Rose Lalonde
MediBang ID:
Rose Lalonde, part-time Seer of Light, full-time gay nerd.
Snagged the username 'Rose Lalonde' before anyone else did, as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, I'm also into art n stuff.
Speaking of art, why are you here. This is literally just a garbage can full of discarded scribbles that just so happen to come from a discouraged art major such as myself.
Snagged the username 'Rose Lalonde' before anyone else did, as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, I'm also into art n stuff.
Speaking of art, why are you here. This is literally just a garbage can full of discarded scribbles that just so happen to come from a discouraged art major such as myself.
hours /
Open to negotiation
I mean, I heckin suck, but okay, go ahead and ask for commissions anyway.
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Theodorsia Fanart- Hamilton

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