wish I had gotten a video :(

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  • > Sagutoyas haha lolz i discovered this song a little before covid started up; it was the same situation except it happened in a classroom, not on a bus... and it was in a different school district XD

  • That songs disgusting but if some kid just randomly played this in the bus, I would DIE of laughter XDDDDD


...That I "revealed" my face IRL (sitting in the library at my school with a can of Monster my friend got me). Took this photo in the last week of January but I wanted to wait for my popularity to increase before I could post real photos of myself. No worries, when the time comes, I'll post my real face. *snaps fingers repeatedly* C'mon I need your support ya'll, should I do a face-reveal or not??

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  • *clap clap CLAP* yOOo Hi!! i did a face reveal a while ago but I wasn't super popular so yk, not many ppl saw it :> I'm pretty OK with that tho :D

  • > _Ной_ aww babe~! <3

  • YES


Bunnies, Bunnies, & More Bunnies!

Went through my camera roll and found this photo of my two rabbits that I NEVER told ya'll about so... introduction. Rabbit on the left is Victor, and one on the left is Vinny (with a "Y", not an "ie" like how I have in my name). They're considered a perfect addition to the family because rabbits in general are capable of reducing anxiety/stress. Consider that a compliment if you're a rabbit like me ;)

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  • > kitty thanks! got em back in October lol they are Mini Rexes

  • sooo cutiee!!! >w<


Okay so... yesterday I posted something about an "animatronic fanged rabbit cult" and I decided to make more free adopts... ✨ animatronic fanged rabbit SONAS ✨ for those who want to be big fluffy robot rabbits with teeth as strong as a vampire's! Stay tuned if interested, or make your own ^^

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  • > Zyvra Dragonfyre hehe ^^

  • oooooh I'm in :0

  • > FlameteethDraws haha i could definitely see you as a rabbit ngl

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ winged jackalopes :D the wings on mine would probably be just for show, I don't wanna make them too powerful and have them fly lol

Lil' Challenge For Ya'll~

In order, tell me all your favorite things:

1. colors
2. songs
3. food
4. drink
5. place
6. video game
7. season (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
8. time of day
9. restaurant
10. movie
11. adult show
12. kid's show
13. franchise (AKA fandom)
14. holiday
15. animal
16. ships (like character x character)
17. sport
18. hobby
19. YouTuber
20. fictional character

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 it's alright! i love everyone for who they are ^^ (as long as they aren't abusers, pedophiles, zoophiles, etc.)

  • sorry my answers seem very uncertain lol

  • oooo oki =0 1. ummm, neon colours, dull colours, natural colours, lol i dont have favourites-- 2. tons of sounds from Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, also a bit of Caravan Palace and Glass Animals 3. lasagna and shepherd's pie my parents/I make =0 4. lemonade (sprite), no sugar coke and i love cold water 5. home tbh 6. Little Nightmares I and II, and Borderlands 3 7. probably summer or autumn 8. DINNERTIME >=D (night) 9. ... i don't go to restaurants lol 10. Jumanji 1 and 2, ummm... there's probably others i like more but i dont watch many movies-- 11. bro lol, idk, Hazbin Hotel that i can't watch ?? XD 12. My Little Pony >=0 13. Little Nightmares fandom, although i don't join fandoms 14. Christmaassss 15. DOGS, as well as cows, goats, and horses 16. Vi and Caitlyn ?? 17. i do Equestrain Vaulting (gymnastics on a horse) and Physical Culture (dancing) 18. drawingg !!! and playing video games 19. DanTDM =] 20. ummm... maybe Tyreen from Borderlands 3, OR Tina either one lol

  • > Caitlynn(cameron) oh and can you stop calling me your "boo"? my heart is set on someone else here :)

NEWS!!! (Finally)

So very shortly, I'm gonna design some adoptables and put em up for free (I already drew them, just not thought about colors yet). I know spooky season passed but lemme just say- these are Halloween adopts I created back in October. I wanna get them out of my way so that they're not hogging up my computer with cuteness >w< Basically all you have to do is comment on the post (when I post the adopts of course) and say you want one of them. When I decide that it's your character, I'll reply to your comment and tell you whether or not it's been claimed. If it HASN'T been claimed, then it's yours! Keep in mind that the whole "adopt" thing will only happen once in a while on my account. Stay tuned!

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  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ Mk

  • > Ev@😈 alrighty ^^

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ When you post it, tell me, I want one, please I want to see it

  • > Ev@😈 ^^ species are dog and cat.

*Snaps Finger* IDEA!!!

Someone ask me some questions! This'll be my Q+A post. :)

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  • > Ev@😈 i've always had a thing for Monster Energy drinks. i only drank like 10 of them in my entire life (in an entire year, to be exact) at school behind my mom's back. the purple (ultra violet) and green (ultra paradise) ones have always been my favorite flavors. i've also had "mango loco" less than a month ago but i wasn't a fan of it to be honest. another thing; i love scaring people in general. ^^

  • Ummm What’s Vinnie’s favorite thing

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 i have explained before that Pumpkin Rabbit and Witch Sheep are canonically my parents, so that would make TVA and Billy my siblings. i also have a sister "Kitty" (she's a pink rabbit ALTHOUGH she grew out of being a furry so she's not showing up in my artwork anymore sadly; you may have seen her on multiple posts of mine). lil' bonus, i have finally made myself a vampire rabbit to match the Halloween type of vibe that my spooky family members give off. i have a step-bro, Mortality, and my cousins Bon and Banny. all characters mentioned (except me of course) are from an analog horror series i like called "The Walten Files".

  • does Vinnie have any silbingss? =o