Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Just in case

Before its too late is there anyone else that would like to be a part of making our comic book? We could always use more people, but if it doesn't interest you, or you're too busy thats totally fine

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  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Yep! :]

  • > 🌙 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕖 ✨ Oooh okay that sounds really cool! Thank you! :D

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 If an eye patch doesn't work the eye would probably be fully black with a white or gold pupil (if not full gold) - that'd be fine by me though! :D

  • > 🌙 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕖 ✨ The eye patch should work, but if we cant would you be okay settling for a crazy colored/designed eye. To still make it stand out but not be too abnormal for a comic set in this world?

What should their name be?

Im horrible at picking names. Whats a good name for them, preferably one that could pass for either gender (but idrc)

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  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 yess XD

  • > Oddish Ooh thats cool! Yeah the way my group does dnd is easy because our dungeon master knows how to play and we kinda just do whatever. But if it weren't for him I'd be lost too.

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 oooo thats cool i still dont rlly understand dnd XD but ive got a 3'6 dragonborn named Jared

  • > Oddish Flizzian Lightshade, a human bard, son of apollo (this was for a game based on demigods and greek mythology)

Example of written part of ref sheet

This is just a rough example of things you could put for yours for your comic character. You can change whatever ya want. I just put this for a few things you might wanna add if you didnt think to already.
For the drawing portion itd probably be good to show your character in there normal clothes and then maybe in more ghost buster type clothes if ya want?
(You can be in your normal clothes while investigating, i just think it'd be fun to dress up)
Oh and also you dont have to put your real age but preferably something close to it? Thank you!
If youre older or younger than me thats totally fine!

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  • > Goldenhuskey321 No its no problem, ask away, i totally understand!!

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Ok thx! Srry if I’m asking a lot of questions 😅

  • > Goldenhuskey321 I personally did it like how i dressed for this play once. In a suit with a trech coat and ghost buster equipment. I can find some photos to give you ideas on things i think could work for you

  • I was wondering what do you think the ghostbuster outfit would look like? :)

Alright comic guys

So we gonna write a story where we're paranormal investigators..and either a few of us have powers orrr we all have powers. And i think itd be fun to go with a sort of think where we got our powers from a freak accident while investigating, but idk alot about science and all so its up to you if ya wanna go with that idea or not 😅
I think we can pick roles now too
So tell me if i miss anything or put too many but
--Writers ofcrs (i think more than one person should be on this, also keep in mind that since this is a comic, i personally think the best way to write this would be in play script form, if youve never read a play script i can send photos but bassically play scripts describe all scene changes, the dialogue between characters, and the characters actions in a simple format.)
--editors (to fix any of the writers mistake or give suggestions to better the story, i think we'd need only one person for this but if multiple peeps wanna do it thats fine)
--rough sketch artists(makes a rough sketch of the pages that could be altered/finalized later on, id prefer to have someone that can draw people and backgrounds, or maybe have two people, one draws people and the other does backgrounds)
--line artist (to finalized the sketches with a bolder black, and give more detail to the sketch)
--a shader (someone who can do lighting and shade in the drawing, it doesnt have to be crazy intricate, you can do simple shading)
--(i dont really think we need this but maybe someone to specifically make all the word bubbles and sound effects and stuff)

I beleive thats it but tell me if i missed anything please. Also i think the two websites we could use would be google docs and magma, both are things that everyone could work on and can use at the same time, but if you have a better option feel free to tell me, this is just the kind of stuff i personally use for this kind of thing. Also if you want multiple roles thats totally fine with me, im pretty sure it would be better if some doubled up on roles anyways.
If theres anything else thats confusing to you let me know, i havent really done something like this before unless its for a school project, so i absolutely could have forgotten somthing.

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  • > ゴブ(goob) Okay! I'll put you down for line art then, and also try and think of what power you want. Most of us are doing things that could be ghost related/useful in the future/related to our personalities And okay, i cant wait to see your character!!

  • Also I'm working on my character today while my class isn't starting, I'll just post them once im done

  • I'd like to have power by accident and the roles i want to work is line art Since I'm not really that good in terms of lightning and shadowing (shading)

  • Ooh okay thats a good story conflict Yeah this should be a really fun collab! I think you could be a shader or a rough sketch artists

@peeps interested in the comic idea

Sorry if im confusing yall at all, i promise there IS a method to my madness, im just horrible at explaining things XD, so this might get alittle chaotic, and im trying to do things one at a time and put them together in the end, so yeah, i promise we're getting somwhere and im not just randomly throwin yall out there XD
Anyways it sounds like theres two ideas that people like the most, along with another suggestion.. we could either fit them all together, which would be absolutely chaotic but fun. Or we can just choose one, i wanna give you as much free rein as possible so, theres the idea of paranormal investigators..a girl an a boy both having secrets that arent fully explained till later(in the 1950s..for now)...or one of a book thats practically just about us, with a little spice in it
If you dont mind im hoping yall could pick one of these or say ya wanna mash them all together, its up to you. After we decide on a book, we can pick roles/jobs and decide how we're gonna do this 👍

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  • > ゴブ(goob) Okay cool thank you, and np!!

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Oohh thanks for the info kkcool, I'm gonna post my reference soon

  • > ゴブ(goob) This link has info on what story we're doing, you can go here to pick what role/job you want, all roles are open. After that, think of what kind of character you want yours to be in this story..i mean itll obviously be you, but which side of you do you wanna show? What do you wanna look like, do you want to have some sort of power or a specific asset you add to the investigator team? And make a character sheet of that character, their name, age personality, what they like, and draw two versions, in their normal clothes, and investigator clothes If you're still planning on doing this comic, if it doesn't interest you thats totally fine too!

  • > Pong🌸 Omg wait that sounds super cool, i think thats the tie breaker dude

Ideas for things 👍

This one is about two girls, ones a pirate and ones a nobel, i didnt get very far with this but it might be fun?

This next one is about a boy and a girl, both have secrets that ill tell you, if this intrigues you

Another idea is some kind of fan fiction like from a show or book we all like
(I think itd be awesome to make an animation of percy jackson 👀)
Its up to yall though
Sae also had an idea that we could change to fit all of us, that we right a comic or animate a story of us. I think itd be fun if we made it fantasy, like either put magic in a normal world, or that we live in a magic fantasy world
Tell me what yall think!

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  • > Pong🌸 PARANORMAL INVESTIGATOR GROUP..OOH OMG THAT FITS IN SLIGHTLY WITH THE 2ND BOOK I POSTED HERE. so in the 2nd book the boy is a time traveler and the girl is an immortal, but she hasnt always been that way, she turned immortal after some kind of expirment went wrong, (also my friend and i were recently in a play where we were paranormal investigators, but our director said we were supposed to be old people, but my friend and i thought that we should have been in our early 20s, so we came up with the idea that we look old due to our equipment malfunctioning during one of our investigations) so we could go with the faxt that the girl was investigating and her equipment went haywire, and now she's immortal. Or we can just go with paranormal investigators 🤣, i was just thinking its funny/cool how both align with eachother

  • Random idea: if we do something with set in the real world with fantasy mixed in…how about something with ghosts? Sorry if that’s silly, just throwing ideas out there👻

  • > Goldenhuskey321 Yeah i think i have an idea on how to make that work both ways..also i kind of have one page of how I'd draw the second book, it could be fun to continue working on that..I'll post the page later when im free

  • > Pong🌸 It seems to be that way alot so i think i have an idea on how to make that work both ways..also i kind of have one page of how I'd draw the second book, it could be fun to continue working on that..I'll post the page later when im free

@people who are interested in

The book/animation idea
Goob, sae, oddish, pong, Goldenhuskey, and anyone else

There's two ways we could do this, we can decide now wether we wanna do a comic or an animation. Or i could show you my different prompts for books/animations that ive started or want to do, and you guys can throw in some ideas too. It's up to yall! Thank you for being interested in this, im really glad yall are!!

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  • > Pong🌸 Understandable i am too, ive dont a few really short animations but if we did that id need a few people to help on the drawing part 🤣

  • I’d like to see your ideas first, but I’m more proficient at comics than animation so I’m leaning toward that😅

  • Heres more information on it, and then my latest post is my ideas

  • > EinTheTransDemon Okay!

Hey guys!

So I've been thinking lately I really want to write/draw/animate a comic/manga or maybe even a tv show and I think it would be really fun to do it with my friends, preferably you guys and maybe a few online friends if needed. I have a few ideas/prompts that could be fun. This is something just for fun but if yall wanna get serious and maybe publish it or somthing, im down for that too!
If this sounds interesting to you tell me and maybe we can do somthing together, theres room for everyone, no limit on work you could do. If i get enough people interested in this, i can post my ideas and yall could even throw ideas out their too, and tell me what kind of project and ideas sound most interesting to you!

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  • > ゴブ(goob) Great im glad! Ill be posting more information later !

  • Interesting 🤔 I'm in

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Ok!

  • > Goldenhuskey321 Of course! I'll tell you once more people join and we can talk more about this!

Percy Jackson moments with KK

I'm re-reading the first book in percy jackson so I can accurately say whats different about the tv show (some things I thought were inaccurate were actually right, but theres still alot of lengthy chapters cut down, especially the fighting scenes 😢) see what I think needs to happen, is someone makes a percy jackson anime. Because then you can draw out all the details, make it lengthy and give character narration monologues in their head without making it seem weird.
Anyways here we go Pg.1 : bro I completely forgot that the oracle depicted Gabe saying the prophecy, like i genuinly thought the tv show was wrong, and I think thats cuz in later books its always different, and I've read so much percy jackson that I blovked out the one time Gabe showed up 🤷‍♂️
Pg.2 : percabeth, I love them, like theyre just so funny
Pg.3 : I also completely forgot that the pen was a lame pen, I thought the tv show was wrong...I swear in some books they describe the pen as a golden ball point pen, like super fancy, not whatever cheap dollar store pen that is, but I could be crazy too
Pg.4: I find it funny how annabeth is kickin butt and ...grover just threw some tin cans

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  • > Oddish Indeed, hes so rude

  • > Pong🌸 Same its been a few years, that's why I chose to re-read them 😭

  • > Pong🌸 sameeeeeeee

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 this is absolutely unbelievable behavior, how could he