Manga basics - Start Small
Should you start with your magnum opus, your one hundred volume masterpiece? Well the first you need to ask is have you made among the before? If the answer is no, I highly recommend that you start small because you need to learn your process and if you're working with other people you need to learn how the team dynamics are going to flow.
Trust me there's nothing worse than creating a hundred page piece and for personalities to conflict and then the project it canceled because people start leaving and you can't find replacement that can match that art style. This exact situation happened with my very first published comic deepstalker crow volume 1 were due to personal conflict wind up having to let go of the lead artist but thankfully it was during recoverable breaking point in the story so we didn't have to try to find someone to match that style.
But if you're working by yourself and you never made a Mongo, there is a learning curve when it comes to visually telling your story, and an effective well paced manner. In the worst thing you can do yourself is plan out up two hundred page Manga volume and realize that page 160 at the beginning isn't well paced out so start small with something that's no more than 10 to 20 pages that way you can practice your story craft and your visual storytelling while learning your own process that way any changes that need to happen are much more minor which will save you time, effort, and money because every hour you spend working on your manga is an hour that you're not doing something else that can make you money
Trust me there's nothing worse than creating a hundred page piece and for personalities to conflict and then the project it canceled because people start leaving and you can't find replacement that can match that art style. This exact situation happened with my very first published comic deepstalker crow volume 1 were due to personal conflict wind up having to let go of the lead artist but thankfully it was during recoverable breaking point in the story so we didn't have to try to find someone to match that style.
But if you're working by yourself and you never made a Mongo, there is a learning curve when it comes to visually telling your story, and an effective well paced manner. In the worst thing you can do yourself is plan out up two hundred page Manga volume and realize that page 160 at the beginning isn't well paced out so start small with something that's no more than 10 to 20 pages that way you can practice your story craft and your visual storytelling while learning your own process that way any changes that need to happen are much more minor which will save you time, effort, and money because every hour you spend working on your manga is an hour that you're not doing something else that can make you money
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