插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Yall am i just weird?

So i have sketch book paper that kinda bleeds through (not a whole lot, but enough) to the point where i just use one side of the paper to draw on, not both. Do yall do this too? Or are yall little dare devils that fear nothin??


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Omg lol, i hate when pencil smuges onto another page

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 YAY

  • yo i used to do that AALLLL the time (and still do whenever i rarely use coloured markers in traditional art), i even did it when the pencil led smudges on the opposite page XD--

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 yuhh

Bruh why parents like this 😭

They get all ticked off and complain about having kids like they didnt freaking put that cursed life on themselves. Like bruh its not MY fault you were stupid you have no right to complain. Im allowed to complain that you forced me to be in this god aweful world. Am i wrong yall?


  • > patchworkcorpse Facts bro, and its not even like they can see they didnt see it coming. Like every movie ever has bratty kids that cause problems. THE PARENTS WERE KIDS THAT CAUSED PROBLEMS. How do they look at themselves and say you know what im gonna be stupid and raise a mini me

  • Bruhhhh legit if they didn't wanna have to deal with kids maybe they should have used a goddamn condom it's not that difficult... they teach you how to put one on in sex ed class man.... maybe you shouldn't have slept through sex ed if you didn't want bitchy offspring

  • > Hope299GAMES Omg yes the attitude, they be like idk where you got that attitude from...FROM YOU THATS WHO OMG YES like we gotta be gratefull youre doing the bare minimum that a parents supposed to do

  • BRUH RIGHT HEY IT AINT MY FAULT YALL DECIDED TO HAVE ME- It also ain't my fault I gained y'alls attitude :| I also absolutely hate the "Well I gave you food and a roof and-" GIRL. GOD I HOPE YOU WOULD HAVE THATS THE BARE MINIMUM OF TAKING CARE OF A CHILD


Okay when you're on the home page, click the thing I circled in the first picture. Then click on the button that says submit. Then you can click on character. It will take you to the place, so you can add your characters. Hope this helps :D


  • > Natsumi_Ch Np!

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 tysm :D

  • > Natsumi_Ch Okay so you can put as many of your characters as you want there, but on that thing that I used it can only show 5 of your characters. Yes you can choose either werewolf or vampire, you can even turn your ocs into those monsters.

  • deben ser 5 personajes o cuel es el máximo? y del la tabla esa de vampire o werewolf puedo elegir una y hacerlo, verdad?ese se debe publicar? es que practicamente esto del art fight es algo de lo que me acabo de enterar :v

Art fight >:D
  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 I see thanks

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 okay :D

  • > Natsumi_Ch Haha it's okay, I'll make a topic that explains it for you

  • > 🎃Kkcool🎃 Ok, ya hice mi cuenta... Ahora debo hacer lo de mis oc pero, como los subo? (Perdón parezco abuelita con este tipo de cosas xd)