Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

im sorry but its so fucking funny how many people have blocked me just because they couldnt see past someones popularity enough to see how much of a manipulator they are

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  • god i hate her so much i know this is just my brain blowing everything out of proportion but people like her who get away with everything make me sick

  • still trying to get past all this and random ppl blocking me makes me continue to think that the bullshit that happened was my fault but its not and i know that its not i just doubt it sometimes, but then i remember how fucking toxic she used to be and how everyone still protected her and treated everyone who didnt deal with her crap like shit so ofc when i was treated like shit, everyone turned a blind eye and made it into my fault

  • its kind of annoying but at the same time its like ….. miss idk who the fuck you are so idk what you think blocking me is gonna do ..but whatever makes u happy ??? at least im not the one who has to deal with her anymore so have fun i guess ?? 😭

i want to go home lol
  • > JIMMY‼️ i need to get onee :,( i keep drawing my sona with hats similar to that bc i absolutely luv themm <3

  • > !! sweete4 ✶ ⚠️ borrow (m a y b e) bc i literally wear this hat every single day and i would die for it

  • or just take itt

  • can i borrow ur hatt ?? :0

i ❤️ rings
  • > JIMMY‼️ ye4h :( i need new ones,, 4tle4st my evil eye one isn’t ruined ^^’

  • > !! ★ sweete4♦️ awh noo :(

  • > Jen Jen ty!!

  • my rings 4re st4rting to rust :(( it’s prob4bly bc i never t4ke them off when i w4ng my h4nds—


i swear to fucking god my relationship is right out of a fairy tale /pos
i mean, we live right across from each-other, shes funny, sweet, sarcastic, etc..
we have so much in common; we both love art, baking, frogs, bees, and a shit ton of other stuff
we used to be awkward with each-other but now we can cuddle and talk naturally which genuinely makes me so fucking happy, physical touch is a huge thing for me and i was scared i would make her uncomfy but i was also scared of asking if she was ok with little stuff (hand holding, cuddling stuff, etc)
but its all natural now and we’ve been going on regular dates
i love having this consistent positivity in my life i feel like i would crash without it, even if i feel like she deserves better sometimes.
anyways here are some cinnamon rolls we made on thursday :)

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  • > JIMMY‼️ ofc :>

  • > !! ★ sweete4⚠️ ty!!! :D

  • 4ww u guys sound so cute— <3 /lh wish my gf lived close to me,, im jealous /hj