Would some of yall mind picking the last 4 for me?!

Mostly do analog drawings, my art style is somewhere in between cartoon and anime.
I love drawing, singing, and theatre.
Taking requests
Bday is dec 22nd
Ive probably forgotten something but ohwell
DA account: I do commissions https://www.deviantart.com/kkcool10
Gammer tag: AsauceKK10
Friends:Nch, quite alot others on here i think, but idk who all considers me to be their friend
For the team themes reveal!? Yall gotta tell me what you choose!! In about 30 minutes 💪🔥
yay Kk is in the same team with me X3
> Pong🌸 Ooh nice!! Im on team star dust!!
I’m on team Seafoam!🐚🌊
Im so excited for artfight!! The big themes reveal is in 3 days 💪🔥. For those who don't know, art fight is an online competition at artfight.net
That gives you two teams/themes to choose from, they've had some pretty cool team choices in the past. Like vampires vs. Werewolves, bloom vs. Wither, steampunk vs.cyberpunk, and many more! Once the team themes are revealed you choose a team and prepare for battle 💪🔥, once the artfight begins on july 1st, you can attack people you know, or randos from the opposing team, or even do friendly fire to your own teammates! You draw their characters that they have posted on their artfight profile, and you can even spice up their characters and add your own designs or give it one of the two artfight themes. The more effort you put into each drawing (giveing the drawings backgrounds, coloring it in, shading) gives more points to your team! If you don't understand how submitting your attacks(artwork of a persons character) works when july 1st comes, feel free to look up the rules/info on the website, or come to me for help!^^ I've been doing artfight for quite some time, so I've got ya 💪🔥 Once you create an account on artfight feel free to friend me on there!! My username is Kkcool
Or heres what should be a direct link to my profile 🫡
Have fun and let the battles begin, I cant wait to see what attacks you all create!
> Pong🌸 Yes its so annoying! I get it, I hate that you cant search for anyone 😭
Thanks for the link! I can’t find anyone cuz you can’t search users😭
> 𝑬𝑽@ Heck yeah! I'm gonna attack you too >:D
Its been so long since ive been on here!! How are you guys!? Whats new?
Are yall ready for art fight!? If i have the time I'm definitely joining 💪🔥
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 May God grant everyone rest and always on time.
> Andrey Thats valid. I dont have alot of free time right now either!! I hope you can get some sleep soon
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 Aaa, I don't have any free time.)))))))))))))))))) I really want to sleep.))))))))))) That's how it is.
> Andrey Hi! How have you been!?
Im drawing a spidersona comic book cover type thing, do yall have any ideas for titles/a name for my character? I cant think of one (ignore the head in the corner, thats for somthin im doing later)
> Andrey Oooh those are good ideas!!!
You can choose from the names of ancient Greek gods or a combination of two names.
It says percy jackson stuff but i can draw any fanart in a anime/cartoon style for any of the merch ive listed
> ★ 𐌕Ꮤ𐌉Ᏽ ★ Thats so valid i love him He knows the muffin man
I ship you with the gingerbread man from Shrek ✨
> Goldenhuskey321 I love kirishima Hes awesome I approve 💚🤣
Kirishima from mha
Heres lila for ya
Happy valentines!
happy valentines!
12 birthday, the year before becoming a teenager whoo!!! Live it up, its a great year to stay a child and really have fun!
> Andrey Omg tysm Andrey youre so nicee 😭🙏
> MrFlagada Congratulations on your birthday!!! From the heart. I wish you much joy and happiness. May all your dreams come true.
Tysm k cool and yes i will enjoy my remaining child years
Heres what you need rn
> EinTheTransDemon Np!
Aight! Ty :3
Hey yall sorry I've been dead lately, ive been sick-ish and also pretty busy, and unmotivated (so many things 😅😭)
Hope yall have been doin good!
I have a dtiys contest if ya wanna join. Theres also a colored copy of the dtiys prompt somwhere, I can find it if ya need it 👍 but theres extra points if you color it in your own way
150+ FOLLOWERS DTIYS CHALLENGE https://medibang.com/picture/v82401061137148940023366056/
> Pong🌸 😭 An amusmemt park or haunted house And then getting sushi or wings (These are all things i love, and if they dont love them too imma dump them 😤. Im jk)
> Goldenhuskey321 I'd say cuss words meant to insult people, its kind of annoying
21 hee hee😜
Btw guys i have a contest that exists
I'll change the due date to a month from now
Don't worry I forgot about it too 😅
150+ FOLLOWERS DTIYS CHALLENGE - 🎃Kkcool🎃 | Illustrations - ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/picture/v82401061137148940023366056/
> Oddish Ooh okay ill add genesis to my list And yeah that makes sense the Odyssey was okay, but i dont like being forced to read it for school, i might read it later on my own time
> Oddish Same i really wanna read mythology now but i have so many other books i need to read. And yes in one version shes told not to open the box but she hears noises of people crying for help and out of curiosity she opens the box, every thing bad in the world comes out and her husband shuts the box before it can do more damage, but then, she hears this small, sweet voice, saying please I can help you, let me out. And ofcrs because shes crazy she does, and shes lets out hope into the world, to fight against all the evils she let out
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 Oh okie
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 ooo i haven't actually read the pandora one before, i think some lady gets given a box which she shouldnt open and then she opens it and then bad things happen. sounds like the first couple chapters of Genesis, you should totally read genesis and double ooo i started reading the odyseey but then stopped because i needed a book for school and i didnt want to write a paper on it however i have heard of EPIC THE MUSICAL which i know is different but like its pretty cool i have started listening to the iliad tho but i zoned out so idk whats happening idk what monsters i like tho from what i got from magnus chase, norse mythology is wild i wanna go read mythology now
Its this scene. I feel like since I haven't read the books in a while, it's not as moving for me, like I almost cried reading it the first time
But I think its still cute regardless, ya know
Orr a new suggestion, competitive reyna and annabeth
Or stoll brothers 'nuff said'
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 the movies were so badd
> Oddish I would be you, but since i read the book i have the power to point out all the wrong details now, they changed the book quite a bit in the tv show, it still isnt as bad as the movies though
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 dude i have no idea whats going on in the show, my sister keeps complaining cause its not like the book and im just sittin there with no memory
> Oddish I should too dude, Its all so hazzy to me rn and it makes me sad. I re-read the first book so Ik whats up in the tv show, but thats it
Look who showed up..he liked on of my posts XD
Its zero! The weirdo, loser child, old man
> Shortrose its ok XD
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Oop my bad it seemed very real at first 😂
> Shortrose yes its like this for 3-4 years XD
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 If I have this right he's just a friend and you’re teasing him?
This is only for people in the comic, no one else
Please dont join if you're not in it
Google doc link
Thanks kk!
I was tryna do a good pose and i suck at 1/4 side profiles (idk what theyre called)
I'll probably redo Chloe
Eh, I think she looks fine. Good work😆👍
I can try to fix it when I do the cover ^w^
Nico and will
Suggested by pong
I was tryna find coupleish poses and found this, it was cute but not too intimate, so why not
> Pong🌸 Omg yess i love them
Can you draw Nico and Will being cute together?☀️⭐️
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 why thank you
> Oddish XD ik ik I hate you too <3
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 im sorry i couldn't resist XD
> Oddish >:0
percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson percy jackson
> Pong🌸 Ahhh yesss >:D I shall make more
I wanna see more PJO art!
First ones absolutely space ace
2nd is absolutely sae
Someones in my walls :0, can we have a tea party? Wanna watch anime or percy jackson with me?
Awe thank you about my art!
Im a silly little book writer? XD
Ooh I'll listen to them after school!
> 🌙 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕖 ✨ COOKIE YAY AND thank you! :D
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 You're welcome for the cookie ;]
> 🌙 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕔𝕖 𝕒𝕔𝕖 ✨ If it's not walls then idk lol XD
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 Yep lol
I did this if ya wanna do it
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Oh no that sucks! Hopefully you can sleep soon!
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 Also your in big sibling mood again XD
> 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 GO To Bed!! Same! ^^
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LDDWf1uoNck&t=22s&pp=ygUScmFpbmJvdyBjb2Nrcm9hY2gg Heheheh
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 hahaha realmente fuera de broma podria ser que me suenen así: https://youtu.be/jsiuZhUPDw8?si=VtUfPEqO4Z5ZIEuT
> Natsumi_Ch Hahaha XD I love it
me suena a esto https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvFZjo5PgG0
10) medieval two-handed sword
9) the head of a large monitor lizard on one shoulder.
8) Many battles have been fought, 25-27 years old, calm character, brave, will die for justice.
7) Conquistador + punk