Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
I’m free - beware this big (and sexy) bun...
Old Design Of Charlie!

Because a Metroid-loving friend wanted to see it. ^^

  • You doin ok? I haven't seen you around in a few weeks.

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ Jk, although it is surprising. Anyway imma get off for the night. Goodnight!

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ I’M MELTING! I’M MELTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNG…!!!


Little Note:

MediBang's not letting me post art anymore :0 Why, you may ask? Because I put the tag "h0rny" on something I was about to upload and now it's blocked. Day ruined already... :)

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ Yeah. I don’t hear that a lot myself tho.

  • > ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising it is, but i'm just saying

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ I think it is for everyone.

  • > ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising ooooh! y'know it bothers me when people say that "video games are a boy's thing"... welp i'm a girl who plays fnaf- hehe


When I save up money, I'm gonna get a head of myself (Vinnie) from MisterSnouts! I thought their style was perfect... I'll purchase a bodysuit (including the hands and feet) separately from another maker. The head's all I'm excited about, really! Oh and I'm gonna make sure that my exposed endoskeleton is gonna be a tad bit shiny, maybe metallic, to make the design look accurate. ^^

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ If ya say so lololol

  • > ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising oh you will ;) by the time it comes in the mail, my popularity will be sky-rocketing hehe

  • That’s gonna be epic! Hope we get to see it!

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ nice

Pick A Song...

...And I'll dance to it in my Mortality cosplay for the talent show! (they do it every June)

1. Somebody's Watching Me (Rockwell)
2. Thriller (Michael Jackson)
3. Our Little Horror Story (Aviators)
4. GhostBusters theme song (Ray Parker Jr.)
5. This Christmas (Set It Off)
6. Another Five Nights (JT Machinima)
7. Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne)
8. Carol Of The Bells (Trans-Siberian Orchestra)
9. Sugar Plum Dark Mix (Kevin MacLeod)
10. Horror Show (CG5)
11. Run Run (CK9C)
12. Billie Jean (Michael Jackson)
13. I Got No Time (The Living Tombstone)
14. Cradles (Sub Urban)
15. It's A "B"-Movie (David Newman)
16. Darkest Desire (DHeusta / Dawko)

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  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ Yeah, sorry I was just tryna show you some new songs :D

  • > Ðex and "run rabbit run" is kinda short ;-;

  • > Ðex ha i was thinking about adding "puttin' on the ritz" too hehe but i barely know the song- XD

  • Oh! Or "run rabbit run"

Random :D

Drawpile that me and some friends did on Magma earlier! Me and my honey stayed up adding on more doodles <3 (he did the "Spooky Month" stuff and that blank doodle of himself next to my attention-seeking Mortality face) I did the one that says "how dare you bother my husband?"... and the doodle of my IRL self in "Spooky Month" style (honey bunny insisted that I draw myself in Sr Pelo's cartoons, of course)... the one on the bottom where I'm kissing him (it says "I love you" in red next to it)... the "free bunny" one of myself in a box... the lil doodle of honey above the "Spooky Month" doodle of myself where it says "the bab"... and lastly, the red crewmate where honey wrote "red sus" XD

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  • awww lol-

Q&A With Me!

Ask me anything in the comments!

  • > Babalon⛄ that's kinda hard to answer- i discovered it back in mid-May of 2021 but didn't really become obsessed with it until early September of the same year. "The Mysterious House" was the first video i watched; and therefore, i became obsessed with the Pumpkin Rabbit. then i looked into the series a bit more... discovered more characters... and then Mortality became my hyperfixation. i've always kinned Jolly, Bon, Witch Sheep, and Mortality... a little bit for Tammy, too, since i have the tendency to be stupid XD

  • Why you like the "the walten files"?

  • > ✨ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ✨ lol, mine is the hyena that i drew

  • > 🍄ShRoOmIeS🍄 hmmm definitely Eclipse.


My sister grew out of being a furry because she was getting fed-up with the kids at her school (I'm not in her district anymore) for making fun of her for being a wolf (cuz that's what her sona is)... well, I decided not to listen and now I'm making her a sona for the "Grease" AU. She's 12 years old IRL, but she'll be 15 in the series. Both me and Kennedy's age are 17 in the AU, as well (I'm 16 IRL but I hate it LOL).

  • change my mind; i'm making her a swiss shepherd instead

  • little note: in the series, i'm a rabbit, but my sister is a wolf. well, families don't have to be the same species, so don't even think about assuming that i have an adopted wolf sister in a family of rabbits XD