Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


I HAVENT DONE THIS IN YEARS, IMMA MAKE MY PERSONA A POKÉMON TRAINER (sry for being so excited, i just cant wait to try doing this again)
Also if yall got suggestions on an outfit/pose that would really go with my oc then please tell me!! Thanks yall ^^

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  • > 愛してます.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Okey!!

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 illl showwww u

  • > 愛してます.𖥔 ݁ ˖ Oooh yas do it!! Ooh what pose?!



1. Ive got open collabs, anyone can join, just tell me first pleases
2. Im thinking of doing another contest, the first one was just so fun XD and I loved seeing everyone's art. I have a few ideas but i think I'll let you guys vote what contest and what prizes i should do. I was thinking of maybe a dtiys. or a pfp/banner contest maybe? Or i had a fun idea to do something completely different, like a specific tv show contest. like Disney. or a specific anime, or a specific cartoon, character fanart

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  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Yay XD

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 XD okay ill svae it for you

  • Plus my school might start tomorrow qwq

  • Hey I'm still the one drowning you >:/


Sorry if i didnt like your posts, i started school so this weekend i trued to look through my whole time line and i did but this website was so glitchy for some reason to i either wasnt able to like your posts or was only able to put a heart 😭
But i love all your art work!! And happy birthday saero!!

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  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 hehe

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Yeah hopefully we can :)

  • > Oddish LOL it is scary XD i just wanted to match with my friend

  • school🥲 your pfp is terrifying its staring into my soul

Prizes for Nch, ILights, and Ciana

Hope you guys like them!
Lights, if you want a better drawing i can try again, the colors didnt turn out the way i wanted them to :(

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  • You know what ? The orange might be too much but except that, it is so perfect !!! I love it ! And you've done so well the hair movement of the second one and the expression on the third one ! And about the little grumpy cutie pie I even want to give it a name !!! Thank you so much :D !!!

  • > pbart Omg thank you do much, your comments are always so kind, they male me really happy!! Thank you ^^ 💖😊

  • > Ciana_forger Yay im so glad you like it!


What is this!?!

Nah it was so cute until I shaded him darker 😭

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  • You need to help others, but the rest is nonsense.))) Thank you for your concern. I hope the crisis has passed, today the state is returning to normal.

  • > Andrey Oh my I hope you're alright! Stay safe, don't wear yourself out on our sake But thank you! :)

  • I follow a lot of people, including you.))) Now my activity is very low due to poisoning and high intoxication. But as long as I'm conscious, I'll continue my activity here. This character deserves more attention for future development. It has great prospects and needs to be developed.

  • > Andrey Thank you! Im glad he still looks cute. Thats a relief. Thank you so much for your support and for following me!!

Nchs prize

I am in love with this skin broo 😍
Anyways nch do you want a background?
Itll probably be something simple, i could do somthing like a city, or you could just pick a color.

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  • > Natsumi_Ch Okay! I'll take a better picture of it and send it

  • Ohhh es hermosooo :000 Te quedó muy bien y el coloreado 10/10 👌👌 Ya depende de cómo quieras hacer, si ponerle fondo. Para mí está bien así :)))

  • I found a new medium mixture that works really well :D markers with color pencils, you can probably barely tell that theirs color pencil but yeah

Contest results!!

This was hard, i really wanted to give all of ya high scores 😭 you all did really good, but sadly i had to make some people the winners 😅. Ik its confusing that i put 3 people at 4rth place but yall were so head to jead in your art i really couldnt choose XD. i tried to go off of who put alot of thought and effort into their art. But all of you will get prizes some will just be smaller.

1st place- can request 1 full body drawing and a pfp drawing, or 2 half bodys and a pfp.
2nd place- 1 half body and a pfp or an adopt
3rd place- 1 half body
4rth, and other participants- a pfp request

Tell me what you want and wether you want digital or traditional art for it.
Congratulations everyone!!!
Hopefully i can do this again soon! :)

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  • > Yuri Okay! Take your time, please get well soon!!!

  • I had so much fun drawing captain Asani! I’m happy that you liked it! For the pfp I’ll have to post a drawing of my OC first 😅 I will try finishing it as soon as possible and I will give you the link! I’m a bit sick right now so it might take a while but I will try my best!

  • > Tak Alright! Thank you for careing! I'll be alright ^^

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 okie dokie work at your own pace!! don't stress yourself out!!

Hey is anyone good at deciding on

Things? I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to pick a pose for me to draw...i have quite a few on pinterest saved..or you can find a pose on youre own. If youre up for the challenge, thank you so much

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  • > TheVibe✨✨✨ Theyll come somtime tomorrow i think, sorry i was on a trip soni had to focus on that XD

  • Lol is suck at poses, so practicing is great.👌 Oh also when’s the contest results gonna come 🤣

  • > 🍂twig🍂 Oh yeah i saw that! Lol its alright tnx anyways

  • If you ever need references for magic casting just Google "orchestra conductor" idk, that's all ik with poses, I mostly do anthro

New oc of mine
  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Jsjsjsjdjdh

  • > EinTheTransDemon I will too, either after or in between me doing prizes for my contest

  • I’ll get started on yours rnnnnn, cause u have free timeeeeeee

  • > pbart Thank you so much!! 😄 I spent alot of time on it so its nice you noticed the details!!

Guys i need some help

What are good commoner boy names, its for a character (im really bad at picking names)
The picture is to give an idea of what hed look like (not my photo, found on pinterest)
Hes kind of like a vigilante knight, hes flirty, a bit mischievous, and maybe works for a blacksmith? (Son? Employee? Idk yet)

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  • > Ciana_forger XD fr it does

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 XDi think arthur really does scream COMMONER

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 De na tendrias que ver un personaje que se llama Guillem the frutem un personaje originario del reddit de illojuan vale la pena hacer un fanart de esa pera.

  • > AIDRAUZINGS Ooh okay, thank you!


I spelt your name wrong sorry ik theres an i in there, idk where tho💀
Anyways thank you for the outfits, i put some together and viola, it fits him so well lmao
Non blurry pictures will be posted later, im in a car and had to take pictures of the drawing on my tablet

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  • > Eminoa Lmao it does And thank you :D Glad you think so ^^

  • Emona sounds like a disease bro 😭😭 But it looks SOO GOOD :DDD Omg i cant wait to see the final the sketch already looks IMMACULATE 😭😭 He's so handsome too 😭😭